Boerhavia coccinea Mill.

Callmander, Martin W., Gereau, Roy E., Offroy, Bérangère, Taylor, Charlotte M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Strong, Mark T., Biral, Leonardo & Calvo, Joel, 2024, History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris and typification of names published by Louis Claude Richard in 1792, Candollea 79 (1) : -

publication ID 10.15553/c2024v791a2

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scientific name

Boerhavia coccinea Mill.


= Boerhavia coccinea Mill. View in CoL

Notes. – The fame Boerhavia polymorpha was fot meftiofed by DEFILIPPS & MAINA (2003) if Flora of the Gpianas. The sifgle Leblofd collectiof that we located at G is desigfated here as the lectotype .


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève

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