Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852

Kazantsev, S. V., 2021, New species of Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852 from the Caucasus, with taxonomic notes on Malthininae (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) of Russia, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin (Caucas. entomol. bull.) 17 (2), pp. 285-291 : 286-291

publication ID 10.23885/181433262021172-285291

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scientific name

Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852


Genus Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852

Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852: 242 .

Type species: Malthinus marginatus Latreille, 1806 .

Malthodes obscuricollis ( Motschulsky, 1853)

( Figs 1, 5–8)

Hapaloderus obscuricollis Motschulsky, 1853: 10 .

Hapaloderus pumilus Motschulsky, 1853: 13 (homonym).

Malthodes moczarskii Ganglbauer, 1912: 181 , syn. n.

Malthodes tauricus Pic, 1917: 13 (replacement name), syn. n.

Malthodes tauricus Istomina, 1969: 1104 .

Material. Neotype, ♂ ( ZMMU), Crimean Reserve , Chuchelsky Pass, 1100 m, 17.07.1959 (M.K. Tikhonravov) (printed label), “ Neotype, Kazantsev des.” (handwritten, red rectangle), “ Malthodes obscuricollis Mots., S. Kazantsev det. 2021” (printed label).

Additional material. 1♂ ( ZIN), Simferopol , Ayanskaya Dacha, 20.05.[19]07, (O.G. and K. Khristoforovs), “ M. moszarskii Ganglb. ; 1♂, 2♀ ( ZMMU), Crimean Reserve , Chuchelsky Pass, 1100 m, 30.06.1957 (M.K. Tikhonravov) ; 1♂, 1♀ ( ZMMU), Crimean Reserve , Alabach, 3.07.1957 (M.K. Tikhonravov) ; 1♀ ( ZMMU), Crimean Reserve , Khyr-Alan, 12.07.1957 (M.K. Tikhonravov) ; 2♀ ( ZMMU), Crimean Reserve , Nikitskaya Yayla, 1400 m, 17.07.1959 (M.K. Tikhonravov) ; 1♂ ( ICM), [Crimea], Chatyrdag Mt. , foothills, 700 m, 10.07.1960 (B. Rodendorf) ; 1♂ ( ICM), “USSR, Crimea , Yaila Mts, 800 m, 3.VI.1983, J. Strejcek leg.” ; 2♂, 1♀ ( ICM), Crimea , 15 km S Bakhchisarai, 440–570 m, on elder flowers, 2– 3.05.2010 (S. Kazantsev).

Notes. The type of Malthodes obscuricollis , as that of Malthinus robustus , mentioned above, and all the other types of Cantharidae from the territory of Russia and adjacent countries appears to have been lost. However, the description of M. obscuricollis is quite clear (the species is placed in the group with ‘corselet unicolore, obscure, étroit et en selle c.a.d. fortement incliné sur les bords latéraux’): “Forme voisine des précédents (angusticollis M., maurus Ziegl, fuscescens Duft), corselet également en selle, mais un peu plus petit et proportionnellement plus large que[chez] le Hapal. fuscescens Duft. D’un gris cendré clair, corselet, tête et antennes noires. Ceux-ci très longes, art. 2 presqu’aussi long que 3. Segment pygidial du mâle en dessous prolongé en crochet très long, courbé vers l’abdomen et terminé par une fourche à fâces dilatés en palettes. Tauride et midi de la France ” [ Motschulsky, 1853: 10]. This description of a malthinine from ‘Tauride’ corresponds to M. moczarskii Ganglbauer, 1912 , also from Crimea [ Ganglbauer, 1912]. As there seem to be no other Malthodes in the peninsula that could be distinguished by this shape of the abdominal terminalia, the latter taxon apparently also belongs to M.obscuricollis . As for M.tauricus Pic,1917 , it was suggested as a replacement name for M. pumilus ( Motschulsky, 1853) due to its homonymy with M. pumilus (Brébisson, 1835) . The description of M. pumilus ( Motschulsky, 1853) from the group with ‘corselet unicolore, obscure, large, peu incliné sur les cotés, qui sont sinueux’ reads as follows: “Taille, forme et couleurs du Hapal. brevicollis Payk. , mais antennes encore plus courtes et plus épaisses que chez le Hapal. obscurellus Schüpp., a peine de la longueur de la moitié du corps. Angles antérieurs du corselet moins saillants que chez le Hapal. brevicollis , cotés latéraux droits. Élytres recouvrant à peine la moitié de l’abdomen. Tauride” [ Motschulsky, 1853: 13]. This description suggests it is a female (in case of males Motschulsky tends to describe ultimate abdominal segments) and fits to a M. obscuricollis female.

