Carteronius sudanus ( Karsch, 1880 ), 2022

Eb. Bonaldo, Ramírez, Martín J., Om. Labarque, Shimano, Yulie, Silva-Junior, Cláudio J. & Haddad, Charles R., 2022, Switching identities: a revision of the Afrotropical spider genus Carteronius Simon 1897 (Araneae, Corinnidae), senior synonym of Mandaneta Strand, 1932, with a new genus of the Pronophaea group, Zootaxa 5205 (4), pp. 343-373 : 349-353

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Plazi (2022-11-09 08:15:23, last updated 2024-11-27 01:37:14)

scientific name

Carteronius sudanus ( Karsch, 1880 )

comb. nov.

Carteronius sudanus ( Karsch, 1880) comb. nov.

Figs 2 – 6 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 ; Map 1 View MAP 1

Mandane sudana Karsch, 1880: 377 (♂ holotype from Adafoah, Volta River Basin , Ghana, Ungar leg., ZMB 2143 View Materials , examined).

Carteronius helluo Simon, 1896: 400 (♂ holotype from Freetown, Sierra Leone, MNHN 10611, accidentally switched with the male holotype of Carteronius scriptus Simon, 1896 , from Diego Soares, Madagascar, MNHN 14.625). syn. nov.

Mandaneta sudana View in CoL ; Strand 1932: 140; Haddad & Bosselaers 2010: 7 View Cited Treatment , figs 16–19; Ramírez 2014: 365, figs 20A, 69D.

Medmassa laurenti Lessert, 1946: 211 , fig. 10 (♂ lectotype and ♀ paralectotype from Eala, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, leg. H. J. Bredo, MRAC 12419-12420, one palp of the ♂ lectotype in Museum of Natural History, Geneva, not re-examined). Synonymized with Mandaneta sudana View in CoL by Haddad & Bosselaers 2010: 7.

Diagnosis. Males of C. sudanus comb. nov. resemble those of C. lumumba sp. nov. by the absence of a retrolateral apical tegular process and by the bifid embolus tip ( Figs 4A View FIGURE 4 , 16B View FIGURE 16 ), but differ by the chelicerae with a frontal anterior excavation ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ), the wider proximal half of embolus, and by the short distal loop of the spermatic duct, which is restricted to the middle of the bulb ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 ). Females resemble those of C. arboreus sp. nov. by the strongly recurved epigynal transversal ridge ( Figs 4C View FIGURE 4 , 8C View FIGURE 8 ), but differ by the lateral plates of the posterior sector not being sclerotized ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ).

Description. Male. (MRAC MT 207.386). Measurements: Total length 9.21, CL 4.52, CW 4.00, AL 4.69, AW 2.72, SL 2.20, SW 1.94. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.30, ALE 0.19, PLE 0.18, PME 0.23, AME-AME 0.32, AME-ALE 0.36, ALE-ALE 1.62, PME-PME 0.52, PME-PLE 0.62, PLE-PLE 2.18. Length of leg segments: I 4.36+1.86+4.44+3.52+1.62=15.80; II 4.52+2.04+4.56+3.60+1.58=16.30; III 3.16+1.36+2.84+2.36+1.18=10.90; IV 3.68+1.48+3.52+3.52+1.22=13.42. Chelicerae: promargin with three spaced teeth, median tooth largest, distal tooth smallest; retromargin with two teeth, subequal in size. Leg spination: femora: I do 0-0-1-0 pl 0-0-1, II do 0- 1-0, III - IV do 0-1-0-1; tibiae: I ve 2-2-2-2-2-2, II ve 2-2-2-2-2, III ve p 1- r 1-2, IV pl 1-0-1-1 rl 0-1-1; metatarsi: I-II ve 2-2, III pl 1-1-0 lv 0-1-0 ve 2-2, IV pl 0-1-0 lv 0-1-0 ve 2-2. Coloration: carapace and chelicerae reddish-brown. Endites and labium reddish-brown, sternum yellowish. Legs I and II: coxae and trochanters reddish-brown; femora reddish-brown, yellowish distally; tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi yellowish. Legs III and IV: coxae whitish, trochanters brownish; femora whitish prolaterally and retrolaterally, brownish ventrally and distally; patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi brownish. Abdomen dark gray dorsally, with diamond-shaped spot in middle, followed by four white transversal lines; white ventrally ( Fig 3A – C View FIGURE 3 ). Palp: RTA with apical spur short, pointed; dorsal lobe long, excavated, with folded edges and oriented upwards; medial lobe smaller than dorsal lobe, pointed and oriented upwards; ventral lobe sub-squared, not excavated. Sperm duct with short loop ( Fig 4A, B View FIGURE 4 ).

