
Stuke, Jens-Hermann & Skevington, Jeffrey H., 2007, The Conopidae of Costa Rica (Diptera) (Part 1: Conopinae – Conopini & Tropidomyiini), Zootaxa 1528, pp. 1-40 : 28-29

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Plazi (2016-04-05 15:10:41, last updated 2022-01-30 22:00:58)

scientific name



Physoconops subgenus Pachyconops Camras 1955

Key for the Costa Rican species of Physoconops subgenus Pachyconops Camras, 1955

1 Mesopleuron with distinct golden stripe of pubescence (figure 74); frons at least at the lateral sides partly yellowish (figure 90); basal radial cell br completely hyaline (figure 92) ................................................ 2

- Mesopleuron without a stripe of pubescence (figure 78); frons completely black (figure 79); basal radial cell br partly dark (figure 81) ................................................................................................................... 4

2 Pubescence at the inner side of the postpronotum (humerus) not connected with the stripe from the mesopleuron; anterior part of the vertex straight, forming a protruding ridge, frons therefore concave; frons without crosswise depressions, appearing smooth; antennal groove ventrally not clearly separated from the face but ending into a broad stripe of pubescence; hindcoxa without bristles ................................

....................................................................... pallifrons ( Coquillett, 1904) [= gracilianus Camras, 1955 ] - Pubescence at the inner side of the postpronotum (humerus) connected with the stripe from the mesopleuron by the pubescence of the ventral part of the notopleuron; anterior part of the vertex convex or triangular and not protruding, frons therefore straight; frons with crosswise depressions, appearing wrinkled; antennal grooves ventrally clearly separated from the face, with only a narrow stripe of pubescence; hindcoxa with bristles....................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Anterior part of the vertex convex; frons light yellow; cheek brownish (figure 75); wing base and subcosta yellow (figure 77) ............................................................................................. connectens Camras, 1955 - Anterior part of the vertex triangular; frons mainly brown; cheek yellow; wing base and subcosta brown.. ........................................................................................................................... pictifrons (Kröber, 1919) 4 Basal radial cell br and base of discal medial cell dm dark (figure 88); larger species; theca shorter (figure 87). [not recorded from Costa Rica to date] ..................................................... magnus (Williston, 1892) - Basal radial cell br and base of discal medial cell dm hyaline for at least one half (figure 81); smaller species; theca longer (figure 72) ..................................................................................................................... 5 The following three species are very similar and can be separated only by the colouration of the face-future research has to test if these are good species or only colour forms of one variable species.

5 Face black, only the antennal groove yellow (figure 79) ............................. costaricensis ( Kröber, 1927) - At least parafacialia partly yellowish (figure 71) ...................................................................................... 6 6 Gena yellow (figure 83) .................................................................................... guianicus (Curran, 1934) - Gena black (figure 71) ....................................................................................... bulbirostris ( Loew, 1853)

Camras, S. (1955). A review of the New World flies of the genus Conops and allies (Diptera: Conopidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 105, 155 - 187.

Coquillett, D. W. (1904). New Diptera from Central America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 6, 90 - 98.

Krober, O. (1927). Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Conopidae. Konowia 6, 122 - 143.

Loew, H. (1853). Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dipteren. Erster Beitrag. Programm des Koniglichen Gymnasiums zu Meseritz 1853, 1 - 38.









