Aspilota farra, Papp, 2003

Papp, J, 2003, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea, Xxi. Species Of Fifteen Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (2), pp. 115-152 : 128-130

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587131

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Aspilota farra

sp. nov.

Aspilota farra View in CoL sp. n. f

( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–15 )

Material examined (1 f) – Female holotype: Korea, Prov. Ryang, Samjiyon, 1000 m, 26 June 1988, leg. O. MERKL et Gy. SZÉL (loc. no. 1345). – Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department ofZoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. No. 10529. The holotype is in good condition, left pair of wings somewhat creased.

Etymology – The specific epithet “farra ” is a phantasy name.

Description ofthe female holotype. – Body 2.1 mm long. Antenna somewhat longer than body and with 21 antennomeres. First flagellomere four times and penultimate flagellomere 2.5 times as long as broad. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–15 ) transverse, almost twice as broad as long, eye one-third (or 1.6 times) longer than temple, latter rounded. Ocelli elliptic, OOL just less than four times as long as POL. Tentorial pit reaching clearly compound eye. Mandible ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–15 ) along its median line 1.6 times as long as broad between teeth 1 and 3, upper or first tooth truncate and fairly withdrawn. Eye in lateral view 1.6 times as high as wide, temple beyond eye one-fourth less wide than eye. Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.25 times as long as high. Mesoscutal dimple missing. Precoxal suture short, deep, crenulate. Propodeum areolate, horizontal (or upper) pair ofareolae polished, areola basalis rugo-rugulose above, rest ofareolae uneven with a few rugulae, pair ofspiracles small and close to lateral margin of propodeum ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–15 ). Mesosoma polished. – Hind femur five times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–15 ). Hind basitarsus as long as tarsomeres 2–4 combined.

Fore wing one-fourth longer than body. Second submarginal cell long; r relatively long, 1.6 times as long as width ofpterostigma; 3–SR 2.3 times as long as 2–SR, 4–SR clearly twice as long as 3–SR. Vein 1–2CU(1) twice as long as m–cu.

First tergite ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–15 ) long, 2.5 times as long as broad behind, pair ofspiracles tuberculiform protruding at middle oftergite, with a pair ofmedio-longitudinal keels, scutum longitudinally un - even-rugulose, laterally uneven to smooth, shiny. Second tergite latero-basally with a pair ofdeep dimples ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–15 ). Metasoma beyond first tergite compressed. Ovipositor sheath in lateral view somewhat upcurved and as long as hind tarsomeres 1–4 combined.

Ground colour ofhead and mesosoma brownish black, metasoma dark brown. Scape and pedicel yellowish brown, flagellum brown. Mandible yellowish brown, palpi yellowish. Tegulae yellowish brown. Legs yellow, hind tibia distally faintly brownish. First tergite with blackish suffusion. Wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins light brownish yellowish.

Male and host unknown.

Distribution: Korea.

The new species, Aspilota farra , is representing the fasciatae -group ( FISCHER 1976) and is nearest to A. laevinotum TOBIAS; the two species are differentiated by the features keyed:

in dorsal view, 15 = propodeum

1 (2) Temple in dorsal view somewhat more rounded ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–15 ) Upper tooth ofmandible rounded ( Fig. 7 View Figs 1–15 ). First tergite twice as long as broad behind, pair ofspi -

racles not protruding ( Fig. 9 View Figs 1–15 ). Hind femur four times as long as broad clearly distally ( Fig. 8 View Figs 1–15 ). Female: 1.6–1.8 mm. – Russia, Korea

A. laevinotum TOBIAS, 1962

2 (1) Temple in dorsal view somewhat less rounded ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–15 ). Upper tooth ofmandible withdrawn ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–15 ). First tergite 2.5 times as long as broad behind, pair of spiracles protruding ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–15 ). Hind femur five times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–15 ). Female: 2.1 mm. – Korea A. farra sp. n.

Within the lobidens -group ( FISCHER 1976) the new species runs to A. furtnerana FISCHER ; the two species are distinguished as follows:

1 (2) Eye in dorsal view as long as temple. First flagellomere five times and penultimate flagellomere 1.8 times as long as broad. Precoxal suture reaching fore margin ofmesopleuron. Upper tooth ofmandible faintly rounded. Areolae of propodeum uneven, along carinae rugulose. Ground colour ofbody dark brown. Female: 2.2 mm. – Austria A. furtnerana FISCHER, 1973 View in CoL

2 (1) Eye in dorsal view one-third longer than temple ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–15 ). First flagellomere four times and penultimate flagellomere 2.5 times as long as broad. Precoxal suture not reaching fore margin ofmesopleuron. Upper tooth ofmandible withdrawn ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–15 ). Horizontal (or upper) pair ofareolae ofpropodeum polished, areola basalis rugo-rugulose above, rest ofareolae uneven ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–15 ). Ground colour ofhead and mesosoma brownish black, metasoma dark brown. Female: 2.1 mm. – Korea A. farra View in CoL sp. n.













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