Dinotrema longisoma, Papp, 2003

Papp, J, 2003, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea, Xxi. Species Of Fifteen Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (2), pp. 115-152 : 143-144

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587131



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scientific name

Dinotrema longisoma

sp. nov.

Dinotrema longisoma View in CoL sp. n. f

( Figs 61–68 View Figs 61–71 )

Material examined (6 f). – Female holotype: Korea, Prov. South Pyongan, Desang san, 12 km NE from Pyongyan, 18 July 1975, leg. J. PAPP et A. VOJNITS (loc. no. 267). – One female paratype: Korea, Prov. South Pyongan , Zamo san, 60 km NE from Pyongyan, 2 September 1971, leg. S. HORVATOVICH et J. PAPP (loc. no. 231) . – One female paratype: Korea, Prov. South Pyongan , Guksanbong, 40 km NE from Nampo, 5 September 1971, leg. S. HORVATOVICH et J. PAPP (loc. no. 238) . – One female paratype: Korea, Prov. South Pyongan , Nampo, 19 July 1975, leg. J. PAPP et A. VOJNITS (loc. no. 273) . – One female paratype: Korea, Prov. Gang-von , district On-dzong, Kumgang Mts, 4 August 1975, leg. J. PAPP et A. VOJNITS (loc. no. 314) . – One female (not paratype, head missing): loc. no. 267.

Holotype, four paratypes and one female are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department ofZoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. Nos 10541 (holotype) and 10542–10545 (paratypes). – The type specimens are in good condition.

Etymology – The specific epithet “longisoma ” refers to the long metasoma.

Description ofthe female holotype. – Body 2.6 mm long. Antenna nearly as long as body and with 19 antennomeres. First flagellomere 3.5 times and penultimate flagellomere 1.8 times as long as broad. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 61 View Figs 61–71 ) transverse, 1.8 times as broad as long, eye almost twice as long as temple, temple more rounded. OOL almost three times as long as POL. Tentorial pit not touching compound eye. Mandible along median line 1.7 times as long as broad between teeth 1 and 3 ( Fig. 62 View Figs 61–71 ). Eye in lateral view 1.5 times as high as wide, temple beyond eye about one-fourth less wide than eye. Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.25 times as long as high. Mesoscutal dimple present. Precoxal suture short, finely crenulate. Propodeum medio-longitudinaly rugo-rugulose, otherwise polished, pair ofspiracles on suture ( Fig. 63 View Figs 61–71 ). Mesosoma polished. – Hind femur 3.8 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 64 View Figs 61–71 ). Hind basitarsus as long as tarsomeres 2–3 + halfof4th tarsomere ( Fig. 65 View Figs 61–71 , see arrows).

Fore wing about as long as body. Second submarginal cell long, 3–SR 2.5 times as long as 2–SR, 4–SR straight and 2.3 times as long as 3–SR. Vein 1–2CU 1 2.7 times as long as m–cu ( Fig. 66 View Figs 61–71 , see arrows).

Metasoma unusually long, nearly one-and-a-halftimes as long as head + mesosoma.

First tergite ( Fig. 67 View Figs 61–71 ) long, three times as long as broad behind, pair ofspiracles somewhat be - yond middle oftergite, beyond spiracles tergite parallel-sided; pair ofkeels almost reaching hind end oftergite, scutum oftergite rugulose. Metasoma beyond first tergite laterally compressed. Second tergite latero-basally with a pair oflongitudinal sulci ( Fig. 67 View Figs 61–71 ). Ovipositor sheath as long as hind tarsomeres 1–2 combined, sheath and ovipositor somewhat upcurved.

Head brown. Scape and pedicel yellow, flagellum darkening yellowish brown to greyish brown. Mandible yellow, palpi straw yellow. Mesosoma brown, metanotum and propodeum faintly lightening brown. Tegula yellowish. Legs yellow, hind tibia faintly darkening. First tergite yellow, further tergites brown, sternites yellow. Wings hyaline, veins opaque brownish greyish.

Description of the four female paratypes. – Body 2.3–2.6 mm long (2.3: 1 f, 2.5: 1 f, 2.6: 2 f). Antenna with 17–18 antennomeres. Head in dorsal view 1.75–1.85 times as broad as long. Mandible as in Fig. 68 View Figs 61–71 . Hind femur 4.1–4.4 times as long as broad medially. 3–SR 2.1–2.2 times as long as 2–SR. First tergite 2.8 times (1 f) and three times (3 f) as long as broad behind.

The single and non-paratypic female (its head is missing) is identical with the female holotype.

Male and host unknown.

Distribution: Korea.

The new species, Dinotrema longisoma , is nearest to D. glabrum (STELFOX et GRAHAM) within the subcubicus species-group by FISCHER (1976: 246–248), the two species are distinguished by the following features:

1 (2) First tergite 2–2.5 times as long as broad behind ( Fig. 69 View Figs 61–71 ). Eye in dorsal view 1.3–1.5 times as long as temple, latter rounded. Second tergite baso-laterally foveo-like impressed. Third basitarsus relatively short, as long as tarsomeres 2–3 combined ( Fig. 71 View Figs 61–71 , see arrows). Antenna with 19–22 (f) and 21–26 (m) antennomeres, penultimate flagellomere twice as long as broad. Female + male: (1.7–) 2–2.4 mm. – Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Russia (European part), Mongolia, Korea D. glabrum ( STELFOX et GRAHAM, 1951) View in CoL

2 (1) First tergite 3–3.2 times as long as broad behind ( Fig. 67 View Figs 61–71 ). Eye in dorsal view almost twice as long as temple, latter more rounded ( Fig. 61 View Figs 61–71 ). Second tergite baso-laterally sulciform impressed ( Fig. 67 View Figs 61–71 ). Third basitarsus relatively long, as long as tarsomeres 2–3 and halfof4th tarsomere combined ( Fig. 65 View Figs 61–71 , see arrows). Antenna with 17–19 antennomeres (f), penultimate flagellomere 1.8 times as long as broad. Female: 2.3–2.6 mm. – Korea D. longisoma View in CoL sp. n.













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