Antalyna korayi Farinacci & Köylüoğlu, 1985

Schlagintweit, Felix, 2020, Maastrichtian Larger Benthic Foraminifera From The Arabian Plate Sensu Lato: New Data From Somalia, Turkey, And Iran, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 16 (2), pp. 69-83 : 72

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2020.02.03

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Antalyna korayi Farinacci & Köylüoğlu, 1985


Antalyna korayi Farinacci & Köylüoğlu, 1985 View in CoL

Fig. 3 View Fig o-t

*1985 Antalyna korayi n. gen., n. sp. – Farinacci and Köylüoğlu, p. 106, pl. 1–2 (upper Maastrichtian of SW Turkey).

2018 Antalyna korayi Farinacci & Köylüoğlu – Luger, p.

57, pl. 2F, fig. 10, non 8–9 (= Gen. et sp. indet.) (Maastrichtian Auradu Fm. of Somalia).

Remarks: This species has been described by Farinacci and Köylüoğlu (1985) from the upper Maastrichtian of SW Turkey. The type-locality belongs to the Bey Dağlari Autochthon, part of the Western Taurides (see Sarı et al., 2009). Farinacci and Köylüoğlu (1985) assigned Antalyna to the family Nezzazatidae Hamaoui & Saint- Marc (agglutinating wall) and notwithstandingly to the superfamily Miliolacea Ehrenberg (porcellaneous wall). A. korayi is not rather frequent in the Iranian Tarbur Formation ( Fig. 3 View Fig p-t). It has a low trochospirally coiled test with angular periphery, and a shallow delicate subepidermal meshwork (with "partitions" of equal length).

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