Tylos europaeus Arcangeli, 1938

Taiti, Stefano & Rossano, Claudia, 2015, Terrestrial isopods from the Oued Laou basin, north-eastern Morocco (Crustacea: Oniscidea), with descriptions of two new genera and seven new species, Journal of Natural History 49 (33), pp. 2067-2138 : 2069-2070

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Carolina (2020-08-24 18:06:27, last updated 2024-11-26 03:18:57)

scientific name

Tylos europaeus Arcangeli, 1938


Tylos europaeus Arcangeli, 1938 View in CoL

Tylos europaeus View in CoL ; Achouri et al., 2008c, pp. 76–78; Colombini et al., 2008, p. 86; Charfi-Cheikhrouha and El Gtari, 2008, p. 95.

Material examined

12 ♂♂, 12 ♀♀, 8 juvs, St. 1, under debris on beach, leg. S. Taiti and C. Rossano, 28 September 2005 ( MZUF 9450 View Materials ) ; 14 ♂♂, 14 ♀♀, St. 5, beach under stones, leg. S. Taiti and C. Rossano, 1 May 2004 ( MZUF 9451 View Materials ) ; 1 ♀, same locality and collectors, 1 October 2005 ( MZUF 9452 View Materials ) .

Previous Rif records

Oued Laou region ( Achouri et al. 2008c); Oued Laou ( Colombini et al. 2008); Aouchtane ( Charfi-Cheikhrouha and El Gtari 2008).


This littoral species is known with certainty from the whole Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Atlantic coasts of Europe as far north as Brittany, and the Azores.


The exact distribution of T. europaeus is difficult to be defined since in the past it has been often recorded as Tylos latreillii Audouin, 1826 together with the other Mediterranean species T. ponticus Grebnitzky, 1874 . For comments on the taxonomy and diagnostic characters of this species see Taiti and Ferrara (1996).

Achouri MS, Medini-Bouaziz L, Hamaied S, Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2008 c. Diversity of terrestrial isopods at the Oued Laou region (Northeast of Morocco): preliminary results. In: Bayed A, Ater M, editors. Du Bassin versant vers la mer: analyse multidisciplinaire pour une gestion durable. Trav Inst Sci Rabat (Ser Gen). 5: 75 - 79.

Arcangeli A. 1938. Tylos Latreillii Aud. et Sav., suoi biotopi, sua area di diffusione. Boll Mus Zool Anat comp R Univ Torino. 46: 139 - 151, pls 1 - 6.

Audouin JV. 1826. Explication sommaire des planches de Crustaces de l' Egypte et de la Syrie, publiees par Jules-Cesar Savigny, Membre de l' Institut, offrant un expose des caracteres naturels des genres, avec la distinction des especes. In: Description de l' Egypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant l' expedition de l' Armee francaise, publie par les ordres de sa Majeste l' Empereur Napoleon le Grand. Hist nat 1 (4 e partie): 77 - 98.

Charfi-Cheikhrouha F, El Gtari M. 2008. Structure et distribution des Arthropodes de deux plages mediterraneennes: Aouchtane au Maroc et Berkoukech en Tunisie. In: Bayed A, Ater M, editors. Du Bassin versant vers la mer: analyse multidisciplinaire pour une gestion durable. Trav Inst Sci Rabat (Ser Gen). 5: 93 - 98.

Colombini I, Chaouti A, Fallaci M, Gagnarli E, Scapini F, Bayed A, Chelazzi L. 2008. An assessment of sandy beach macroinvertebrates inhabiting the coastal fringe of the Oued Laou river catchment area (Northern Morocco). In: Bayed A, Ater M, editors. Du bassin versant vers la mer: analyse multidisciplinaire pour une gestion durable. Trav Inst Sci Rabat (Ser Gen). 5: 81 - 91.

Grebnitzky N. 1874. Materialy dlja fauny Novoressijskogo kraja. Isopoda [in Russian]. Zap novoross Obshch Estest. 2: 250 - 262, pl. 3.

Taiti S, Ferrara F. 1996. The terrestrial Isopoda of Corsica (Crustacea, Oniscidea). Bull Mus natl Hist nat Paris. 18: 459 - 545. 4 e Serie.