For these reasons Malthodes moczarskii Ganglbauer, 1912 , syn. n. and M. tauricus Pic, 1917 , syn. n. are proposed to be regarded as junior synonyms of Malthodes obscuricollis ( Motschulsky, 1853) , and a neotype of M. obscuricollis is designated to be deposited in ZMMU.

Malthodes brevicollis ( Paykull, 1798)

( Fig. 9)

Cantharis brevicollis Paykull, 1798: 269 .

Malthodes nigellus Kiesenwetter, 1852: 307 .

Hapaloderus viridiventris Motschulsky, 1853: 12 , syn. n.

Malthodes lunifer Czwalina, 1884: 272 .

Notes. The type of Malthodes viridiventris ( Motschulsky, 1853) , as of all the other types of Cantharidae View in CoL from the territory of Russia and adjacent countries, as mentioned above, appears to have been lost.

However, the description of M. viridiventris seems to be fairly clear (the species is placed in the group with ‘corselet unicolore, obscure, large, peu incliné sur les cotes, qui sont sinueux’): “De la forme élargie du Hapal. biguttatus, mais beaucoup plus petit, à peu près de la taille du Hapal. morio, avec lequel il a la plus grande ressemblance. Couleur aussi noir, premières segments de l’abdomen d’un vers jaunâtre sale, genoux et tarses brunâtres. Corselet très transversal, au milieu avec une large impression longitudinale, cotes latéraux concaves, ce qui fait surtout ressortir les angles qui sont un peu relevés. Élytres plus longues que chez Hapal. morio. Segment pygidial du dessus prolonge chez le mâle en tarrière droite, tandis que le celui du dessous a l’apparence d’un Y grec, pas plus long que les appendices des cotés latéraux. Ile de Walaam sur le Lac de Ladoga” [ Motschulsky, 1853: 12]. This description of a malthinine from northern Russia fits only to M. brevicollis , a very common Malthodes species in the area ( Fig. 9). Therefore, Malthodes viridiventris ( Motschulsky, 1853) , syn. n. is proposed to be regarded as a junior synonym of Malthodes brevicollis ( Paykull, 1798) .

Malthodes seregiusi Kazantsev , sp. n.

( Figs 2, 10–13)

Material. Holotype, ♂ ( ICM): [South Russia], “ Sochi reg., 30 km NNE Adler, Chvizhipse V., 220-550 m, 29.IV-6.V.2013, S. Kurbatov leg.” . Paratype: 1♂ ( ICM), same label .

Diagnosis. Malthodes seregiusi sp. n. is similar to M. pseudobesucheti Wittmer, 1970 , described from Turkey, with the same type of aedeagus, differing in the uniformly dark brown pronotum,just with narrow light brown anterior and posterior margins, parallel-sided, not widening distally and only slightly incised apically ultimate sternite and distinctly shorter parallel-sided ultimate tergite, with semirectangular apical incision, as well as by the conspicuously less hooked in lateral aspect laterophyses of the aedeagus with more bulging in dorsal aspect bases ( Figs 10–13).

Description. Male.Dark brown to black, with lighter anterior tibiae and elytral apices; anterior and posterior pronotal margins narrowly, as well as antennomeres 1–2 and base of antennomere 3 light brown.

