Parameciom germanicom^

Krenek, Sascha, Berendonk, Thomas U. & Fokin, Sergei I., 2015, New Paramecium (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) congeners shape our view on its biodiversity, Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 15 (2), pp. 215-233 : 220-222

publication ID 10.1007/s13127-015-0207-9

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Parameciom germanicom^


B Eocandidatos Parameciom germanicom^

Size in vivo was up to 250× 90 μm, usually 210×70 μm (Fig. 23). The average size of fixed and impregnated cells was 190.4±13.4×60.6±4.0 μm. The number of cilia rows

Characteristics Statistics B Eocandidatos P. germanicum^ B Eocandidatos P. brazilianum^ B Eocandidatos P. hungarianum^

Body, length x 190.45 SD 13.4 Min 185.0 Max 210.0 CV 7.0 n 20

Body, width x 60.65 SD 4.0 Min 49.0 Max 69 CV 6.6 n 20

Buccal cavity, length x 37.8 SD 1.5 Min 34.0 Max 40.0 CV 4.0 n 20

Macronucleus, length x 55.45 SD 5.4 Min 45 Max 68 CV 9.8 n 20

Macronucleus, width x 42.6 SD 4.9 Min 35 Max 50 CV 11.4 n 20

Somatic ciliary rows, number x 86.8 SD 4.6 Min 80 Max 95 CV 5.3 n 16

Excretory pores, number x 1 SD 0 Min 1 Max 1 CV 0 n 16

Micronucleus, number x 2.7 SD 0.4 Min 2 Max 4 CV 21.9 n 15

Micronucleus, size x 1.8

202.1 84.9 12.6 6.6 182.5 72 225.0 98 6.2 7.8 25 20 57.6 37.1 5.2 3.4 45.1 30 64.8 43 9.0 9.2 25 20 39.6 18.5 3.5 1.4 35.0 16 42.0 21 9.3 7.3 20 15 48.1 23.0 a 23.4 2.0 2.5 a 3.5 4512 a 15 5225 a 28 3.6 12.6 a 15.0 2050 a 15 30.2 17.2 2.7 1.1 24 14 35 18 9.1 6.1 20 15 93.0 56.9 5.5 4.8 80 44 100 65 5.9 8.4 15 20 1.1 1 0.3 0 1 1 2 1 27.3 0 20 20 1.48 3 0.5 0.7 1 2 2 4 33.8 23.3 20 20 3.4 1.7

Data based on Chatton–Lwoff silver impregnated cells. Macro- and micronuclei were measured from Feulgen-stained ciliates. Measurements in micrometers

x arithmetic mean, SD standard deviation, Min minimum, Max maximum, CV coefficient of variation in percentage, n number of cells investigated a Morphometry of the macronuclear fragments was 80–95 (87.0±4.6 on average). The BC size was 37.8± 1.5 μm (ratio of BC size to the cell length, 0.20). Location of the BO was close to the cell’ s equator (Fig. 24). Two contractile vacuoles had always 1 PCV each and a number of collecting canals, 7–10 (most often 9). The cytoproct was situated in the middle between BO and the posterior end of the ciliate. The cortex contained numerous typical trichocysts. The ellipsoidal MA (42.6±4.9×55.45±5.4 μm on average) was situated close to the cell’ s equator. A number of rounded MI (2–4) with sizes of 1.6–2.0 μm (1.8±0.2 μm on average) were usually located around and close to the MA ( Table 3, Fig. 25) and belong to the compact morphological type (Figs. 25, 26). The general cell form had the classical cigar shape; however, cultured cells usually were rather fat, with a width-to-length ratio of 0.39 (Fig. 23). During the normal swimming procedure, the ciliate always rotated counter-clockwise (left spiral swimmer) ( Table 3, Figs. 23–26).


Municipal Museum of Chungking

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