Dziriblatta (Pauciscleroblatta) kroumiriensis ( Adelung, 1914 ) Bohn, 2019

Bohn, Horst, 2019, Revision of the genus Dziriblatta Chopard, 1936 (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Ectobiinae) from North Africa, Spain, and the Macaronesian islands. I. The nine subgenera of the genus, Zootaxa 4610 (1), pp. 1-73 : 12-13

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4610.1.1

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scientific name

Dziriblatta (Pauciscleroblatta) kroumiriensis ( Adelung, 1914 )

comb. nov.

Dziriblatta (Pauciscleroblatta) kroumiriensis ( Adelung, 1914) , comb. nov.

Figs. 1 View Fig A–P, 2A-O, 8J, 21D, 23I, 24K, 32.

Hololampra kroumiriensis Adelung, 1914: 134 View in CoL .

Hololampra finoti Bolívar, 1914: 167 View in CoL . syn. nov.

Lobolampra finoti: Failla & Messina 1989: 38 , figs. 9–12.

Dziriblatta theryi Chopard, 1936a: 63 View in CoL , figs. 7, 9. syn. nov.

Lobolampra theryi: Chopard 1943 , fig. 31.

Lobolampra adelungi Chopard, 1943: 32 . syn. nov.

Aphlebia algerica View in CoL (nec Bolívar): Finot 1895: 85, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from other species of the subgenus by the characteristic shape and colour of the tegmina, in the male additionally by the characteristic arrangement of the porous glands laterally at the anterior border of T2 and the usually very dark colouration.

Material studied.

Type material. Syntypes: 1♂, 1♀, Aïn Draham , Kroumirie [ Tunisia], Gadeau (abd. and left tegmen of male on two slides: Bo 195) [Tu 1]. ( MNMS).— Type of Lobolampra theryi : 1♂, Algérie, Boufarik, A.Thery (abd. and left tegmen on two slides: Bo 6) [Al 11]. ( MNHN) .— Syntypes of Lobolampra adelungi : 1♂, 1♀, Tunisie, Envoi Blanc , 17.IV.1892 (♂ completely and remnants of ♀ on three slides: Bo 228) [Tu 3]. ( MNHN).— Type of Hololampra finoti : 1♂, Algérie, Col des Oliviers, Collection Brünner (det. as: Aphlebia algerica Bol. ?, Coll. Finot) (three slides, prepared by Failla & Messina) [Al 8]. ( MNHN) .

Additional material. Algeria. 1♀, Algérie, Col des Oliviers, Collection Brünner (slide: Bo 152) [Al 8] ; 1♀, St.Antoine [= El Hedaick], 1919, A.Thery (slide: Bo 359) [Al 18] ; 1♀, Tarfaia [Locality not identifiable], 1919, A.Thery (slide: Bo 360). ( MNHN) .— 2♀; ex L: 2♀, Prov. Bouira, btw. Zouggara & Ouled-Ziane (ca. 10 km W Lakhdaria), 500 m, 21.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♀, Al 2/2) ; 34♂, 4♀, 6L; ex L: 19♀, 3L, Prov. Blida, Atlas de Blida, Chréa, 700–1400 m, 22./ 23.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Al 4/3,12,14,15; ♀, Al 4/ 4,11,13) ; 1♂, 10♀, Prov. Blida, Boufarik (near Alger), 100 m, 23.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Al 5/6) ; 2♀, Prov. Tipaza, Tombeau Royal Mauretanien (near Tipaza), 200 m, 24.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♀, Al 6/ 2) ; 1♀, Prov. Tizi-Ouzou, Larbaa (near Makouda , 17 km N Tizi-Ouzou), 300 m, 25.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♀, Al 9/3) ; 19♀, 5O, Prov. Bouira, Grande Kabylie, Massif du Djurdjura, 3 km N M'Chedallah, 550 m, 26.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♀, Al 12/2) ; 2♀, Prov. Bouira, Taourirt (ca. 40 km E Bouira), 400 m, 26.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (Al 13) ; 4♂, 16♀, Prov. Bordj-Bou-Arréridj, 7 km W Mansoura (30 km W Bordj- Bou-Arréridj), 700 m, 27.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Al 15/2,3); ex L : 1♂, Prov. Batna, Monts de Belzma, Seriana , 1100–1300 m, 27.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Al 16/3) ; 2♀, Prov. Batna, Monts de Belezma , near Oued El Ma (10 km E Mérouana), 1000 m, 28.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♀, A 17/1) ; 17♀, 19L, Prov. Annaba, Région de Berrahal, Forêt de Chêne-liège , 39.III.- 10.V.2016, leg. L.I. (Al 33c). (C. Bohn, ZSM) . Tunisia. 1♀, Tunisie ( MNHN) .— 6♂, 19♀, Prov. Jendouba, Monts de Medjerda, Forêt du Feidja, A. Soltane, 600 m, 16./ 17.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slides: ♂, Tu 11/3,6; ♀, Tu 11/7) ; 2♂, 7♀, Prov. Jendouba, Bulla Regia (near Jendouba), 300 m, 17.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Tu 12/1) ; 2♂, Prov. Jendouba, Bulla Regia (near Jendouba), 300 m, 12.IV.1995, leg. M. Faas (Tu 12a) ; 3♂, 1♀, ex L: 2♂, 2♀, 2L, Prov. Béja, 4 km W Nefza, 200 m, 18.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Tu 15/3) ; 3♂, 8♀, Prov. Bizerta, S shore of Lac Ichkeul (near Bizerte), 100 m, 18.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♂, Tu 17/1) ; 1♀, Prov. Béja, Monts de Téboursouk, btw. Béja & Téboursouk , 200 m, 20.IV.1990, leg. B. & H.Bohn (slide: ♀, Tu 18/1) ; 1♂, Prov. Béja, Dougga (near Téboursouk), 13.IV.1995, leg. M. Faas (slide: ♂, Tu 19/1). (C. Bohn, ZSM) .

