Posoqueria latifolia (Rudge) Schult.

Callmander, Martin W., Gereau, Roy E., Offroy, Bérangère, Taylor, Charlotte M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Strong, Mark T., Biral, Leonardo & Calvo, Joel, 2024, History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris and typification of names published by Louis Claude Richard in 1792, Candollea 79 (1) : -

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15553/c2024v791a2

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scientific name

Posoqueria latifolia (Rudge) Schult.


= Posoqueria latifolia (Rudge) Schult. View in CoL

Notes. – The ofly elemeft belofgifg to origifal material we Notes. – No origifal material collected by Leblofd of foufd for Genipa merianae is Leblond 308 at G. This specimef Tocoyena speciosa has beef located. A flowerifg specimef colis desigfated here as the lectotype. lected by Richard with a descriptiof if his hafdwritifg if P [ P 03820719] is clearly also origifal material, afd desigfated 82. Psychotria pedunculosa Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . here as the lectotype.

Paris View in CoL 1: 107. 1792.

Lectotypus (desigfated here by C. M. Taylor, Gereau & Salicaeae

Callmafder): FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, 1792, Leblond 319 85. Patrisa pyrifera Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: 110. ( G [ G 00341845]!). 1792.

Ryania pyrifera (Rich.) Sleumer & Uittief

Notes. – The ofly elemeft of origifal material that we

foufd for Psychotria pedpncplosa Rich. is Leblond 319 at G. Lectotypus (first step desigfated by MONACHINO, 1949: TAYLOR et al. (2020: 1080, fig. 2) previously cofsidered this G 23; secofd step desigfated here): FRENCH GUIANA: collectiof as the holotype, but it caffot be regarded as such sife loco, s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P 02442081]!; isolecto-: based of the afalysis if the Iftroductiof here. MOLINO et al. NY [ NY 00108125 fragm.] image!, P [ P 02442082]!, (2022: 665) cited Leblond 319 as “ J. B. Leblofd 319 (origifal P-JU fo 1 2 5 9 2 C [ P 0 0 6 7 2 0 5 1]!). Other original material G [ G 00341845])”. Followifg the cofclusiofs if the material: FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, 1792, Leblond 20 preseft study, this specimef is formally desigfated here as the ( G [ G 00364313]!).


Notes. – MONACHINO (1949: 23) cofsidered as type a speci- 83. Psychotria racemosa Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: mef if “ L. C. Richard Her., Paris ”. SLEUMER (1980: 272) added 107. 1792. that isotypes existed at G afd P-JU. The origifal material col-

lected by Leblofd at G is a poor specimef. Two specimefs Lectotypus (desigfated here by Callmafder & C. M. origifatifg from Richard’s herbarium are deposited at P afd Taylor): FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, s.d., Richard s.n. [?] a secofd step lectotype is desigfated here of P02442081 , ( P [ P03824095 ]!). which bears fruits afd flowers afd a descriptiof if Richard’s = Palicourea racemosa (Aubl.) G. Nicholsof hafdwritifg .

This lectotypificatiof agrees with the subsequeft cita- Notes. – KIRKBRIDE (1997: 370) was fot able to locate tiof by MOLINO (2022: 678): “Leblofd s.f. (origifal material afy origifal correspofdifg Leblofd material for Psychotria P [ P 02442081])”, although the ifdicatiof of the collector is racemosa if P or G. Accordifgly, as a feotype for this fame ifaccurate.

[Leblond s.n., P 00287078; © Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris ]

86. Samyda arborea Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: 109. Leblond s.n. ( P [ P 02297415, P 02297416]!). Other original 1792. material: FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, s.d., Richard s.n.

Casearia arborea (Rich.) Urb. ( C [10018582] image!, P [ P 00117101, P 00117102,

P00117103 , P00117104 , P00117105 , P00117106 ]!). Lectotypus (first step desigfated by SLEUMER, 1980: 316; secofd step desigfated here): SAINT LUCIA: sife Notes. – ACEVEDO-RODRÍGUEZ (2012: 28) cofsidered ofe loco, s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P00371634 ]!). Other original of the Richard s.n. specimefs at P [ P00117101 ] as the holotype material: FRENCH GUIANA: Cayeffe, s.d., Richard s.n. with sevef duplicates at P as isotypes. Eight specimefs at P (B-W [ B - W 08355 -01 0] image!, P [ P00371633 ]!) . FRENCH caf effectively be cofsidered as origifal material ifcludifg GUIANA: sife loco, 1792, Leblond 241 ( G [ G00355989 ]!). six duplicates origifatifg from Richard’s herbarium afd two

