Nidella anichtchenkoi, Barševskis, 2020

Barševskis, Arvīds, 2020, A New Species Of Nidella Gressitt & Rondon, 1970 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) From The Philippines, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 20 (2), pp. 203-207 : 204-205

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12645116

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scientific name

Nidella anichtchenkoi

sp. nov.

Nidella anichtchenkoi View in CoL sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View Fig )

Type material. HOLOTYPUS, male: Philippines / N Luzon, Ilocos , Pagudpud, / March 2018 / local collector leg. [printed label]; ex Prof. A.Barševskis coll. [printed label] HOLOTYPUS: / Nidella /anichtchenkoi sp.

nov. / A.Barševskis descr. 2020 [red handwritten label] ( DUBC).

PARATYPUS, male: Philippines / N Luzon, Ilocos , Pagudpud, / March 2018 / local collector leg. [printed label]; ex Prof. A.Barševskis coll. [printed label] PARATYPUS: / Nidella / anichtchenkoi sp. nov. / A.Barševskis descr. 2020 [red handwritten label] ( DUBC) .

General distribution: Luzon Isl., Philippines.

Description. Body dark–brown or black, elongated, narrow, dorsal surface of elytra without yellow spots or longitudinal bands. Length: 8.6-9.1 mm, maximal width: 1.5-1.6 mm. This is the largest species of the genus currently known in the Philippines.

Head flattened, with rectangular apical portion and convex, bilobate eyes. Dorsal surface of head with coarse punctures and dense, grey tomentum, especially along the margins, with short impressed longitudinal line between thick and extended antennal bases. Labrum brown, slightly pubescent, very shiny. Clypeus brown, transverse, shiny. Mandibles brown, with darkened sharp apex, massive, wide, shiny, relatively short, with dense lateral pubescence. Cheeks with dense grey pubescence. Antennae slender, long, male antennae longer than body, covered with coarse punctures and fine, sparse pubescence; antennomeres 1– 4 thickened apically, black, remaining antennomeres brown, paler basally.

Pronotum yellow-brown (holotype) or black (paratype), cylindrical, elongated, neck-shaped narrowed in apical and basal portions, basally and laterally covered with yellow-grey, dense pubescence. Medioapical and middle portions of pronotum without pubescence. Surface with very dense and coarse punctures.

Scutellum small, with dense grey pubescence. Pars stridens almost completely covered with pronotum.

Elytra almost parallel-sided, from middle narrowed apically, flattened dorsally, with distinct, slightly raised shoulders hump. Elytra black, slightly shiny, with golden-greenish metallic reflection. Punctation of elytra are very dense, not arranged in longitudinal rows. Apical margins of elytra near suture with small, sharp extension.

Ventral surface of body laterally covered with dense, grey or yellow-grey pubescence. Forelegs yellow-red, covered with very fine pubescence. Other legs dark brown or black, with pale bases of femora.

Female unknown.

Differential diagnosis. Regarding the shape of the body, the new species is similar to other two species from the Philippines, N. stanleyana and N. bimaculata , however, it differs by the longer body and features of the pubescence of the pronotum (basal and lateral portions of the pronotum of a new species are entirely covered with yellow-grey, dense pubescence, covering all sides of pronotum and part of the dorsal disc, while that in N. stanleyana and N. bimaculata emarginated by a narrow band of yellow-grey pubescence).

Etymology. This species is named after my friend and colleague Dr. Alexander Anichtchenko (Daugavpils, Latvia) in appreciation of cooperation, and in gratitude for his contribution to the studies of Carabidae of the world.













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