Apsyllopsis, Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2020

Burckhardt, Daniel & Queiroz, Dalva L., 2020, Neotropical jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) associated with plants of the tribe Detarieae (Leguminosae, Detarioideae), Zootaxa 4733 (1), pp. 1-73 : 7-8

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Plazi (2020-02-17 07:13:37, last updated 2024-11-29 10:50:07)

scientific name


gen. nov.

Apsyllopsis gen. nov.

LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:860E8B5F-D6C2-4965-AFF9-13C748

Type species: Psyllopsis mexicana Crawford , by present designation and monotypy; gender feminine.

Diagnosis. Adult. Vertex strongly curved downwards in apical third, flattened apically; lateral ocelli on slightly raised tubercles removed from occiput, anteorbital tubercles absent; vertex separated from genae by distinct suture; frons in depression formed by genae; toruli along apical third of vertex strongly raised; genae produced into massive conical, apically pointed processes; compound eyes not covering propleurites, distance between hind margin of eye and forewing base about twice eye diameter. Antennal segment 3 shorter than segments 7 or 8. Pronotum transversely, broadly ribbon-shaped. Propleurites slightly narrower than high, slightly oblique; proepimeron larger than episternum. Metapostnotum with low, median, longitudinal ridge. Forewing long and narrow, about 3 times as long as broad, transparent, lacking pattern consisting of dark, well defined spots and patches. Metatibia bearing distinct genual spine and 4–5 regularly spaced apical spurs. Metabasitarsus with two lateral spurs. Abdominal sternite 3 conspicuously bulged in the middle with two submedian knobs. Male proctiger unipartite, tubular. Paramere slen- der, digitiform. Aedeagus with distal segment about as long as paramere, inflated in apical half. Female terminalia, in profile, short, blunt apically. Circumanal ring convoluted. Fifth instar immature. Body one and a half to twice as long as wide, weakly sclerotised. Antenna 8-segmented. Distance between hind margin of eye and anterior point of forewing pad about as long as longitudinal eye diameter. Forewing pad shorter than antenna, narrow, lacking humeral lobes, bearing marginal, very weakly capitate setae. Margin of hindwing pad with a single sectaseta. Tarsal arolium very small, shorter than claws, subtrapezoidal, with unguitractor and pedicel. Abdomen slightly truncate terminally; abdominal margin with 5+5 sectasetae. Anus in terminal position; circumanal ring small, extra pore fields developed, convoluted, large, extending much onto abdominal dorsum and less onto venter; and consisting of a single row of wax pores.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 27–38 ). Large psyllids, 3.8–4.8 mm long. Head narrower than mesonotum, inclined at 45° from longitudinal body axis. Head ( Figs 4 View FIGURES 1–10 , 31 View FIGURES 27–38 ) with triangular vertex, which is almost twice as wide as long along midline, strongly curved downwards in apical third, flattened apically, weakly indented around foveae and along fully developed coronal suture; lateral ocelli on slightly raised tubercles removed from occiput, anteorbital tubercles absent; vertex separated from genae by distinct suture; frons in depression formed by genae, forming small rhomboid sclerite, delimited by vertex and genae, almost completely covered by median ocellus; toruli strongly raised along apical third of vertex; genae produced into massive conical, apically pointed processes, about two thirds as long as vertex along midline and covered in fine, moderately long setae; compound eyes small, hemispherical, adpressed, preocular sclerite absent, occiput broadly triangular in dorsal view. In profile, eye not covering propleurites, distance between hind margin of eye and forewing base about twice eye diameter ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 27–38 ). Clypeus mostly hidden by genae in lateral view, pear-shaped; rostrum short, only apex visible in lateral view. Antenna filiform, as long as or longer than forewing, 10-segmented; terminal setae shorter than segment 10, flagellum otherwise lacking macroscopic setae; segment 3 shorter than segments 7 or 8, with a single subapical rhinarium on each of segments 4, 6, 8 and 9. Thorax weakly arched dorsally; lacking macroscopic setae. Pronotum transversely, broadly ribbon-shaped. Propleurites slightly narrower than high, slightly oblique; epimeron larger than episternum. Parapteron small, about as big as tegula. Metapostnotum with low, median, longitudinal ridge. Forewing ( Figs 8 View FIGURES 1–10 , 27 View FIGURES 27–38 ) long and narrow, about 3 times as long as broad, narrowly, irregularly rounded apically, transparent; veins clothed in fine microscopic setae; vein C+Sc slender, costal break present, pterostigma narrow, short; cell cu 1 large; anal break close to apex of vein Cu 1b. Hindwing slightly shorter than forewing; costal setae not grouped; vein R+M+Cu splitting into R and M+Cu. Legs long and slender; metacoxa with large, slightly curved, horn-shaped, pointed meracanthus; metafemur about two thirds as long as metatibia, slightly thicker than the latter; metatibia bearing distinct genual spine and 4–5 often equally spaced apical spurs. Metabasitarsus with two lateral spurs. Abdominal sternite 3 conspicuously bulged in the middle with two submedian knobs along fore margin. Male proctiger unipartite, tubular. Subgenital plate subglobular. Paramere slender, digitiform. Aedeagus with distal segment about as long as paramere, inflated in apical half; sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius long, weakly sinuous. Female terminalia, in profile, short, blunt apically. Circumanal ring convoluted, consisting of two subequal rows of pores. Valvula dorsalis cuneate, apical half of dorsal margin serrate; valvula ventralis almost straight, pointed apically, lacking teeth.

