Empidideicus formosus Hakimian, Talebi, & Gharali, 2014

Hakimian, Saeedeh, Talebi, Ali Asghar, Gharali, Babak & Evenhuis, Neal, 2014, A study of the genus Empidideicus Becker, 1907 (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae) in northern Iran, with description of a new species, Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (2), pp. 257-262 : 258-261

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1209-7

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scientific name

Empidideicus formosus Hakimian, Talebi, & Gharali


Type species: Empidideicus carthaginiensis Becker, 1907 View in CoL , by monotypy.

Synonyms: Cyrtoidea Engel, 1933; Ecliptica Engel, 1933 ; Anomaloptilus Hesse, 1938 View in CoL ; Aetheoptilus Hesse, 1967 View in CoL .

Diagnosis: The genus Empidideicus View in CoL differs from other Empidideicinae genera by the following combination of characters: R 2+3 absent, ocelli as a triangle, first flagellomere subcylindrical, second flagellomere long, antennal stylus not reduced, and spermathecal reservoir with an apical invagination ( Greathead and Evenhuis, 1997, 2001).

Empidideicus formosus Hakimian, Talebi, & Gharali View in CoL , sp. nov.

Material examined. Holotype 1♀ (dried by HMDS) and 2♀ and 3♂ paratypes (preserved in alcohol, 1 female paratype dissected), IRAN: Tehran Province, Karaj, 35°46′08.88″N, 50°56′55.20″E, 1277 m ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ), Malaise trap, 6–20 July 2010, leg. M. Kheyrandish ( TMUC). 2♂ and 1♀ paratypes (preserved in alcohol), IRAN: Tehran Province, Shahriyar, 35°40′03.06″N, 50°56′52.14″E, 1168 m ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ), Malaise trap, 6–13 July 2010, data as holotype ( BPBM); 1♂ paratype, IRAN: Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′08.88″N, 50°56′55.20″E, 1277 m ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ), Malaise trap, 6–20 July 2010, same data as holotype except preserved in alcohol (male genitalia dissected), in the personal collection of Babak Gharali. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. This species is closely related to E. unicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2011 View in CoL , but it is easily distinguished by the yellow prescutellar area (this area completely black in E. unicus View in CoL ) and the shape of the spermathecal reservoir, cylindrical with external striation (subcylindrical without any striation in E. unicus View in CoL ).

Description. Female. Length 2.1–2.2 mm (female), 1.7– 1.8 mm (male) ( Figure 2a View Figure 2 ).

Head ( Figure 2a View Figure 2 ). Subglobular, slightly higher than long; eyes dichoptic, separated at vertex by 2× distance between lateral ocelli; ocellar triangle black; vertex black; occiput black medially, black color narrowly joined to upper eye margin, yellow laterally, with minute pubescence; postgena yellow; frons yellow, slightly depressed medially with crescent-shaped black spot; face and oral margin yellow; mentum yellow; antennae set in deep pocket.

Antenna ( Figure 2b View Figure 2 ). Two basal segments of antennae yellow; scape short subtrapezoidal; pedicel spheroidellipsoid; first flagellomere dark brown, lanceolate, length about 1.7× width; second flagellomere bullet-shaped, yellowish brown, length 0.7× that of first flagellomere; apical style transparent, 0.35× length of second flagellomere; clypeus yellow; labrum brown, sclerotized, stiff, pointed apically, longer than head length; proboscis brown, about 1.4× labrum; palpi not evident.

Thorax ( Figure 2c View Figure 2 ). Mesonotum laterally from humeral callus to postalar callus yellow, prescutellar area at least next to scutellum brown or black, with a narrow blackish brown stripe joint to scutellum, scutellum yellow with small brown mark basomedially; pleura yellow except black on following: 1/4 of lower margin and most of ventral margin of anepisternum, at 2/4 of anterior margin and most of ventral margin of anepimeron; katepisternum completely except upper margin narrowly yellow; meron completely except ventral margin narrowly yellow legs. Coxa I yellow, coxae II and III brownish yellow basally; femur and tibia yellow; tarsi yellow except last 3 segments yellowish brown; claw black.