Head transverse, with fine scarce punctation below antennal prominence. Eyes relatively large, interocular dorsal distance ca. 1.3 times greater than eye diameter. Antennae filiform, attaining to elytral apices, with antennomere 3 ca. 1.1 times shorter than pedicel (antennomere 2) and ca. 1.4 times shorter than antennomere 4; with sub-erect, dense short pubescence ( Fig. 2).

Pronotum transverse, ca. 1.5 times as wide as long, narrowly margined throughout, convex basally, straight anteriorly, with slightly diverging anteriorly straight sides, small posterior and canted anterior angles, with fine scarce punctation. Scutellum triangular, rounded at apex ( Fig. 2).

Elytra elongate, ca. 2.2 times as long as wide at humeri, shortened, attaining to abdominal apex, slightly narrowing distally, without traces of longitudinal costae; apices somewhat swollen; pubescence relatively dense, short and decumbent ( Fig. 2).

Legs slender, tibiae straight, subequal in length to femurs, hind tarsus ca. 1.3 times shorter than hind tibia ( Fig. 2).

Terminal tergite transverse, parallel-sided, with broad shallow rectangular distal incision, penultimate tergite elongate, almost parallel-sided, with almost unmodified sides; ultimate sternite elongate, gradually narrowing distally, slightly bent in the middle in lateral view, with minute triangular distal incision ( Figs 10, 11).

Aedeagus semi-oval, with narrowed distally, slightly curved median lobe and prominent laterophyses, almost unhooked in lateral aspect and conspicuously bulging bases ( Figs 12, 13).

Length (from anterior head margin to end of folded wings): 2.9–3 mm. Width (humerally): 0.6–0.7 mm.

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from the latinized first name of Dr Sergey Kurbatov (Moscow, Russia), who collected the type series.

Malthodes vikhrevi Kazantsev , sp. n.

( Figs 3, 14–17)

Material. Holotype, ♂ ( ICM): “ South Russia, NW Caucasus, Sochi, Khosta, 3-9.V.2011, N. Vikhrev leg.”.

Diagnosis. Malthodes vikhrevi sp. n. is related to M. caucasicus Wittmer, 1958 and M. adjaricus Wittmer, 1992 , distinguishable, from the former, by the shorter paired apical processes of the terminal sternite and conspicuously concave pre-apically, in lateral aspect, median lobe of the aedeagus, and from the latter, by the distinctly widened, in lateral view, laterophyses ( Figs 14–17).

Description. Male. Dark brown to black; pronotum broadly at angles and knees light brown.

Head transverse. Eyes small, interocular dorsal distance ca. 2.3 times greater than eye diameter. Antennae filiform, long, attaining by antennomere 10 to apices of folded wings, with antennomere 3 ca. 1.3 times longer than pedicel (antennomere 2) and ca. 1.2 times shorter than antennomere 4; pubescence sub-erect and relatively short ( Fig. 3).

Pronotum transverse, ca. 1.2 times as wide as long, convex basally and slightly concave anteriorly, almost straight at sides, margined before bulging anterior angles, with small rounded anterior and posterior angles. Scutellum triangular, rounded at apex ( Fig. 3).

Elytra elongate, 2.6 times as long as wide at humeri, shortened, slightly narrowing distally; with coarse punctation in distal third; apices somewhat swollen ( Fig. 3).

Legs long and slender, tibiae straight, noticeably longer than femurs, tarsi narrow, hind tarsus ca. 1.5 times shorter than hind tibia ( Fig. 3).

Terminal tergite transverse, widening distally, with elongate paired apical processes, penultimate tergite elongate, somewhat constricted in the middle, with unmodified sides; terminal sternite elongate, narrowed before apex, with relatively short paired apical processes ( Figs 14, 15).

Aedeagus widening distally, with relatively short and concave before apex, in lateral aspect, median lobe, elongate, rounded and slightly widening distally parameres and distinctly widened, in lateral aspect, laterophyses ( Figs 16, 17).

Length (from anterior head margin to end of folded wings): 4 mm. Width (humerally): 0.8 mm.

