Lomatium linearifolium (S. Watson) J.F. Sm. & Mansfield, 2017

Feist, Mary Ann E., Smith, James F., Mansfield, Donald H., Darrach, Mark, Mcneill, Richard P., Downie, Stephen R., Plunkett, Gregory M. & Wilson, Barbara L., 2017, New Combinations In Lomatium (Apiaceae, Subfamily Apioideae), Phytotaxa 316 (1), pp. 95-98 : 96-97

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.316.1.11

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scientific name

Lomatium linearifolium (S. Watson) J.F. Sm. & Mansfield

comb. nov.

4. Lomatium linearifolium (S. Watson) J.F. Sm. & Mansfield View in CoL , comb. nov. Orogenia linearifolia Watson (1871: 120) .

Type: — USA. Utah: Wasatch Mountains, June 1869, S. Watson 440 (holotype GH!).

Orogenia linearifolia S. Watson var. lata Payson (1915: 379–380) View in CoL . Type:— USA. Colorado: Tabeguache Basin, 1 June 1914, E. Payson 369 (holotype RM!).

Notes: Earlier phylogenetic studies involving analyses of three molecular markers and morphology ( Sun et al. 2010a, b) showed the genus Orogenia Watson (1871:120) to be monophyletic, but nested within a clade of Lomatium species. Upon examination of different material including many new taxa and additional molecular markers, George et al. (2014) reported that Orogenia fusiformis View in CoL and O. linearifolia View in CoL , the type and only other species in the genus, are not sister to one another. Orogenia linearifolia View in CoL is placed in a well-supported clade that includes Lomatium columbianum Mathias & Constance (1942: 246) View in CoL and L. piperi Coulter & Rose (1900: 211) View in CoL . This clade is nested within a much larger clade of Lomatium species that also includes O. fusiformis View in CoL . Therefore, we transfer both species of Orogenia into Lomatium View in CoL . Orogenia fusiformis var. leibergii Coulter & Rose (1888: 92) View in CoL is a synonym of L. geyeri ( Watson 1878: 428) Coulter & Rose (1900: 209) View in CoL , and therefore is not synonymous or sympatric with L. fusiformis View in CoL . With the transfers of O. fusiformis View in CoL and O. linearifolia View in CoL , the genus Orogenia is reduced to synonymy under Lomatium View in CoL .

5. Lomatium multifidum (Nutt.) R.P. McNeill & Darrach , comb. nov. Leptotaenia multifida Nutt. in Torrey & Gray (1840: 630); Leptotaenia dissecta Nutt. var. multifida (Nutt.) Jepson (1923: 145) ; Ferula multifida (Nutt.) Gray (1868: 348) ; Lomatium dissectum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance var. multifidum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance (1942: 246) . Type:— USA. Columbia Plains and Blue Mountains, T. Nuttall s.n. (type BM!) .

Notes: Lomatium dissectum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance (1942: 246) and L. multifidum have been treated as separate species and as varieties of a single species. The new combination is based on morphological differences, seasonal differences in fruit/flowering time, and limited geographic overlap of the taxa. In the few locations where the taxa co-occur, there are no individuals with intermediate morphological characteristics and there is distinct separation of the timing in fruiting and flowering. Lomatium multifidum occurs in shallow rocky soils, on slopes with a south aspect, or at lower elevations. Lomatium dissectum occurs in deep, mesic soils on slopes with a north aspect, or at higher elevation. Lomatium multifidum has yellow flowers, long pedicels, and glabrous peduncles, while L. dissectum has purple (rarely yellow with a purple tint) flowers with short pedicels, and glaucous peduncles. In addition, L. multifidum has already produced fruit while L. dissectum is still in flower.

6. Lomatium planosum (Oster.) Mansfield & S.R. Downie , comb. nov. Aulospermum planosum Osterhout (1903: 236) ; Cymopterus planosus (Oster.) Mathias (1936: 245) . Type:— USA. Colorado: Eagle County, Collected along the Eagle River at Minturn , 5 June 1902, G. E. Osterhout 2572 (holotype NY!) .

Notes: Molecular phylogenetic analyses ( George et al. 2014) place Cymopterus planosus in a large, well-supported clade with Orogenia fusiformis , O. linearifolia , Lomatium nudicaule ( Pursh 1814 [1813]: 196) Coulter & Rose (1900: 238), and a number of other Lomatium species. Sun & Downie (2004) also found C. planosus to be in a clade with Orogenia fusiformis , O. linearifolia , and other Lomatium species. Therefore this taxon is transferred to the genus Lomatium .


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


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Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Bristol Museum


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden














Lomatium linearifolium (S. Watson) J.F. Sm. & Mansfield

Feist, Mary Ann E., Smith, James F., Mansfield, Donald H., Darrach, Mark, Mcneill, Richard P., Downie, Stephen R., Plunkett, Gregory M. & Wilson, Barbara L. 2017

Orogenia linearifolia S. Watson var. lata

Payson, E. 1915: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF