Stemonyphantes serratus, V. & Tanasevitch, 2011

Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2011, On linyphiid spiders (Araneae) from the Eastern and Central Mediterranean kept at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Geneva, Revue suisse de Zoologie 118 (1), pp. 49-91 : 78-81

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Carolina (2022-02-16 14:13:46, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 18:42:54)

scientific name

Stemonyphantes serratus

sp. nov.

Stemonyphantes serratus View in CoL sp. n. Figs 84-92

HOLOTYPE: Ƌ, Turkey, Bursa Province, 20 km from Bursa, 1300 m a.s.l., Fagus & Pinus forest, sifting litter, 12. V.1976, leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl.

PARATYPE: 1 Ƌ, Turkey, Bursa, Uludağ , above station, 1900-2000 m a.s.l., under stones, 12.V.1976, leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name, an adjective, refers to the shape of the anterior apophysis of the tegulum.

DIAGNOSIS: The species is characterised by the shape of the upper branch of the cymbium, as well as by the saw-toothed anterior tegular apophysis.

DESCRIPTION: Male paratype. Total length 4.35. Carapace 2.00 long, 1.55 wide, reddish brown, with a narrow grey margin. Chelicerae 0.75 long. Leg I 6.90 long

FIGS 84-86

Stemonyphantes serratus sp. n., Ƌ paratype, from Uludağ, Turkey. (84, 85) Metatarsus I and II, respectively. (86) Right palp, retrolateral view .

(1.75+0.65+1.60+1.75+1.15), IV 7.45 long (2.00+0.55+2.00+1.90+1.00). Chaetotaxy: FeI: 2-1-0-0; II-IV: 2-0-0-0; TiI-II: 2-1-1-4, III-IV: 2-1-1-3(4-2); MtI-II: 0-0-0-2, III- IV: 0-1-1-4. MtI twice as thick as MtII, with a narrow groove on dorsal side (Figs 84 & 85). Metatarsus I-IV with a trichobothrium. TmI 0.28. Palp (Figs 86-92): Upper branch of cymbium slightly curved. Paracymbium relatively small, J-shaped, with a row of long stout spines on upper edge. Anterior tegular apophysis with hook-shaped apex and saw-toothed lower edge distally. Radix flattened, with a thin outgrowth anteriorly. Radical apophysis situated near base of embolus, long and stout, highly sclerotized. Embolus slightly shorter than radix, flattened. Abdomen 2.50 long, 1.55 wide, dorsally grey, with a dark median band flanked by paramedian spots connected to it with thin bands.

FIGS 87-92

Stemonyphantes serratus sp. n., Ƌ paratype, from Uludağ , Turkey. (87) Left palp, retrolateral view. (88) Paracymbium , lateral view. (89, 90) Tegulum, prolateral and retrolateral view, respectively. (91, 92). Embolic division, different aspects .

TAXONOMIC REMARKS: The new species is similar to S. abantensis Wunderlich, 1978 and S. agnatus Tanasevitch, 1990, but differs well by its curved upper branch of the cymbium, as well as by its saw-shaped anterior tegular apophysis. S. serratus sp. n. together with S. abantensis , S. agnatus and S. montanus Wunderlich, 1978 form the abantensis species-group, which is characterised by a bifid cymbium, a relatively short and stout embolus, the presence of a spear-shaped apophysis on the radix at the base of the embolus (except for S. montanus ). The abantensis species-group is restricted to the Anatolian-Caucasian region.

DISTRIBUTION: The species is known from the type locality only.

TANASEVITCH, A. V. 1990. The spider family Linyphiidae in the fauna of the Caucasus (Arachnida, Aranei) (pp. 5 - 114). In: STRIGANOVA, B. R. (ed.). Fauna of the terrestrial invertebrates of the Caucasus. Nauka Publisher, Moscow, 237 pp.


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