Dinotrema hebescum, Papp, 2003

Papp, J, 2003, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea, Xxi. Species Of Fifteen Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (2), pp. 115-152 : 139-141

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587131

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scientific name

Dinotrema hebescum

sp. nov.

Dinotrema hebescum View in CoL sp. n. mf

( Figs 45–49 View Figs 45–52 )

Material examined (2 f + 2 m) – Female holotype (in Budapest): Korea, Prov. South Pyongan, Mangyong-dae, 5 August 1971, leg. S. HORVATOVICH et J. PAPP (loc. no. 139) . One female paratype (in Budapest): Korea, Gyeong Nam Chinju , City Chojeon-Dong, at night at light trap, 7–8 July 1993, leg. D.–S. KU . Two male paratypes (in Coll. KU): Korea, Prov. Kyöngnam, Chinju-shi Kajwadong , 14 July 1993, leg. D.–S. KU .

Female holotype and one female paratype are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department ofZoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. Nos 10536 (holotype) and 10537 (paratype); two male paratypes are in D.–S. KU’ s Collection (Sancheong, Republic ofKorea) .

The holotype is in good condition except right antenna with 13 antennomeres (i.e. flagellum damaged); female paratype also in good condition except torn metacarpal vein (1–R1) at its middle (fore right wing). Two male paratypes in good condition.

Etymology – The specific epithet “hebescum ” refers to the weak and hardly distinct mesoscutal dimple.

Description ofthe female holotype. – Body 2 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 18 antennomeres. First flagellomere three times, further flagellomeres 2.5 times as long as broad. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 45 View Figs 45–52 ) transverse, 1.9 times as broad as long, eye 1.7 times as long as temple, temple not bulging and rounded. OOL almost three times as long as POL. Tentorial pit short and not touching compound eye. Mandible 1.7 times as long medially as broad between teeth 1 and 3 ( Fig. 46 View Figs 45–52 ). Eye in lateral view 1.5 times as high as wide, temple beyond eye one-third less wide than eye and ventrally slightly narrowing. Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.2 times as long as high. Mesoscutal dimple short and weak, hardly distinct. Precoxal suture short, crenulate. Propodeum smooth and shiny with a medio-longitudinal carina, close along carina subrugulose, lateral pair ofspiracles large and before middle ofpropodeum sal view, 51 = first tergite, 52 = propodeum

( Fig. 47 View Figs 45–52 ). Mesosoma polished. – Hind femur four times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 48 View Figs 45–52 ). Hind basitarsus just shorter than tarsomeres 2–3 combined.

Fore wing about as long as body. Second submarginal cell long, 3–SR 2.7 times as long as 2–SR, 4–SR straight and 2.5 times as long as 3–SR. Vein 1–2CU1 twice as long as m–cu

First tergite twice as long as broad behind, beyond pair ofspiracles subparallel-sided, pair of weak keels ending posteriorly on tergite, hind halfoftergite longitudinally subrugulose ( Fig. 49 View Figs 45–52 ).

Further tergites polished. Ovipositor sheath as long as hind tarsomeres 1–3 combined.

Scape and pedicel yellow, flagellum greyish brownish. Head and mesosoma brown, head somewhat darker above. Metasoma light brown. First tergite entirely and fore halfofsecond tergite yellow. Clypeus brownish yellow, mandible yellow, palpi straw yellow. Tegula brownish yellow, parategula yellow. Legs yellow. Wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins greyish yellowish.

Description of the female paratype. – Similar to the female holotype. Body 1.9 mm long. Antenna with 19 antennomeres. First tergite 1.9 times as long as broad behind.

Description ofthe two male paratypes. – Similar to the female. Body 1.8–2 mm long. Antenna somewhat longer than body and with 19 antennomeres; first flagellomere 3.6 times and penultimate flagellomere 2.7 times as long as broad. Eye 1.6–1.7 times as long as temple. Second submarginal cell somewhat less long, 3–SR 2.2–2.3 times as long as 2–SR. First tergite 2–2.2 times as long as broad behind. Scape and pedicel brownish yellow.

Distribution: Korea.

The new species, Dinotrema hebescum , is a representative ofthe subcubicus species-group ( FISCHER 1976) and is nearest to D. erythropa (FÖRSTER) and to D. dreisbachi (FISCHER) considering their unusually large pair ofspiracles on propodeum; the three species are distinguished by the following features:

1 (2) Mesoscutal dimple long linear, extending on hind third ofmesoscutum. In dorsal view eye 1.2 times as long as temple, temple less rounded ( Fig. 50 View Figs 45–52 ). Antenna with 27–28 antennomeres, flagellomeres 10–26–27 subcubic. First tergite (1.4–)1.5–1.6 times as long as broad behind ( Fig. 51 View Figs 45–52 ). Medio-longitudinal rugulosity ofpropodeum linear as in Fig. 52 View Figs 45–52 . Female and male: 3–3.2 mm. – Europe D. erythropa (FÖRSTER, 1862)

2 (1) Mesoscutal dimple short and weak, hardly distinct. In dorsal view eye 1.7

times as long as temple, temple rounded ( Fig. 45 View Figs 45–52 ). Antenna with 18–19

antennomeres, flagellomeres 2.5 times as long as broad. First tergite 1.9–2

times as long as broad behind ( Fig. 49 View Figs 45–52 ). Medio-longitudinal rugulosity of propodeum wide as in Fig. 52 View Figs 45–52 . Female: 1.9–2 mm. – Korea

D. hebescum sp. n.


1 (2) Temple in dorsal view bulging, i.e. head between temples broader than between compound eyes; temple 1.3 times as long as eye. First tergite 1.2 times as long as broad behind (Abb. 25 in FISCHER 1969 b: 105). Hind femur thick, just three times as long as broad (Abb. 24 l. c.). Mandible strongly broadening (Abb. 22 l. c.). Female : 2.7 mm. – USA (Michigan)

D. dreisbachi (FISCHER, 1969)

2 (1) Temple in dorsal view not bulging, i.e. head between temples not broader than between eyes; eye 1.7 times as long as temple ( Fig. 45 View Figs 45–52 ). First tergite 1.9–2 times as long as broad behind ( Fig. 49 View Figs 45–52 ). Hind femur four times as long as broad ( Fig. 48 View Figs 45–52 ). Mandible less broadening ( Fig. 46 View Figs 45–52 ). Female: 1.9–2 mm. – Korea D. hebescum sp. n.


Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas













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