Orbilia aurantiorubra Boudier (1907: 103)

Quijada, Luis, Baral, Hans-Otto, Jaen-Molina, Ruth, Weiss, Michael, Castells, Juli Caujapé- & Beltrán-Tejera, Esperanza, 2014, Phylogenetic and morphological circumscription of the Orbilia aurantiorubra group, Phytotaxa 175 (1), pp. 1-18 : 8-10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.175.1.1



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scientific name

Orbilia aurantiorubra Boudier (1907: 103)


Orbilia aurantiorubra Boudier (1907: 103) View in CoL . (Fig. 4 & 5)

Type:— EUROPE. FRANCE. Haute-Marte : Champagne, on Salix sp. , 110 m, 22 February 1877, Rinchon (holotype PC!) .

Apothecia rehydrated (0.2–)0.4–1.2(–1.7) mm diam., 0.14–0.25(–0.35) mm high (receptacle 0.14–0.18 mm), pale or usually light to bright orange-apricot (to brick-red), more rarely yellow-orange or salmon-rose(-orange), hardly to medium translucent, round, strongly undulating when large, scattered to often ± densely gregarious in smaller or larger groups; disc slightly concave, soon flat, margin distinct, 0–5 µm protruding, smooth to finely rough; broadly sessile or with a narrow stipe-like base 0.03–0.13 × 0.18–0.2 mm, superficial; dry bright to deep ochraceous-orange or mostly orange-rose-apricot to brick- or blood-red, with thick protruding margin. Asci *(45–)52–70(–82) × (4.2–)4.5–5.3(–5.5) µm {10}, †(42–)45–70(–75) × (3.8)4–4.5(–5.2) µm {3}, 8-spored, spores *4-seriate, 3–5 lower spores inverted {12} (rarely or often mixed: sometimes 1–3 apical spores inverted, sometimes also lower spores not inverted), pars sporifera *22–38 –> 18 µm long; apex (†) strongly truncate (rarely with slight dent and lateral inflation), hemispherical in profile view, thin-walled; base with short to often very long, thin, flexuous stalk, L- Y- or h-shaped. Ascospores *9–12.5 {19} or 11–13.5 {16} or (12–)13–15(–17.2) {19} × (1.1–)1.2–1.5(–1.6) µm {50} (in situ), †(9–)9.5–13 {8} or (10.5–)12– 14.5(–15) {11} × (1.1–)1.2–1.4(–1.5) µm {19}, narrowly fusiform with (sub-) cylindrical middle part, with gradually tapering, acute to acuminate apex, base slightly to medium attenuated (tail-like), often very slightly inflated at the end, distinctly helicoid (looking falcate in profile view), near base medium to mostly strongly geniculate; SBs *(2.7–)3–5(–6) × (0.5–)0.7–1 µm {22} → 2.3–3.7 × 1–1.3 µm, narrowly tear-shaped to subulate, also abruptly narrowed in a filum of ± equal length. Paraphyses apically uninflated to slightly or medium (rarely strongly) capitate-clavate, exceptionally spathulate or ± moniliform, (0–)3–6 µm protruding beyond dead asci, terminal cells *(10–)14–30(–35) × (2.2–)2.5–4(–5.3) µm {8}, †1.8–4(–4.7) µm wide {2}, lower cells *(8–)11–18(–22.5) × 1.3–2.7 µm {7}, near base *3–10 × 2–3.5 µm; rarely branched at upper septum, hymenium subhyaline to light orange. Medullary excipulum totally 50–170 µm thick, upper part 0–50 µm thick, hyaline to pale rose, of dense textura intricata with small angular inflated cells, lower part 50–120 µm thick, of dense to medium loose, large-celled t. globulosa–angularis (cells *7–20 × 6–12.5 µm), irregular to upwards oriented, near margin often forming a distinct, subhyaline to light yellow-orangerose, horizontal t. porrecta 8–20 µm thick, partly only here sharply delimited. Ectal excipulum very pale to light rose or orange, of thin-walled († slightly gelatinized), vertically oriented t. angularis(–globulosa) from base to lower flanks, 25–80(–200) µm thick near base, cells *7–23(–27) × 6–15(–24) µm {6}; 15–20 µm thick on mid flanks and margin, on mid flanks of t. prismatica–angularis oriented at an 80–90° angle to the surface, at margin of t. prismatica–porrecta at 45–90°, marginal cortical cells */†6–15 × (3–)3.5–5(–6) µm {4}, glassy processes absent, exceptionally present, 1.5–6 × 3.5–4 µm {1}. SCBs in paraphyses globose {8}, 1.2–2(–3) µm diam.; also filiform to S-shaped {10}; excipular cells on lower and mid flanks with inconspicuous to strongly refractive, thin (rarely thick), ring-, trapezoid to S-shaped SCBs {14}, marginal cortical cells also with globose SCBs 0.8–3 µm diam. LBs in ectal excipulum and paraphyses minute, sparse, hyaline, rarely yellowish. Exudate over paraphyses (0.3–)1–2(–4) µm thick, cloddy to granular, also cap-like, hyaline to pale yellowish, firmly attached (large clods also detaching); over margin and flanks rough-cloddy, subhyaline to pale yellow-chlorinaceous, 0.5–5 µm thick.

