Allicyrtaspis conicicersus Shi, Bian & Chang, 2013

CUI, ZHENCZHEN, WANG, HUAIZHENG & BIAN, XUN, 2024, Description the female sex of Allicyrtaspis conicicersus Shi, Bian & Chang, 2013 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae), Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 441-445 : 441-443

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5493.4.9

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Allicyrtaspis conicicersus Shi, Bian & Chang, 2013


Allicyrtaspis conicicersus Shi, Bian & Chang, 2013 View in CoL


( Figures 1–2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 )

Type specimen: male; type locality: Huangsha, Lingui, Guangxi; location of type specimen: Hebei University .

Female (new description). Body small. Fastigium verticis conical, with a narrow longitudinal furrow, apex rounded ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Eyes spherical, projecting outwards. Apical segments of maxillary palpi almost longer than subapical ones, apices slightly inflated.

Anterior margin of pronotum nearly straight, posterior margin arched; lateral lobes longer than high, anterior angle rounded, posterior angle widely rounded, humeral sinus absent.

Fore coxae with 1 small spine. All femora unarmed on ventral surfaces, apices of genicular lobes of hind femora obtusely rounded. Fore tibiae ventrally with 5 pairs of spines including 1 pair of apical spines; tibial tympana open on both sides, ovoid. Middle tibiae with 4 pairs of spines and 1 pair of apical spines on ventral surface. Hind leg absent.

Tegmina extremely short, concealed beneath pronotum ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Hind wings absent.

Ninth abdominal tergite narrow with lateral margins obviously protruding backwards reaching the middle area of subgenital plate; tenth abdominal tergite projecting posteriorly, posterior margin with a triangular concavity in middle, the lateral lobes digitate ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Epiproct small, posterior margin obtusely rounded. Cerci short and conical, tip pointed ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Ovipositor short and slightly curved dorsally behind middle, base stout and narrowing towards to tip, dorsal and ventral margins smooth, ventral valvulae slightly longer than dorsal valvulae, apices acute ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). Subgenital plate longer than wide with basal half narrowest, the middle area of subgenital plate convex and then converging; lateral margins rolled dorsally ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ); posterior margin with a triangular concavity in the middle, the lateral lobes obtusely rounded ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ).

Coloration. Body green when alive, yellowish brown in anhydrous ethanol. Eyes black brown. Disc of pronotum with a pair of longitudinal brown stripes, between them yellowish brown, the outer margins with 1 yellow stripe on each side ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ).

Material examined. Holotype (deposited in Hebei University): male, HuangSha, Lingui , Guangxi, August 17, 2006, coll. by Shaoli Mao and Lijuan Wang . Paratype (deposited in Hebei University): 1 male, the other information as holotype . Other specimens: 1 male and 1 female, Anjiangping, Lingui, Guangxi, July 13, 2022, coll. by Xiangyi Lu, Siyu Pang and Huan Meng ; 1 male and 1 female, July 14, 2022, Anjiangping, Lingui, Guangxi, coll. by Xiangyi Lu, Siyu Pang and Huan Meng .

Measurements (mm). Female: Body: 9.70–10.19; pronotum: 4.73–5.01; tegmen: 1.96–2.00; hind femur: absent; ovipositor: 8.44–8.65.

Distribution. Guangxi (Lingui).

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