Eristalis (Eristalis) tenax ( Linnaeus, 1758 )

Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M., Riera, Pamela, Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura, Guzmán, Vicente Valdés & Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia, 2021, Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes, Zootaxa 4959 (1), pp. 1-178 : 40-42

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1

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scientific name

Eristalis (Eristalis) tenax ( Linnaeus, 1758 )


Eristalis (Eristalis) tenax ( Linnaeus, 1758) View in CoL

Figs 47–48 View FIGURE 45–48

Musca tenax Linnaeus, 1758: 591 View Cited Treatment

Syrphus tenax Fabricius, 1775: 765 *

Conops vulgaris Scopoli, 1763: 960

Elophilus tenax Latreille, 1810: 443 *

Eristalis campestris Meigen, 1822: 385 View in CoL

Eristalis hortorum Meigen, 1822: 385 View in CoL

Eristalis sylvaticus Meigen, 1822: 388 View in CoL

Eristalis vulpinus Meigen, 1822: 388 View in CoL

Eristalis sinensis Wiedemann, 1824: 37 View in CoL

Eristalomyia tenax Enderlein, 1940: 662 *

Tubifera tenax Bean, 1949: 149 *

Eristalis (Eristalomyia) tenax Hull, 1949b: 396 View in CoL

Type locality and data. “ Sweden ” (LT, ♀, BMNH) .

Material examined. Tarapacá:Iquique( Etcheverry1970);Antofagasta: 1♂, Antofagasta , XI.1932, Leg.A. Pirión ( USNM; Thompson 1997) ; 1♂, Reserva Nacional Paposo , 25.I.1997, Leg. V. Jérez ( MZUC) ; Coquimbo : 1♂, Elqui , 09.II.1990, Leg. G. Cerda ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, La Pampilla , no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Serón , no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, El Naranjo, Tilama, no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Boco , no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; Valparaíso : 1♀, Horcones , 02.II.1969, Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Quintero , 27.X.1963, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Hijuelas , 16.IV.1988, Leg. N. Hichins ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Rio Blanco , 20.I.1979, Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Quillota , 05.II.1970, Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Villa Alemana , no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Quilpué , 20.XII.1961, Leg. J. Solervicens ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Peñablanca , 24.I.1982, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Cuesta Colliguay , 04.XI.1967, Leg. J. Solervicens ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, El Salto, 08.V.1963, Leg. N. Hichins ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, CONAF, Masatierra , 12.I.2003, Leg. H. González ( SAG) ; 1♂, Quebrada Las Chozas , Alejandro Selkirk, 24.I.2003, Leg. H. González ( SAG) ; Metropolitana : 1♂, Caleu , TilTil, 08.XII.1987, Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Colina , 24.XII.1966, Leg. J. Solervicens ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Vallecito , km14 near Farellones, 05.IV.1981, Leg. G. Farellones ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Quinta Normal , 1977, Leg. C.V.B. ( SAG) ; 1♀, Antumapu , no date, Leg. NN ( SAG) ; Maule : 1♂, Vilches Alto , 20.I.1979, Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL) ; Ñuble : 1♂, Coelemú , 10.XII.1988, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; 1♂, El Arillo, San Carlos , 09.I.1986, Leg. V. Pérez ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, San Carlos , 21.XI.1966, Leg. V. Pérez ( MNHNCL) ; 2♂, Las Trancas , 19.XI.1969, Leg. L. Alfaro ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Cholguán , 10.VIII.1965 Leg. Cruzat ( MZUC) ; 1♀, Florida , 11.IX.1962, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; Biobío : 1♂, Penco , 11.X.1978, Leg. Cid ( MZUC) ; 1♂, Concepción , 23.II.1986, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; 2♀, Chiguayante , 11.IX.1945, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; 1♀, Talcahuano , 22.I.1966, Leg. J. Artigas ( MZUC) ; 1♀, Isla Quiriquina , 12.IX.1965, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; 1♂, San Pedro de la Paz , 17.III.1964, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; 1♀, Los Ángeles , 11.IX.1978, Leg. Jorge Artigas ( MZUC) ; 1♀, Yumbel , 23.XI.1971, Leg. Cruzat ( MZUC) ; 1♂, Arauco , 29.IX.1977, Leg. NN ( MZUC) ; La Araucanía: 1♂, Nahuelbuta National Park , 09.XII.1999, Leg. Bullock ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Angol , 11.X.1995, Leg. R. Cuevas ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Nueva Imperial , no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; Los Ríos: 2♀, Santo Domingo , 5.II.1989, Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH) ; 1♂, Valdivia , no date, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Domeyko , 13.X.1991, Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH) ; Isla Mancera ( Porter 1927a); Los Lagos : 1♂, La Unión , 10.I.1952, Leg. NN ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Fundo el Castillo, 22.I.1969, Leg. L. Alfaro ( MNHNCL) ; 1♀, Lago Chapo , 28.II.1983, Leg. G. Arriagada ( MNHNCL) ; 1♂, Caulín , Chacao, Chiloé, 13.II.2016, Leg. C. Smith- Ramírez ( CSD) .

