Aspilia pseudocalea G.Silva & A.Teles, 2017

Silva, Gustavo Henrique Lima Da & Teles, Aristônio M., 2017, Ten years later: a new species of Aspilia (Asteraceae-Heliantheae) from Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil, Phytotaxa 314 (1), pp. 117-122 : 117-121

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.314.1.11

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scientific name

Aspilia pseudocalea G.Silva & A.Teles

sp. nov.

Aspilia pseudocalea G.Silva & A.Teles View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ).

Closely related to A. prostrata , but differs by its leaves sessile (vs. petiolate), leaf blade linear (vs. narrow oblong); peduncles 7.5–14.5 cm long (vs. 2.3–3.6 cm long); involucral bracts lanceolate, 4–5-seriate (vs. oblong, 3-seriate); paleae apices acuminate (vs. rounded).

Type:— BRAZIL. Goiás:Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, em direção ao Morro do Japonês, 14°08’09.0”S, 47°48’53.1”W, 1186 m, 14 March 2015, R. N. Ribeiro, D. O. Diniz-Neres, G. L. Soares-Feitosa, L. L. C. Antunes & M. V. A. Soares 14 (holotype UFG!, isotypes MO!, RB!, UB!).

Perennial herbs with xylopodial stems, branched, decumbent, 50–80 cm long. Stem terete, strigose. Leaves opposite, decussate, ascending, sessile; blade linear, 4.4–8.7× 0.2–0.7 cm, apex acute, base acute to decurrent, margin entire, plane, strigose on both sides, with basal acrodromous venation. Capitula solitary, terminal, heterogamous, radiate; peduncle 7.5–14.5 cm long, strigose. Involucre campanulate, 6–9× 5–7 mm, involucral bracts 4–5-seriate, foliose, lanceolate, 6–9× 2–3 mm, apex acute, margin entire, strigose. Receptacle convex, paleaceous; paleae conduplicate, oblong, 6–7 mm long, apex acuminate. Ray florets 7–9, sterile, corolla liguliform, tube 2–2.5 mm long, limb oblong to elliptic, 7–9× 4–7 mm, apex 2-dentate. Ray cypselae aborted, oblong, 1.5–2 mm long; pappus coroniform, 3-aristate. Disk florets 21–25, bisexual, corolla tubular, 5–6 mm long, tube ca. 2 mm long, lobes 1–1.5 mm long; anthers 2.5–3 mm long, connective with an oval appendage 0.7–0.8× 0.4–0.5 mm; style 5–6 mm long, branches 2–3 mm long. Cypselae obovoid, 4–5× 1.9–2.5 mm, setose from middle to the apex and glabrous from middle to the base; pappus coroniform, 2–3-aristate, 1.5–2.2 mm long, brownish.

Distribution and ecology: — Aspilia pseudocalea is only known so far from the municipality of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, at the Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the State of Goiás ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). The species was found growing in grassland (campo limpo) on cambisol soil on sloping relief.

Conservation Status: —The new species, according to IUCN Red list categories ( IUCN 2017), is considered Endangered (EN, subcriterion D, population size estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals) as it grows in a highly specialized habitat and is known by few and small populations.

Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting specimens were collected in February, March, April, June, and October.

Etymology: —The specific epithet of this new species refers to the morphological similarity of this species with Calea kirkbridei .

Discussion: — Aspilia pseudocalea belongs to A. sect. Aspilia . This new species is closely related mainly to A. prostrata Santos (1996: 88) , but its morphology also resembles A. hispidantha Robinson (1984: 268) and A. procumbens Baker (1884: 194) . The species described herein differs from the other three by its linear sessile leaves (vs. petiolate oblong, narrow oblong or oblong lanceolate leaves), involucre dimensions 0.6–0.9× 0.5–0.7 cm (vs. 1–1.6× 1–1.3 cm, variation of the three species), and involucral bracts lanceolate, 4–5-seriate (vs. oblong to ovate, 2–3-seriate). However, the most notable character in Aspilia pseudocalea is the scar at the base of the cypsela this being 2–2.5 mm long, and double the length of a similar scar present in A. hispidantha , A. procumbens and A. prostrata , where its length reaches no more than 1 mm. In addition, A. hispidantha and A. prostrata are not recorded in the State of Goiás ( Santos 2001; Flora do Brasil 2020 2017).

Paratypes: — BRAZIL. Goiás: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, ca. 1 km da sede do Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, 7 February 1987, J. R. Pirani, R. M. Harley, B. L. Stannard, A. Furlan & C. Kameyama 1752 ( K, MBM, SPF) ; Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, em direção ao Morro da Baleia , 14°07’21”S, 47°39’58.8”W, 1230 m, 20 April 2015, R. N. Ribeiro, D. O. Diniz-Neres, R. C. Sodré, V. F. Mansano, M. J. Silva, T. M. S. Melo 64 ( UFG) GoogleMaps ; Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Cerrado sentido restrito, ao lado da GO-239, 14°06’29”S, 47°39’59”W, 1186 m, 4 June 2015, R. N. Ribeiro, D. O. Diniz-Neres, G. L. Soares-Feitosa, M. J. Silva & T. R. N. Souza 130 ( UFG) GoogleMaps ; Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Jardim de Maytrea 14°07’41.383”S, 47°41’10.749”W, 1214 m, 6 October 2015, G. H. Silva, R. N. Ribeiro, D. O. Diniz-Neres, P. S. Pereira, C. S. Santos 347 ( UFG) GoogleMaps .


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