Fifth instar immature. Body elongate, one and a half to twice as long as wide, weakly sclerotised ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 11–21 ). Antenna 8-segmented, sparsely beset with setae which are about as long as diameter of flagellum; bearing a single subapical rhinarium on each of segments 3, 5, 6 and 8. Dorsal body surface covered in long, fine setae. Distance between hind margin of eye and anterior point of forewing pad about as long as longitudinal eye diameter. Forewing pad shorter than antenna, narrow, lacking humeral lobes, bearing short and long marginal, very weakly capitate setae. Margin of hindwing pad with moderately long setae, and one very slender sectaseta. Legs long, with at least one long, very weakly capitate seta on tibiae; tarsal arolium very small, shorter than claws, subtrapezoidal, with unguitractor and pedicel ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 11–21 ). Abdomen suboval, slightly truncate terminally; caudal plate weakly sclerotised; abdominal margin with 5+5 slender, subacute sectasetae. Anus in terminal position; circumanal ring small, oval, consisting of a single row of pores; extra pore fields developed, convoluted, large, extending much onto abdominal dorsum and less onto venter; and consisting of a single row of wax pores ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11–21 ).

Egg. Narrow, elongate, 3–4 times as long as wide; pedicel short, thick, curved. Upper side with tubercular sclupture changing into microtrichia towards lower side, in apical half with two rows of verruciform papillae ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22–26 ).

Etymology. From the Greek prefix α- = not and Psyllopsis , referring to the genus to which Crawford assigned P. mexicana and to which it is not related (different families).

Distribution. Neotropical.

Host plants. Hymenaea spp.

Comments. Apsyllopsis is erected here for Psyllopsis mexicana (= Psyllia beeryi syn. nov., see below). Brown and Hodkinson (1988) included this species (as Limbopsylla beeryi ) in their artificial Limbopsylla based on following character combination: genal processes developed; antennal segment 3 shorter than segments 7 and 8; forewing veins lacking dark spots; metatibia with less than 6 apical spurs; male proctiger lacking posterior lobes; paramere simple (rather than bifid). Later, Burckhardt and Queiroz (2012) examined immatures and concluded that L. beeryi belongs to Macrocorsinae . They transferred the species to the previously monotypic Afrotropical Macrocorsa for the thick, downwards directed, apically pointed genal processes. Material at hand of Macrocorsa cf. congensis Vondráček, 1963 , from Cameroon: South-West Province, Mukonje, 5.iv.1939, at light (Buhr) (ZMHB, 1 ♂, dry mounted), and Macrocorsa sp. from Brazil: Amazonas, Rio Solimões, Lago do José, proximity of Manaus, 9.viii.1979, fogging (J. Adis et al.) (INPA, NHMB, many adults, dry mounted) suggests that ‘ Psyllopsis mexicana is not congeneric with M. congensis , the type species of Macrocorsa . Apsyllopsis differs significantly from Macrocorsa in the more elongate body, the forewing shape and the lack of a forewing pattern consisting of dark spots or patches. In these characters Macrocorsa resembles more Colophorina Capener and Euryconus Aulmann (both Psyllidae , Macrocorsinae ). Morphological differences between the four genera are summarised in Table 2 View TABLE 2 .

