Kasimlara, Kiel, 2018

Kiel, Steffen, 2018, Three new bivalve genera from Triassic hydrocarbon seep deposits in southern Turkey, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63 (2), pp. 221-234 : 226

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Felipe (2024-08-07 21:32:09, last updated 2024-08-08 01:24:17)

scientific name



Genus Kasimlara nov.

Etymology: For its occurrence in the Kasımlar shales in southern Turkey. Type species: Kasimlara kosuni sp. nov.; see below.

Species included: The type species and Kasimlara sp. (described below).

Diagnosis.—Strongly inflated, laterally curved, modioliform shell with subterminal umbo, small but deep anterior adductor muscle scar, pallial line with very small, pointed sinus.

Remarks.— Kasimlara kosuni sp. nov. resembles the type species of Healeya , H. gonoides ( Healey, 1908) regarding shell outline, inflation, and the strong diagonal ridge Hautmann 2001). But H. gonoides has a distinct anterior pedal retractor scar that is not apparent in Kasimlara kosuni , and although K. kosuni is only known from internal molds, it is obvious that its hinge plate is not as strong as in H. gonoides . Furthermore, the strong diagonal ridge across the shell surface has two strong keels in H. gonoides whereas Kasimlara sp. shows only one keel.

The main differences between Kasimlara and Terzileria described above are (i) the much smaller anterior adductor muscle scar in Kasimlara , (ii) the much stronger inflation of Kasimlara , (iii) the lack of lateral shell curvature in Terzileria , and (iv) the presence of a small pallial sinus in Kasimlara , which Terzileria lacks.

Hautmann, M. 2001. Die Muschelfauna der Nayband-Formation (Obertrias, Nor-Rhat) des ostlichen Zentraliran. Beringeria 29: 3 - 181.

Healey, M. 1908. The fauna of the Napeng-beds or the Rhaetic beds of upper Burma. Palaeontologia Indica, New Series II (4): 1 - 88.