Description. Size. Length of pronotum in male 1.76–1.98 (mean 1.87) mm, in female 2.08–2.43 (mean 2.34) mm.

Wings. Tegmina triangular, with a broad base and narrowly rounded apex; broadest in about the basal third of the length, in the male relatively broader than in the female ( Figs. 1H, I, L, M View Fig , 2 View Fig A–E).

Male structures. T2 laterally near the anterior border with some large superficially situated glandular pores, laterally adjacent surface deepened to a transversely oval groove, walls of the groove densely covered with large pores deepening to huge saclike gland cells ( Figs. 2F, G View Fig ). Large glandular pores usually also present anteriorly on T8–10 ( Fig. 2H View Fig ). T7 gland with some variation in size and shape of the anterior pouch and of the unsclerotized field posteriorly of the pouch opening, between specimens from the same as well as from different localities ( Figs. 2 View Fig K–N). Four scale sclerites present: no.1 large, pleated, no.2 snuglike, no.3 more or less plane, with relatively long scales, no.4 small, without consistent shape ( Figs. 1K View Fig , 21D).

Colouration. Tegmina. Transparent ( Figs. 1H, I, L, M View Fig ), in the male costal and apical border usually darkly lined ( Figs. 2 View Fig A–C, E), sometimes also posterior surface infuscated, but without dark spots ( Fig. 2E View Fig ). Male. Apart from the broad transparent margins of pro- and metanotum often almost uniformly dark, blackish or dark brown ( Figs. 1 View Fig A–G, L); lightly coloured (whitish or pale yellowish) areas: posterior and lateral borders of abdominal tergites, lateral borders of sternites, coxa-trochanter and femur-tibial joint and tarsi of legs. Extension of lightened areas on tergites variable, in a given specimen increasing from T7 towards T2; by more extended lightenings a pattern of variously large dark markings is revealed. Female. Mainly of pale yellowish colour. Head variously dark, but always with distinctly lighter coloured interocular stripe. Nota ( Fig. 1M View Fig ) yellowish with an often indistinct pattern of darker spots, on the metanotum reaching far into the transparant lateral margins, mesonotum often with a dark marking along the lateral margins. Legs at most darkened at the base. Abdominal tergites yellowish, anteriorly of transversal ridge with a broad dark transversal stripe ( Fig. 1N View Fig ), posteriorly with a pattern of variously sized and coloured spots, often with a transversal row of larger, darker patches. Abdominal sternites either dark with a broad lateral lightening, or with still more extended lightenings.

Distribution. Distributed in eastern Algeria (east of Tipasa near Alger) and in Tunisia (west of Bizerta), in both countries in a broad stripe along the northern mountain chain of the Tell-Atlas (Fig. 32).

Remarks. The conformity in the appearance of tegmina and porous glands on T2 between the type specimens of Hololampra kroumiriensis , Hololampra finoti , Dziriblatta theryi and Lobolampra adelungi leave no doubt concerning the synonymies listed above. Female due to a similar colouration in earlier papers often confused with Dz. algerica , which, however, has differently shaped tegmina, notwithstanding the strong differences in the genital sclerites.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
















Dziriblatta (Pauciscleroblatta) kroumiriensis ( Adelung, 1914 )

Bohn, Horst 2019

Lobolampra adelungi

Chopard, L. 1943: 32

Dziriblatta theryi

Chopard, L. 1936: 63

Hololampra kroumiriensis

Adelung, N. 1914: 134

Hololampra finoti Bolívar, 1914: 167

Bolivar, I. 1914: 167

Aphlebia algerica

Finot, A. 1895: 85
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