Distribution and ecology:— In Europe, on branches rarely twigs or trunks, ± thermophilous but also ± moist, shady woods in temperate, continental to atlantic, but also Oro-Mediterranean and Mediterranean areas; –7 up to 1560 m. Phenology: I–XII. Desiccation tolerance: fully viable for at least 1 month, after 23 months some ascospores and excipular cells still alive.

Other material examined:— EUROPE. AUSTRIA. Kärnten: on Rhamnus frangula , 410 m, 31 December 2012, W. Jaklitsch (herb. Baral 7278!). Poitou-Charentes: Deux-Sèvres, on Ulmus sp. , 103 m, 17April 2008, H.O. Baral (herb. Baral 8814a!); ibid., on Ulmus cf. minor , 158 m, 4 March 2006, M. Hairaund and B. Coué (herb. Baral 8076b!); ibid., on Salix aurita , 4 m, 25 March 2006, H.O. Baral (herb. Baral 8130!); Rhône-Alpes: Drôme, on Cercis siliquastrum , 215 m, 22 September 2009, G. Marson (herb. Baral 9238a!); Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, on Spartium junceum , 740 m, 17 August 2001, G. Marson (herb. Baral 7023!). GERMANY. Nordrhein-Westfalen: on Cytisus scoparius , 80 m, 30 December 2006, F. Kasparek (herb. Baral 8395!); Oberbayern: on Salix sp. , 535 m, 31 December 2007, T.R. Lohmeyer (herb. Baral 8734a!). GREAT BRITAIN. East England: Suffolk, on Lupinus arboreus , 15 m, 7 March 2003, E. Batten & S.M. Francis (herb. Baral 7308!); ibid., 1 m, 15 February 2003, E. Batten (herb. Baral 7298!). LUXEMBOURG. Gutland: on Salix caprea , 305 m, 5 November 2000, G. Marson (herb. Baral 6815a!); ibid., on Salix caprea , 270 m, 27 April 1993, G. Marson (herb. Baral 4868!). SPAIN. Asturias: on Salix sp. , 280 m, 9 September 2008, E. Rubio (herb. Baral 4578!). Canary Islands: La Palma, on Chamaecytisus proliferus , 820 m, 1 January 2005, J.P. Priou (herb. Priou 25001!).

FIGURE. Morphological characteristics of Orbilia aurantiorubra on non- Fabaceae substrates ( Salix spp. , Ulmus spp. , etc.). 1. Drawing of reexamined holotype. 2. Apothecia on natural substrates, scale bars 2a-d= 500 µm, 2e= 100 µm. 3. Section of apothecia and excipular characteristics, scale bars 3a= 50 µm, 3b–c= 10 µm. 4. Dead ascospores. 5. Living asci (phot. Michael Hairaud). 6. Paraphyses; scale bars 4a–f, 5a and 6a–c= 10 µm. 7. Drawings with vital characteristics for H.B. 4868. (H.B. 6815a= 4a, 6a; H.B. 7278= 2b, 4c; H.B. 8076b= 2a, 4d, 5; H.B. 8130= 2c, 4f; H.B. 8734a= 2d, 3a–b, 6b; H.B. 8814a= 2e, 4e, 6c).

FIGURE. Morphological characteristics of Orbilia aurantiorubra on Fabaceae substrates. 1. Apothecia on natural substrates, scale bars 1a–c= 500 µm. 2. Section of apothecia, excipular characteristics and SCBs, scale bars 2a= 50 µm, 2b–c= 10 µm. 3. Dead (left) and living (right) ascospores, scale bars 3a–c= 10 µm. 4. Drawing of vital characteristics (ascospores, paraphyses, marginal ectal excipulum) for H.B. 7023. (H.B. 7308= 1c, 3a; H.B. 8395= 1a, 2b, 3c; H.B. 9238a= 1b, 2b, 3b).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Non-vascular Plants and Fungi














Orbilia aurantiorubra Boudier (1907: 103)

Quijada, Luis, Baral, Hans-Otto, Jaen-Molina, Ruth, Weiss, Michael, Castells, Juli Caujapé- & Beltrán-Tejera, Esperanza 2014

Orbilia aurantiorubra

Boudier, E. 1907: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF