Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus (Müller, 1857)

Feijoo, Alexander & Lavelle, Patrick, 2023, New species and records of earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta: Crassiclitellata) in small holder farming systems in the Peruvian Amazon, Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 157-170 : 167

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scientific name

Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus (Müller, 1857)


Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus (Müller, 1857)

Exotic, endogeic. Locality: Perú, Department of Loreto, Santa Rosa Fundo - 5°53'56'' S 76°10'34'' W). Type of vegetation: Secondary forest . Altitude : 168 m. a.s.l. Material collected: 2 adults. Sampling depth: 0-20 cm. Collection dates: 16 October 2016. Collectors: Obed Carrascal Torres. GoogleMaps

Other localities: Santo Tomas, Y 07 AM3.1 : 2 Ad; 8 subad; Lat. 5° 59´29.04”S; Long. - 76° 14´54.6” W. Type of vegetation: mixed crops. 20 January 2016. Patrick Lavelle GoogleMaps .

Y19SSP- (13 juv and 3 ad); Suniplaya, Latitude: 5° 56´30.48” S; Longitude: 76° 8´52”, pasture. Date of collection 11 February 2016. Patrick Lavelle.

Y50EFB-C1 (4 Ad and 14 Juv); Trancayacu, Latitude: 5°54´24.78° S; Longitude: 76° 10´47.22”; secondary forest. 24 January 2017, Patrick Lavelle.

Y43SPC-A1 (10 Juv and 3 Ad); Miguel Grau, Altitude: 150 m a.s.l.; Latitude: 5°53’25.728”; Longitude: 76°S, 17’52.116”. Pasture. 18 January 2017. Patrick Lavelle.

Pontoscolex corethrurus has been collected in all pastures and deforested areas.

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