Parameciom brazilianom^

Krenek, Sascha, Berendonk, Thomas U. & Fokin, Sergei I., 2015, New Paramecium (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) congeners shape our view on its biodiversity, Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 15 (2), pp. 215-233 : 222

publication ID 10.1007/s13127-015-0207-9

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Parameciom brazilianom^


B Eocandidatos Parameciom brazilianom^

Size in vivo was up to 270×80 μm, usually 220×65 μm. The average size of the cells at fixed and impregnated condition was 202.1±12.6×57.6±5.2 μm (Fig. 27). The number of cilia rows was 80–100 (93.0±5.5 on average). The BC size was 39.6± 3.5 μm, with a BC size to cell length ratio of 0.195 ( Table 3). The BO was situated very near to the cell’ s equator, but beneath it. Two contractile vacuoles usually had one PCV each, but sometimes one of the CV had two pores (4 % of individuals). The number of collecting canals in CV was five to nine (most often seven). The cytoproct was situated in the middle between the BO and the posterior end of the ciliate (Fig. 27). The cortex contained quite numerous, typical trichocysts. Sometimes, an ellipsoidal MA (30.2 ± 2.7× 48.1± 2.0 μm on average) was situated close to the cell’ s equator, but very often (up to 40 % of cells) it was present by two rounded pieces of equal or slightly different size (12–25 μm; Table 3, Figs. 28, 29). One or two rounded MI with sizes of 3.0–4.0 μm (3.4±0.4 μm on average) were usually located near by the MA. The morphological type of the MI resembled the vesicolar type, but was not very typical (Fig. 29). The general cell form had the classical cigar shape, with a width-to-length ratio of 0.27 (Fig. 27). Brief observations of the nuclear reorganization process for this species (data are not shown) indicate some extra MA anlagen in exconjugants. This could be a reason for the occurrence of bi-macronuclear cells. During the typical swimming procedure, the ciliate always rotated counter-clockwise (left spiral swimmer) ( Table 3, Figs. 27–29) .


Municipal Museum of Chungking

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