Wing ( Figure 3a View Figure 3 ). Hyaline, length (from base to end of R 4+5) about 2.2× width (from end of R 1 to CuA 2); veins brown; costa, Sc, R 4+5, and CuA 2 well sclerotized; veins M 1, M 2, M 1+2, and CuA 1 less sclerotized; costa ends slightly beyond end of R 4+5; Sc incomplete; R 4+5 fairly straight to wing margin, meeting costa well beyond level of CuA 1; M 1 separated from M 2 at an acute angle, sinuate to wing margin, M 2 straight, slightly curved apically, about 2 times as long as M 1+2; cell dm open apically; A 1 straight to wing margin; anal cell open in wing margin by width shorter than r-m cross vein; fringe of hair shortest at wing tip becoming longer and more sparse toward base.

Abdomen. Tergites brown except posterior margins yellow, yellow color widened toward last tergite; tergite III and next with few brown spots on lateral margins; sternites completely yellow.

Female genitalia ( Figure 3b View Figure 3 ). Spermathecal reservoir cylindrical, with narrow cylindrical invagination, striated externally, depth of invagination about0.4×reservoir height with floor puffed up, maximum width of invagination 0.5× reservoir width; apical spermathecal duct longer than sperm pump, deeply inserted in sperm pump basally; sperm pump membranous, striated, gradually broadened to tip, without apical and basal valves; length of basal spermathecal duct about 0.1× of sperm pump; common spermathecal duct very long, length 2 times that of basal spermathecal duct; furca U-shaped, lateral arms apically broadened as plates with 2 finger-like processes.

Male. Similar to female.

Male genitalia. ( Figures 3c and 3d View Figure 3 ). Gonocoxa fused, ellipsoid, less sclerotized, medially with sclerotized strip, gonostylus with 2 large sickle-shaped appendages and 2 small finger-shaped appendages, aedeagal bulb large, oval, basal aedeagal apodeme narrow, slightly shorter than lateral aedeagal apodeme; lateral aedeagal apodeme subrectangular with pointed tip.

Etymology. The name formosus View in CoL (Latin, adjective, masculine), meaning “beautiful”, refers to the beautiful habitus of the adult specimens.

Distribution. This species is currently known from only the north of Iran (Tehran Province). Specimens were collected from areas with vegetation dominated by rosaceous plants.

The new species can be incorporated into the identification key of Empidideicus View in CoL prepared by Gharali et al. (2011b) as follows: 1. Discal cell closed (subgenus Anomalopthilus Hesse )

.......................... E. (A.) turkestanicus Paramonov, 1934 – Discal cell open ............................................................. 2 2. Occiput completely black ............................................. 3

Occiput yellow laterally ................................................ 7 3. Scutellum mostly black with narrow yellow margin; midcoxa with sclerotized square flap-like projection basolaterally.........................

..................... E. legulicoxa Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

Scutellum completely yellow or yellow with black base ................................................................................. 4 4. Dorsum of mesonotum completely black, without longitudinal stripes; prescutellar area completely black ............................................................................... 5 – Dorsum of mesonotum with 3 black longitudinal stripes; if stripes joined together, prescutellar area and 2 interhumeral marks yellow ............................... 6

5. Upper half of frons black; scutellum black basally; aedeagal bulb with a pair of small lateral processes beside lateral aedeagal apodeme ............ E. sugonjaevi Zaitzev, 1971 View in CoL

– Frons yellow with a small black mark medially; scutellum completely yellow aedeagal bulb with only lateral aedeagal apodeme ................. E. persicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

6. Antennal pedicel dark brown; scutellum completely yellow; furca U-shaped with 2 clavate and mesially oriented processes; epiphallus with a finger-shaped process ventrally ................ E. greatheadi Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

– Antennal pedicel yellow; scutellum with a brown mark medially ...................... E. asiaticus Zaitzev, 1971 View in CoL

7. Prescutellar area at least next to scutellum brown or black ............................................................................... 8

– Prescutellar area completely yellow ............................ 9

8. Prescutellar area with a narrow blackish brown stripe joint to scutellum, spermathecal reservoir cylindrical, with narrow cylindrical invagination, striated externally .................... E. formosus Hakimian, Talebi & Gharali View in CoL sp. nov.