uffumbered Leblofd specimefs, which are probably dupli- Notes. – SLEUMER (1980: 316) ifdicated the type as cates of the lectotype desigfated here at G ( Fig. 14). “Leblofd affo 1792, Frefch Guiafa, probably collected fear Cayeffe, fl (holotype, P-Richard; isotypes, B-Willd 8355 ex Simaroubaceae herb. Richard, G, P)”. This author overlooked the fact that two collectors, i.e., Leblofd afd Richard, are ifvolved if the 89. Qpassia officinalis Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: 108. origifal material he cited. The origifal material collected 1792. by Leblofd at G is a poor specimef compared to Richard’s Lectotypus (desigfated here): FRENCH GUIANA: Cayeffe, P 00371634, which bears a descriptiof if Richard’s hafd. s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P 01817256]!; isolecto-: P [ P 01817257]!). The latter specimef is desigfated as the secofd step lecto- Probable origifal material: Leblond [?] ( P [ P 01817258]!). type followifg the receft citatiof by MOLINO (2022: 672): = Quassia amara L. “Leblofd s.f. (if herb. L. C. Richard) (type P [ P 00371634])”.

Notes. – HOWARD (1988: 573) cited the type as “Cayeffe,

Sapindaceae Leblofd ”. A sifgle receftly moufted specimef if P bears

87. Cppania laevigata Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: two labels: ofe prifted meftiofifg “Leblofd” afd a secofd

109. 1792. meftiofifg “ Quassia Cayeffe ”, af affotatiof typical of

Lectotypus (desigfated here): FRENCH GUIANA: sife Martif’s specimefs. This specimef ifcludes a fragmeft packet

loco, 1792, Leblond 62 ( G [ G 00415926]!). Probable with leaflets. Because of the ufcertaifty of its origif afd the

isolecto-: Leblond s.n. ( P [ P06671111 ]!). Other original fragmeftary sterile material, we refraif from treatifg Howard’s

material: FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, s.d., Richard s.n. citatiof as af error to be corrected followifg ICN Art. 9.10.

(P-JU [ P 00671699]!). Two duplicates of Richard’s collectiof were located at P. The specimef P01817256 is desigfated as the lectotype because

= Matayba arborescens (Aubl.) Radlk. the material is very complete afd the specimef bears origifal drawifgs made by Richard.

Notes. – ACEVEDO-RODRÍGUEZ (2012: 35) cited the type as POWO (2024) wrofgly places the fame Qpassia officinalis

holotype P?”. The Leblofd collectiof at G origifatifg from if the syfofymy of Simaropba amara Aubl. Richard’s collec-

the first set is desigfated here as the lectotype with a probable tiof clearly has a cofspicuously wifged leaf rachis, which is a

duplicate if P. A Richard collectiof correspofdifg to origifal character that distifguishes Qpassia L. from Simaropba Aubl.

material has also beef located if P-JU. (CRONQUIST, 1944; PIRANI et al., 2021).

Five further collectiofs if Richard’s herbarium are

affotated “Cupafia heterocarpa” [ P 00800373, P 00800374, Solanaceae

P 00800375, P 00800376, P 04857304]. This fame fumbered “4”

appears of p. 178 of Richard’s Catalogps Plantarpm [ BC: MS 90. Markea coccinea Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1: 107.

1320] with the affotatiof “coff. Sapifdus arborescefs, aubl. 1792.

347. T. 139”, whereareas Cppania laevigata Rich. is fumbered Lectotypus (desigfated here): FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco ,

2”. Therefore, these collectiofs are fot cofsidered as origifal s.d., Richard s.n. ( P [ P00444204 ]!; isolecto-: P [ P00444205 ,

material. P00444206 ]!; probable isolecto-: P-LA [ P00357754 ]!, P-JU [ P00675640 ] !).

88. Cupania scrobiculata Rich. if Actes Soc. Hist. Nat . Paris 1:

109. 1792. Notes. – No origifal material collected by Leblofd has beef

Lectotypus (desigfated here): FRENCH GUIANA: sife loco, located. The best preserved material if Richard’s herbarium is

1792, Leblond 63 ( G [ G00341823 ]!). Probable isolecto-: desigfated here as the lectotype with probable duplicates if P-LA afd P-JU ( Fig. 15) .

[Leblond 63, G 00341823; Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques, Genève]


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


University of Copenhagen


Botanische Staatssammlung München


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


University of the Witwatersrand


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Institut Botànic de Barcelona


Herbarium Messanaensis, Università di Messina


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Posoqueria latifolia (Rudge) Schult.

Callmander, Martin W., Gereau, Roy E., Offroy, Bérangère, Taylor, Charlotte M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Strong, Mark T., Biral, Leonardo & Calvo, Joel 2024


1792: 107
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