Platyarthrus parisii Arcangeli, 1930

Taiti, Stefano & Rossano, Claudia, 2015, Terrestrial isopods from the Oued Laou basin, north-eastern Morocco (Crustacea: Oniscidea), with descriptions of two new genera and seven new species, Journal of Natural History 49 (33), pp. 2067-2138 : 2091-2092

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Carolina (2020-08-24 18:06:27, last updated 2024-11-26 03:18:57)

scientific name

Platyarthrus parisii Arcangeli, 1930


Platyarthrus parisii Arcangeli, 1930 View in CoL

( Figure 15 View Figure 15 )

Platyarthrus schöbli parisii View in CoL ; Vandel, 1946, p. 219

Platyarthrus Parisii View in CoL ; Arcangeli, 1952, p. 137

Material examined

1 ♂, 1 ♀, St. 25, under stones in meadow, leg. S. Taiti, 30 April 2004 ( MZUF 9477 View Materials ) .


Canary Islands and Morocco. New record for the Rif region.


Platyarthrus parisii was described by Arcangeli (1930) on female specimens from the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria and Tenerife). Vandel (1946) considers this form as a subspecies of P. schoblii Budde-Lund, 1885 and adds a record for Morocco (Mamora Forest, between Rabat and Meknès). Arcangeli (1952) in a discussion on the various subspecies of P. schoblii definitely considers this form as a species (see also Schmalfuss 2003). The specimens from the St. 25 (near Oued Ouara) examined by us show the same large lateral lobes of the cepalon and the same disposition of the dorsal ribs as P. parisii , but differ in the more protruding median frontal lobe. It is difficult to say whether this character can be enough to distinguish a distinct species or it falls within the variability of P. parisii . In order to facilitate a future comparison with the species from the Canary Islands the main characters of the specimens from Oued Ouara are illustrated in Figure 15 View Figure 15 .

Arcangeli A. 1930. Isopodi terrestri raccolti nelle Isole Canarie dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri (con aggiunte). Boll Lab Zool gen agr R Ist sup agr Portici. 24: 82 - 91.

Arcangeli A. 1952. La fauna isopodologica terrestre della Puglia e delle isole Tremiti e la sua probabile origine in rapporto alla diffusione transadriatica di specie. Mem Biogeogr adriat. 2: 109 - 172. Figures 1 - 11.

Budde-Lund G. 1885. Crustacea Isopoda terrestria per familias et genera et species descripta. Copenhagen: Nielsen and Lydiche; 319 p.

Schmalfuss H. 2003. World catalog of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea). Stuttg Beitr Naturk, Ser A (Biol). 654: 1 - 341.

Vandel A. 1946. Crustaces isopodes terrestres (Oniscoidea) epiges et cavernicoles du Portugal. Etude des recoltes de Monsieur A. de Barros Machado. An Fac Cien Porto. 30: 135 - 427.

Gallery Image

Figure 15. Platyarthrus parisii from St. 25, ♂: (A) dorsal scale-seta; (B) cephalon and pereonite 1, dorsal view; (C) pleonite 5, telson and uropods; (D) pereopod 1; (E) pereopod 7; (F) pleopod 1.













