Halophiloscia couchii ( Kinahan, 1858 )

Taiti, Stefano & Rossano, Claudia, 2015, Terrestrial isopods from the Oued Laou basin, north-eastern Morocco (Crustacea: Oniscidea), with descriptions of two new genera and seven new species, Journal of Natural History 49 (33), pp. 2067-2138 : 2076-2077

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Carolina (2020-08-24 18:06:27, last updated 2020-08-25 13:07:39)

scientific name

Halophiloscia couchii ( Kinahan, 1858 )


Halophiloscia couchii ( Kinahan, 1858)

Philoscia couchii ; Dollfus, 1896, p. 548

Philoscia Couchii ; Paulian de Félice, 1939, p. 192

Halophiloscia couchi ; Vandel, 1958a p. 128

Halophiloscia couchii ; Taiti and López, 2008, p. 44, Figures 1A– C, 8A,B, 9

Material examined

10 ♂♂, 21 ♀♀, St. 1, under debris on beach, leg. S. Taiti and C. Rossano, 28 September 2005 ( MZUF 9457 View Materials , 9458 View Materials ) ; 7 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀, St. 5, beach under stones, leg. S. Taiti and C. Rossano, 1 May 2004 ( MZUF 9459 View Materials ) .

Previous Rif records

Melilla, Mar Chica ( Vandel 1958a); Oued Laou ( Taiti and López 2008).


Coasts of the Atlantic Ocean from Senegal to the British Isles, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Mediterranean and Black Sea. Introduced to North and South America, Hawaii and Australia.


For diagnostic characters of H. couchii see Schmidt (2003, Figures 52–57) and Taiti and López (2008, p. 44, Figures 1A– C, 8A,B).

Dollfus A. 1896. Les isopodes terrestres du nord de l' Afrique, du Cap Blanc a Tripoli (Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Tripolitaine). Mem Soc Zool France. 9: 523 - 553.

Kinahan JR. 1858. On the genera Philoscia (Latreille); Itea (Koch); Pilougria (Kinahan); comprising descriptions of new British species. Nat Hist Rev. 5: 194 - 200, pl. 23.

Paulian de Felice L. 1939. Recoltes de R. Paulian et A. Villiers dans le Haut Atlas marocain, 1938 (septieme note). Isopodes terrestres. Bull Soc Sci nat Maroc. 19: 191 - 213.

Schmidt C. 2003. Contribution to the phylogenetic system of the Crinocheta (Crustacea, Isopoda). Part 2 (Oniscoidea to Armadillidiidae). Mitt Mus Naturk Berlin, Zool Reihe. 79: 3 - 179.

Taiti S, Lopez H. 2008. New records and species of Halophilosciidae (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from the Canary Islands (Spain). In: Zimmer M, Charfi Cheikhrouha F, Taiti S, editors. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Terrestrial Isopod Biology - ISTIB- 07. Aachen: Shaker-Verlag; p. 43 - 58.

Vandel A. 1958 a. Les isopodes terrestres du Rif. Tamuda. 6: 127 - 134.











