Bushizheia O’Flynn and Liu, 2020

O’Flynn, Robert J., Audo, Denis, Williams, Mark, Zhai, Dayou, Chen, Hong & Liu, Yu, 2020, A new euarthropod with ‘ great appendage’ - like frontal head limbs from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Southwest China, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 36) 23 (2), pp. 1-13 : 4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26879/1069

publication LSID


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scientific name

Bushizheia O’Flynn and Liu

gen. nov.

Genus Bushizheia O’Flynn and Liu , gen. nov.

zoobank.org/ 86579E18-E8FD-4D59-840F-8A686585E73F

Type species. Bushizheia yangi gen. et sp. nov., by monotypy.

Diagnosis. As for type species, by monotypy.

Etymology. Bǔshízhě is Mandarin for predator: an allusion to Kiisortoqia Stein, 2010 , from the Kalaallisut (Greenlandic) word kiisortoq, meaning predator (see Stein, 2010).

Remarks. Bushizheia gen. nov. is ascribed to the total group Euarthropoda – as defined by the presence of fully arthrodised bodies and limbs (Aria, 2019), because it has sclerotised trunk tergites, sclerotisation of post-antennal appendages (see Cotton and Brady, 2004), and does not have any isolated tergites in the cephalic segments (see Ortega-Hernández, 2014).

It features a long, frontal grasping appendage that is morphologically like that of radiodonts, but in combination with a completely arthrodised body organisation; this distinguishes Bushizheia gen. nov. from all other euarthropods, except Kiisortoqia .

Bushizheia gen. nov. and Kiisortoqia appear allied to each other by the possession of frontal ‘great appendage’-like head limbs ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 A-D). However, Bushizheia gen. nov. is sufficiently distinct to warrant erection of a monospecific genus. It differs from Kiisortoqia by: (1) Bushizheia gen. nov. has a large pygidium with paired short falcate spines and a terminal tailspine ( Figure 3A View FIGURE 3 ); Kiisortoqia has a small tail shield with neither spines nor a tailspine and twice the number of thoracic tergites; see Figure 4B View FIGURE 4 and also Stein, 2010, p. 482- 483, figures 4B, 5B-C); (2) trilobation of thoracic tergites effaced; (3) dorsal spine is present on each podomere of the frontal head limb (see Daley and Edgecombe, 2014).

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