– Prescutellar area completely brown or black, spermathecal reservoir subglobular, with shallow subcylindrical invagination, without any striation externally ............. E. unicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2011 View in CoL

9. Longitudinal stripes on mesonotum orange; first antennal flagellomere large, more than 2.5 times the second flagellomere; furca as 2 separate bars; common spermathecal duct much shorter than furca; basal aedeagal apodeme with 2 large, rectangular lateral vanes ............ E. aurantiacus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2011 View in CoL

– Longitudinal stripes on mesonotum brown or blackish brown; first antennal flagellomere at most 2 times the second flagellomere, furca U-shaped; common spermathecal duct much longer than furca; basal aedeagal apodeme without or with minute lateral vans....................................................................10

10. Vein R 4+5 turn upward, meeting costa at the level of CuA 1; vein M 1+2 shorter than half of M 2 ........................ ......................... E. ebellicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

– Vein R 4+5 straight, meeting costa well beyond the level of CuA 1; vein M 1+2 longer than half of M 2 ................ 11

11. Second antennal flagellomere as long as or longer than first flagellomere; furca with well-sclerotized plates around genital orifice ........ E. amicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

– Second antennal flagellomere much shorter than first flagellomere; furca without sclerotized area around genital orifice ........... E. matricarius Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

Empidideicus amicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 General View in CoL distribution. Iran (East Azerbaijan Province)

( Gharali et al., 2010b), Ghazvin and Tehran provinces

(new Iranian record) ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ).

Material examined. Iran, Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′03.06″N, 50°5652.14″ E, 1168 m, 01. VI.2010, (1♂); 22. VI.2010, (1♀, 2♂); 29. VI.2010, (3♀, 2♂); 06. VII.2010, (8♀, 2♂); 13. VII.2010, (12♀, 12♂); 20. VII.2010, (7♀, 15♂); 03. VIII.2010, (5♀, 7♂); 17. VIII.2010, (1♀, 1♂), 24. VIII.2010, (2♀, 1♂), 07.IX.2010, (1♀, 1♂); 14. IX.2010, (3♀) , Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′20.16″N, 50°56′44.94″E, 1278 m, 22. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (5♀, 4♂); 29. VI.2010, (3♀, 6♂); 15. VI.2010, (3♀, 2♂); 06. VII.2010, (3♀, 11♂), 20. VII.2010, (3♂); 27. VII.2010, (2♂); 10. VIII.2010, (1♂); 07.IX.2010, (2♀) ; Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′08.88″N, 50°56′55.20″E, 1277 m, 29. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (2♂); 06. VII.2010, (14♀, 11♂); 13. VII.2010, (1♂); 20. VII.2010, (1♂); 07.IX.2010, (2♂) ; Tehran Province, Arangeh 35°55′7.20″N, E 51°05′9.24″E, 1891 m, 01. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (1♀); 29. VI.2010, (1♀); 06. VII.2010, (1♀); 20. VII.2010, (1♀); 24. VIII.2010, (1♂) ; Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′08.01″N, 50°56′56.64″E, 1168 m, 22. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (1♀, 1♂); 06. VII.2010, (1♂, 1♀); 13. VII.2010, (3♀, 1♂); 20. VII.2010, (1♀); 27. VII.2010, (1♀); 15.IX.2010, (1♀, 3♂); 21.IX.2010, (2♂) ; Tehran Province, Sar Ziarat , 35°55′10.38″N, 51°06′51.24″E, 1980 m, 06. GoogleMaps VII.2010, (1♂); 13. VII.2010, (1♀, 2♂) ; Ghazvin Province, Zereshk road, 36°25′23.88″N, 50°06′37.68″E, 1926 m, 27. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (1♂), 23. VIII.2011, (1♀) ; Ghazvin Province, Loshan , 36°40′09.22″N, 49°25′37.74″E, 291 m, 07. GoogleMaps VI.2011, (1♂) ; Ghazvin Province, Zereshk road, 36°21′39.72″N, 50°03′55.26″E, 1541 m, 27. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (1♀) ; Ghazvin Province, Loshan , 36°40′14.58″N, 49°25′38.52″E, 295 m, 06. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (4♀); leg. M. Kheyrandish ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ) .

Remarks. The halter in males and females has a black spot. The black spot in females is lighter than in males.

Empidideicus matricarius Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

General distribution. Iran (Tehran Province) ( Gharali et al., 2010b), Ghazvin Province (new Iranian record) ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ).

