Enterocytozoon bieneusi

Zhong, Yalin, Zhou, Ziyao, Deng, Lei, Liu, Haifeng, Zhong, Zhijun, Ma, Xiaoping, Zhang, Kun, Wang, Yingzhu, Fu, Hualin & Peng, Guangneng, 2021, Prevalence and new genotypes of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in sheltered dogs and cats in Sichuan province, southwestern China, Parasite (Paris, France) 28 (31), pp. 1-7 : 3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1051/parasite/2021029

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Enterocytozoon bieneusi


Prevalence of E. bieneusi in sheltered dogs and cats

Overall, the prevalence of E. bieneusi was 18% (158/880), and the parasite was detected in 18.8% (136/724) and 14.1% (22/156) of the dogs and cats examined, respectively. In terms of the stray dogs, the prevalence of E. bieneusi among different locations ranged from 4.6% in Panzhihua and Guangyuan to 32% in Wenjiang ( Table 1). However, the prevalences among different sources were not significantly different statistically (p> 0.05). As for stray cats, all tested areas found E. bieneusi -positive samples, with the highest prevalence in Shuangliu (15.3%, 13/85) ( Table 2). The prevalence of E. bieneusi in Yaan and Panzhihua displayed consistent results, with 13% and 12.5%, respectively. Similarly, there was no statistically significant difference between different sources (p> 0.05).

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