Female. (MRAC MT 204.306–MRAC MT 177.640). Measurements: Total length 9.65-10.18, CL 4.32-4.28, CW 3.80-4.00.0, AL 5.33-5.90, AW 3.68-4.52, SL 2.08-2.14, SW 1.76-1.96. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME-AME 0.28, AME-ALE 0.32, ALE-ALE 1.56, PME-PME 0.44, PME-PLE 0.36, PLE-PLE 2.02. Length of leg segments: I 3.88+1.86+4.00+3.04+1.4=14.18; II 3.92+1.86+4.04+3.16+1.44=14.42; III 3.00+1.42+2.52+2.24+ 1.20=10.38; IV 3.56+1.48+3.28+3.20+1.30=12.82. Chelicerae with three spaced teeth on promargin, median tooth largest, distal tooth smallest; two teeth on retromargin, subequal in size. Leg spination: femora: I do 0-1-0 pl 0-0-1, II do 0-1-0, III - IV do 0-1-0-1; tibiae: I-II ve 2-2-2-2-2-2, III ve 1 r -1 p -2, IV ve pl 0-1-0-1 rl 0-1-0-1; metatarsi: I pl 1-0-0 ve 2-2, II rl 1-0-0 ve 2-2, III pl 0-1-0-1 rl 0-1-0-1 ve 2-2, IV plv 4 rlv 3 pl 0-1-0 rl 0-1-0 ve 1 p -2-2. Coloration: carapace and chelicera dark red; endites, labium and sternum reddish. Legs I and II: coxae and trochanter reddish brown; femora dark red; tibia, metatarsus and tarsus reddish. Legs III and IV: coxae whitish, trochanter brownish; femur whitish prolaterally and retrolaterally, brownish ventrally and distally; tibia, metatarsus and tarsus brownish. Abdomen: pale gray with several spots dorsally, present two pair of white spots and four white transversal lines well defined dorsally ( Fig. 3D – F View FIGURE 3 ). Epigynum: CDv long, slender, ST2 anteriorly positioned in relation to the ST1, similarly sized to ST1, with conspicuous gland ducts; CDd S-shaped ( Figs 4D View FIGURE 4 , 5C, D View FIGURE 5 ).

Other material examined: CÔTE D’IVOIRE: Mankono, Ranch de la Marahoué, 08°27’N, 06°52’W, 12. III GoogleMaps .1980, leg. J. Everts, riverine forest, 1♂ ( MRAC 173.984 View Materials ); Bettié , forêt classeé de Mabi, 06°05’N, 03°30’W, dense forest, by hand, 26.XI.1993, R GoogleMaps . Jocqué, leg. 1♀ ( MRAC 177.640 View Materials ; SEM preparations MJR 574–576); same locality, Eco. Grappe 3, 24. III GoogleMaps .1997, T GoogleMaps . Steyn leg., 1♀ ( MRAC 207.387 View Materials ); Appouesso , FC Bossematié, Forest, pitfall, station 1B, 12.II.1995, R . Jocqué and R . Tanoh leg., 1♀ ( MRAC 204.306 View Materials ); same locality, station 5, found in leaf litter, 21. III .1997, T . Steyn leg., 1♂ ( MRAC 207.386 View Materials ) . DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Eyolo Forest , ca. 2 km E of Lieki, 00°41.785’N, 24°14.512’E, 25–29. V GoogleMaps .2010, A.H. Kirk-Spriggs leg. (Malaise traps, lowland evergreen swamp forest), 1♀ ( IRSNB IG.34481) . GUINEA: Mount Nimba , Gallery Forest of Zié, 07°40’N, 08°22’W, 1250 m.a.s.l., 3.X.2011 GoogleMaps , D. van den Spiegel & A. Henrard leg. (fogging 1, canopy of trees, understory of shrub layer), 1♂ ( MRAC 238.050 View Materials ); same locality, Station de pompage Zié, 07°40’N, 08°22’W, 1250 m.a.s.l., 11.X.2011 GoogleMaps , D. van den Spiegel & A. Henrard leg. (sieving litter under “matete” [high grass], near route, open area), 2♂ ( MRAC 237.965 View Materials ); same locality, Station de pompage Zié, 07°40’N, 08°22’W, 1250 m.a.s.l., 1.X.2011 GoogleMaps , D. van den Spiegel & A. Henrard leg. (sieving litter under “matete” [high grass], near route, open area), 1♂ ( MRAC 237.984 View Materials ); same locality, Gba Valley , 07°40’N, 08°23’W, 880 m. a.s.l., 9.X.2011 GoogleMaps , D. van den Spiegel & A. Henrard leg. (beating, primary gallery forest, litter in trees and shrubs, at 1.5-3m above the floor, “chablis”), 2♂ ( MRAC 238.090 View Materials ); same locality, Ziela , near Pierré-Richaud, 0742’N, 0821’W, 568 m. a.s.l., 20.II.2012, A. Henrard, C. Allard, P. Bimou & M. Sidibé leg. (sieving litter), 1♂ ( MRAC 238.697 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Widespread across equatorial West and Central Africa ( Map 1 View MAP 1 ).