Material examined. Iran, Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′03.06″N, 50°56′52.14″E, 1168 m, 22. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (4♀, 3♂); 29. VI.2010, (7♀, 4♂); 06. VII.2010, (3♀, 2♂); 13. VII.2010, (18♀, 13♂); 20. VII.2010, (13♀, 6♂); 03. VIII.2010, (14♀, 8♂); 24. VIII.2010, (3♀, 2♂); 07.IX.2010, (3♀, 1♂); 14.IX.2010, (1♀) ; Tehran Province, Shahrestanak , 35°58′16.26″N, 51°21′25.80″E, 2225 m, 10. GoogleMaps VIII.2010, (2♀) ; Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′08.88″N, 50°56′55.20″E, 1277 m, 22. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (1♀, 1♂); 29. VI.2010, (3♀, 1♂); 06. VII.2010, (10♀, 19♂); 20. VII.2010, (1♀); 11. VIII.2010, (1♀) ; Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′08.01″N, 50°56′56.64″E, 1168 m, 06. GoogleMaps VII.2010, (3♀, 2♂); 13. VII.2010, (3♀, 1♂); 20. VII.2010, (1♀, 4♂); 24. VIII.2010, (2♀) ; Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′20.16″N, 50°56′44.94″E, 1278 m, 15. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (2♀); 22. VI.2010, (2♀); 06. VII.2010, (2♀, 2♂); 13. VII.2010, (16♀, 14♂); 20. VII.2010, (1♂); 27. VII.2010, (1♀, 6♂); 24. VIII.2010, (2♂) ; Tehran Province, Arangeh 35°55′7.20″N, 51°05′9.24″E, 1891 m, 15. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (1♂); 13. VII.2010, (5♀, 2♂); 24. VIII.2010, (1♀); 20. VII.2010, (1♀) ; Tehran Province, Sar Ziarat , 35°55′10.38″N, 51°06′5124″ E, 1980 m, 17. VIII.2010, (1♀) ; Tehran Province, Shahrestanak , 35°57′16.26″N, 51°22′25.80″E, 2305 m, 27. GoogleMaps VII.2010, (1♀) ; Ghazvin Province, Zereshk road, 36°25′23.88″N, 50°06′37.68″E, 1926 m, 27. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (2♀, 1♂) ; Ghazvin Province, Loshan , 36°40′14.58″N, 49°25′38.52″E, 295 m, 06. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (1♂); leg. M. Kheyrandish ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ) .

Empidideicus ebellicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

General distribution. Iran (Ghazvin Province) ( Gharali et al., 2010b), Tehran Province (new Iranian record) ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ).

Material examined. Iran, Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′03.06″N, 50°56′52.14″E, 1168 m, 22. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (1♂, 1♀); 06. VII.2010, (1♂); 13. VII.2010, (1♀); 20. VII.2010, (1♂) ; Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′20.16″N, 50°56′44.94″E, 1278 m, 13. GoogleMaps VII.2010, (1♂, 1♀); 27. VII.2010, (1♂); 20. VII.2010, (1♂); 06. VII.2010, (3♂, 3♀) ; Tehran Province, Karaj , 35°46′08.88″N, 50°56′55.20″E, 1277 m, 20. GoogleMaps VII.2010, (4♀, 5♂); 06. VII.2010, (2♀, 3♂) ; Ghazvin Province, Loshan , 36°40′14.58″N, 49°25′38.52″E, 295 m, 06. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (3♀, 1♂); leg. M. Kheyrandish ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ) .

Empidideicus unicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2011 View in CoL

General distribution. Iran (Ghazvin Province) ( Gharali et al., 2010b), Tehran Province (new Iranian record) ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ).

Material examined. Iran, Ghazvin Province, Loshan , 36°40′09.22″N, 49°25′37.74″E, 291 m, 27. GoogleMaps VII.2011, (1♀, 2♂) ; Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′03.06″N, 50°56′52.14″E, 1168 m, 29. GoogleMaps VI.2010, (1♀) ; Tehran Province, Shahriyar , 35°40′08.01″N, 50°56′56.64″E, 1168 m, 13. GoogleMaps VII.2010, (1♂); leg. M. Kheyrandish ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ) .

Empidideicus persicus Gharali & Evenhuis, 2010 View in CoL

General distribution. Iran (Ghazvin Province and East Azerbaijan Province) ( Gharali et al., 2010b) ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ).

Material examined. Iran, Ghazvin Province , Loshan, 36°40′14.58″N, 49°25′38.52″E, 295 m, 27.IX.2011, (1♀, 2♂); leg. M. Kheyrandish ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ) GoogleMaps .


We thank the Department of Entomology of Tarbiat Modares University for providing financial support for this research. Our cordial thanks are expressed to 2 anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on earlier versions of this paper. We also thank A Nadimi and M Kheyrandish (PhD students of Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran) for loaning the specimens collected by Malaise traps.


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