Palaeoelphidium multiscissuratum ( Smout, 1955 ), 2020

Schlagintweit, Felix, 2020, Maastrichtian Larger Benthic Foraminifera From The Arabian Plate Sensu Lato: New Data From Somalia, Turkey, And Iran, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 16 (2), pp. 69-83 : 78

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2020.02.03

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Palaeoelphidium multiscissuratum ( Smout, 1955 )


Palaeoelphidium multiscissuratum ( Smout, 1955) View in CoL

Fig. 2 View Fig below, pars

*1955 Elphidiella multiscissurata n. sp. – Smout, p. 208, figs. 6-9 (upper Maastrichtian of Qatar, and Iraq).

2018 Laffiteina aff. jaskii Rahaghi – Luger, pl. 26, fig. 10 (upper Maastrichtian Auradu Formation of Somalia).

2018 Palaeoelphidium multiscissuratum (Smout) n. gen., n. comb. – Consorti et al., p. 166, figs. 3-5 (upper Maastrichtian Tarbur Formation of Iran) (cum syn.).

Remarks: The species has been described by Smout (1955) as Elphidiella multiscissurata from Maastrichtian marls of Qatar, associated with Siderolites , Loftusia , and Omphalocyclus . In addition, Smout noted the occurrence in the Aqra Limestone of Iraq within an equivalent assemblage of LBF. For the Tarbur Formation of Iran, Wynd (1965) established an upper Elphidiella multiscissurata subzone within his Omphalocyclus Loftusia assemblage zone. In some recent papers, it has been illustrated as Rotalia skourensis ( Pirbaluti et al., 2013, fig. 8.13; Payandeh et al., 2016, pl. 1, fig. 6). This taxon is considered by Consorti et al. (2018) as the oldest Elphidium -like foraminifer known so far.

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