Haddad, C. R. & Bosselaers, J. (2010) A revision of the genus Medmassa Simon, 1887 (Araneae: Corinnidae) in the Afrotopical Region. Zootaxa, 2361 (1), 1 - 12. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 2361.1.1

Karsch, F. (1880) Arachnologische Blatter (Decas I). Zeitschrift fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaft, 53, 373 - 409.

Lessert, R. de (1946) Araignees du Congo Belge. Revue Suisse de zoologie, 58, 204 - 225.

Ramirez, M. J. (2014) The morphology and phylogeny of dionychan spiders (Araneae: Araneomorphae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 390, 1 - 374. https: // doi. org / 10.1206 / 821.1

Simon, E. (1896) Descriptions d'arachnides nouveaux de la famille des Clubionidae. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 40 (9), 400 - 422. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 2026

Strand, E. (1932) Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica, III, IV. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 4, 133 - 147 + 193 - 196.

Gallery Image

MAP 1. Distribution of Carteronius species and Bunyoronius femoralis sp. nov.

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FIGURE 2. Carteronius sudanus (Karsch, 1880) comb. nov.: A male, carapace, frontal view; B female, same. Scale: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 3. Carteronius sudanus (Karsch, 1880) comb. nov.: A male, dorsal view; B same, lateral view; C same, ventral view; D female, dorsal view; E same, lateral view; F same, ventral view. Scale: 2 mm.

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FIGURE 4. Carteronius sudanus (Karsch, 1880) comb. nov.: A male palp, ventral view; B same, retrolateral view; C epigynum, ventral view; D same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: E, embolus; C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; VL, ventral lobe; ML, medial lobe; DL, dorsal lobe; AS, spur; CDv, ventral sector of the copulatory duct; CDd, dorsal sector of the copulatory duct; ST2, secondary spermatheca; ST1 primary spermatheca. Scale: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 5. Carteronius sudanus (Karsch, 1880) comb. nov.: A epigynum, ventral view; B same, posterior view; C same, dorsal view; D same, latero-dorsal view (arrow: glands duct). Abbreviations: CO, copulatory opening; CDv, ventral sector of the copulatory duct; CDd, dorsal sector of the copulatory duct; LP, lateral plates of the posterior sector; ST2, secondary spermatheca; ST1 primary spermatheca.

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FIGURE 6. Carteronius sudanus (Karsch, 1880) comb. nov., female: A tarsus I, dorsal view; B claw and claw tuft, tarsus I prolateral view; C claw tuft and claw lever, frontal view; D tarsal trichobothria; E tarsal organ; F spinnerets; G anterior lateral spinneret; H posterior median spinneret; I posterior lateral spinneret.Abbreviations:Ac, aciniform gland spigot; Cy, cylindrical gland spigot; MaAm, major ampullate gland spigot; MiAm, minor ampullate gland spigot; Pi, piriform gland spigot.

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FIGURE 8. Carteronius arboreus sp. nov.: A male palp, ventral view (arrow: embolar process); B same, retrolateral view; C epigynum, ventral view (arrow: transversal ridge); D same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: E, embolus; C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; VL, ventral lobe; ML, medial lobe; DL, dorsal lobe; AS, spur; CDv, ventral sector of the copulatory duct; CDd, dorsal sector of the copulatory duct; ST2, secondary spermatheca; ST1 primary spermatheca. Scale: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 16. Carteronius lumumba sp. nov.: A male chelicerae, posterior view, B male palp, ventral view; C same, retrolateral view; D epigynum, ventral view; E same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: E, embolus; C, conductor; MA, median apophysis; VL, ventral lobe; ML, medial lobe; DL, dorsal lobe; AS, spur; CO, copulatory opening; CDv, ventral sector of the copulatory duct; CDd, dorsal sector of the copulatory duct; ST2 secondary spermatheca; ST1 primary spermatheca. Scale: 1 mm.


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Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


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