References. Linnaeus, 1758: 591 (desc.); Williston, 1886: 160 (cat.); Kertész, 1910: 238 (cat.); Porter, 1921: 447 (cat., dist. & notes); Porter, 1924: 98 (cat.); Hull, 1925b: 305 (desc.); Porter, 1927b: 122 (cat.); Porter, 1928: 190 (cat.); Curran, 1930b: 25 (desc.); Porter, 1932: 190 (cat. & notes); Porter, 1933: 182 (checklist); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 163 (desc.); Porter, 1934: 170 (cat.); Ruiz & Stuardo, 1935: 318 (natural history); Porter, 1938: 155 (cat.); Gutiérrez, 1939: 35 (cat.); Enderlein, 1940: 662 (desc.); Stuardo, 1946: 128 (cat.); Bean, 1949: 149, fig. 15 (desc.); Hull, 1949b: 396 (desc.); Fluke, 1955: 43 (cat.); Fluke, 1957: 144 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 44 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1970: 94 (cat.); Thompson et al., 1976: 101 (cat.); Campos & Peña, 1973: 225 (cat.); Thompson, 1997: 214 (desc.); Thompson, 1999a: 330 (key); González & Coscarón, 2005: 347 (distr.); Smith-Ramírez et al., 2005: 412 (pollinator study); González et al., 2009: 270 (cc.); Wakeham-Dawson et al., 2009: 66 (cat. & notes); Smith- Ramírez et al., 2014: 164 (pollinator study); Smith-Ramírez et al., 2014: 6 (ecological study, supplementary material); Montoya, 2016: 490 (cat.); Smith-Ramírez et al., 2016: 4 (pollinator study).

World distribution. Originally from Europe. It has been introduced to several parts of the world. Present in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Chile.

Chilean distribution. From Tarapacá to Magallanes region ( Fig. 49 View FIGURE 49 ).

Altitudinal range. From coastal to highland ecosystems (5– 2,500 m.a.s.l.).

Biology and notes. Eristalis tenax is a generalist and exotic species. The species has been mentioned as an invasive species due to interspecific displacement of bees and native hoverflies ( Wellington & Fitzpatrick 1981). Eristalis tenax males can defend flower patches from other conespecific individuals and it can attack to Lasioides sp. and Lasia nigritarsis Blanchard ( Diptera , Acroceridae ), Bombus dahlbomii Guérin-Mèneville , butterflies, small bees and other flower flies (Rodrigo Barahona-Segovia, pers. obs.). In addition, it is a recognized for generating public health problems by producing myasis ( González et al., 2009). Several authors have recorded E. tenax visiting native and exotic plants. In Chile there are records of the species visiting flowers of Senecio bustillosianus J. Remy in the Andes ( Arroyo et al., 1982), and flowers of Gevuina avellana Molina , E. cordifolia and M. planipes in Chiloé Island ( Smith-Ramírez et al., 2005, 2016). Other interactions have also been reported by citizen scientists such as B. linearis (Asiel Olivares pers. obs.), Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub (Mari Peña pers. obs.), T. officinale (Eduardo Salinas, Gabriela Germain, Ricardo Huenuanca per. obs.), Rubus ulmifolius Schott (Matías Cortés per. obs.), Crataegus sp. (María Luisa Estay pers. obs.) and Carduus sp. (Orlando Montes pers. com.).

Conservation status. Not evaluated because this species is considered exotic and invasive.

Genus Habromyia Williston, 1888

Habromyia Williston, 1888: 284 View in CoL . Type-species, coeruleithorax Williston (mon.). Refs. Thompson, 1972b: 136–137 (Milesinae rev.); Thompson, 1975: 292 (status notes); Thompson, 1999a: 329 (key); 340 (key to spp. and notes); Thompson, 2000: 376 (key).

Edwardsietta Hull, 1941c: 437 .

Lycopale Hull, 1944: 129 . Type-species, Meromacrus vittata Hull (orig. des.) = lizeri (Brèthes).

Criorthrix Hull, 1949b: 391 . Type-species, Habromyia rectilinear Hull (orig. des.).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo de Zoologia, Universidad de Concepcion


Sammlung von Algenkulturen at Universitat Gottingen




















Eristalis (Eristalis) tenax ( Linnaeus, 1758 )

Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M., Riera, Pamela, Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura, Guzmán, Vicente Valdés & Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia 2021

Tubifera tenax

Bean, J. L. 1949: 149

Eristalis (Eristalomyia) tenax

Hull, F. M. 1949: 396

Eristalomyia tenax

Enderlein, G. 1940: 662


Thompson, F. C. 1972: 136
Williston, S. W. 1888: 284

Eristalis sinensis

Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1824: 37

Eristalis campestris

Meigen, J. W. 1822: 385

Eristalis hortorum

Meigen, J. W. 1822: 385

Eristalis sylvaticus

Meigen, J. W. 1822: 388

Eristalis vulpinus

Meigen, J. W. 1822: 388

Elophilus tenax

Latreille, P. A. 1810: 443

Syrphus tenax

Fabricius, J. C. 1775: 765

Conops vulgaris

Scopoli, J. A. 1763: 960

Musca tenax Linnaeus, 1758: 591

Linnaeus, C. 1758: 591
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