Apsyllopsis as defined here is currently monotypic. On the basis of the forewing venation and head shape, Brown and Hodkinson (1988) suggested that their Limbopsylla sp. A from Panama may be the sister species of A. mexicana . The two differ in the hindwing venation: vein M+Cu lacks in the former but is developed in the latter. A species recently collected in Brazil resembles Limbopsylla sp. A, including the hindwing venation. Based on the presence of marginal sectasetae on the caudal plate of immatures which lacks additional pore fields, the species from Brazil probably belongs to Ciriacreminae . The collecting data for these samples are as follows: Brazil: RJ, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Visitors Centre, -22.4507 -44.6102, 820 m, 15–18.iv.2019, unidentified Leguminosae, edge of Atlantic forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #330(3) (NHMB, slide mounted, 70% ethanol); same but Cachoeira Maromba, -22.4297 -44.6199, 1100 m, 17–18.iv.2019, unidentified Leguminosae, Atlantic forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #335(6) (NHMB, 70% ethanol).

Brown, R. G. & Hodkinson, I. D. (1988) Taxonomy and ecology of the jumping plant-lice of Panama (Homoptera: Psylloidea). E. J. Brill, Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., Leiden, New York, Kopenhagen, Koln, 304 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 156853988 X 00241

Burckhardt, D. & Queiroz, D. L. (2012) Commented checklist of the jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) from Brazil. Zootaxa, 3571 (1), 26 - 48. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3571.1.2

Vondracek, K. (1963) Jumping plant-lice (Psylloidea-Homoptera) of Central Africa. Part 1 (Congo). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 35, 263 - 290.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 27–38. Adult Macrocorsinae; 27–30, habitus, lateral view; 31–34, head, dorsal view; 35, egg; 36–38, galls.—27, 31, 35–38, Apsyllopsis mexicana; 28, 32, Colophorina tapuio sp. nov.; 29, 33, Euryconus sp. Brazil ex Dipteryx alata; 30, 34, Macrocorsa sp. Brazil.—Scales 31–34 = 0.1 mm.

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FIGURES 1–10. Adult psyllids associated with Detarieae; 1, 3–6, head, dorsal view; 2, head, frontal view; 7–10, forewing.—1, Platycorypha scalprata sp. nov.; 2, P. pycnopeus sp. nov.; 3, Colophorina bororo sp. nov.; 4, 8, Apsyllopsis mexicana; 5, 9, Jataiba uncigera sp. nov.; 6, Mitrapsylla gloriae sp. nov.; 7, Colophorina tupi sp. nov.; 10, Mitrapsylla viridis sp. nov.—Scales 1–6 = 0.2 mm; scales 7–10 = 0.3 mm.

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FIGURES 11–21. Immature psyllids associated with Detarieae; 11–15, caudal plate; apf = additional pore fields, ocr = outer circumanal ring, ss = sectasetae; 16, 17, habitus, right body side; 18, 19, apex of tarsus with claws and tarsal arolium; 20, 21, outer circumanal ring (ocr).—11, 16, 18, Apsyllopsis mexicana; 12, 19, Colophorina tapuio sp. nov.; 13, 20, Jataiba uncigera sp. nov.; 14, 21, Mitrapsylla gloriae sp. nov.; 15, Platycorypha rostrata sp. nov.; 17, Colophorina tupi sp. nov.—Scales 11–15 = 0.2 mm; scales 16, 17 = 0.3 mm; scales 18–21 = 0.03 mm.

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FIGURES 22–26. Eggs of psyllids associated with Detarieae; 22, Apsyllopsis mexicana; 23, Colophorina guarani sp. nov.; 24, Platycorypha amazonica sp. nov.; 25, Jataiba uncigera sp. nov.; 26, Mitrapsylla sp.—Scales 0.2 mm; 24–26 = scale 26.