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The new species is named after Dr Nikita Vikhrev (Moscow, Russia), who collected the type specimen.

Malthodes vladimiri Kazantsev , sp. n.

( Figs 4, 18–20)

Material. Holotype, ♂ ( ICM): “W Georgia, Adzharia , Chakvistavi, UV light, 6.V.1987, S. Kazantsev leg.” . Paratypes: 8♂ ( ICM), same label ; 2♂, 1♀ ( ICM), W Georgia, Adzharia , Batumi, Bot. garden, sweeping, 19– 20.05.1987 (S. Kazantsev) .

Diagnosis. Malthodes vladimiri sp. n. belongs to the M. tordi Wittmer, 1970 group and is apparently close to M. jaromiri Švihla, 2002 , separable by the outwardly hooked at apices (in dorsal aspect) interophyses and not toothed apically laterophyses of the median lobe of the aedeagus ( Figs 19, 20).

Description. Male. Dark brown to black; pronotal anterior and posterior margins narrowly, pronotal posterior angles broadly, tibiae and tarsi light brown; elytral apices bright yellow.

Head transverse. Eyes moderately large, interocular dorsal distance ca. 1.5 times greater than eye diameter. Antennae filiform, long, attaining to apices of folded wings, with antennomere 3 ca. 1.5 times longer than pedicel (antennomere 2) and 1.3 times shorter than antennomere 4; pubescence erect, relatively dense and long ( Fig. 4).

Pronotum transverse,ca.1.1 times as wide as long,convex basally and straight anteriorly, conspicuously sinuate at sides in posterior half, margined before anterior angles, with rounded anterior and posterior angles. Scutellum triangular, rounded at apex ( Fig. 4).

Elytra elongate, 2.2 times as long as wide at humeri, shortened, not narrowing distally; with coarser punctation in distal half; apices somewhat swollen ( Fig. 4).

Legs long and slender, tibiae straight, noticeably longer than femurs, tarsi narrow, hind tarsus ca. 1.6 times shorter than hind tibia ( Fig. 4).

Terminal tergite transverse, slightly narrowed distally, with minute triangular distal incision, penultimate tergite elongate, parallel-sided, with unmodified sides; terminal sternite elongate, oval, noticeably narrowed distally ( Fig. 18).

Aedeagus semi-oval, with relatively short ventral plate; short, narrow median lobe; prominent widened distally parameres; straight outwardly hooked, in dorsal aspect, interophyses and swollen distally laterophyses ( Figs 19, 20).

Length (from anterior head margin to end of folded wings): 4.8–5.3 mm. Width (humerally): 1.1–1.2 mm.

Female. Similar to male, but eyes slightly smaller and antennae shorter.

Etymology. The new species is named in honour of the late Dr Vladimir Švihla (Prague, Czech Republic), a prominent Malthininae specialist.

Notes. Malthodes tordi , described from Turkey (Trabzon), was indicated for Abkhazia and Adzharia in the identification key to Malthininae of the Caucasus [ Wittmer, 1992]. However, in Abkhazia a different species, close to M. tordi , was discovered – M. jaromiri Švihla, 2002 [ Švihla, 2002]; and the re-examination of the Adzharia specimens, from the ‘ Malthodes tordi ’ series housed in ICM, showed that they also belong to a different species, which is described as Malthodes vladimiri sp. n.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Instituto de Ciencias del Mar












Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852

Kazantsev, S. V. 2021

Malthodes tauricus

Istomina L. P. 1969: 1104

Malthodes tauricus

Pic M. 1917: 13

Malthodes moczarskii

Ganglbauer L. 1912: 181

Malthodes lunifer

Czwalina G. 1884: 272

Hapaloderus obscuricollis

Motschulsky V. 1853: 10

Hapaloderus pumilus

Motschulsky V. 1853: 13

Hapaloderus viridiventris

Motschulsky V. 1853: 12


Kiesenwetter H. von 1852: 242

Malthodes nigellus

Kiesenwetter H. von 1852: 307

Cantharis brevicollis

Paykull G. 1798: 269
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