Prosogonotrematidae PÉREZ VIGUERAS, 1940

Sey, O., Nahhas, F. M., Uch, S. & Vang, C., 2003, Digenetic Trematodes From Marine Fishes Off The Coast Of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf: Fellodistomidae And Some Smaller Families, New Host And Geographic Records, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 179-200 : 193-195

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Felipe (2024-06-28 17:50:07, last updated 2024-06-28 19:34:26)

scientific name

Prosogonotrematidae PÉREZ VIGUERAS, 1940


Family Prosogonotrematidae PÉREZ VIGUERAS, 1940

Prosogonotrema bilabiatum PÉREZ VIGUERAS, 1940

( Fig. 6 View Fig 6 )

Synonyms: Prosogonotrema clupea YAMAGUTI, 1952 , P. carangis VELASQUEZ, 1961 , P. subequilatum PRITCHARD, 1963 , P. abalisti PARUCHIN, 1964 , P. symmetricum OSHMARIN, 1965 , P. pritchardae HAFEEZULLAH, 1970 , P. zygaenae ALI et BAGWAN, 1971

Host: Epinephelus areolatus (FORSSKÅL, 1775) ( Serranidae ) (new host and geographic record)

Description based on one mature specimen: body 4,675 × 1,875 at ventral sucker; forebody 2,375; hindbody 1,050. Pre-oral lip undivided. Tegument thick, smooth. Preoral lobe 100. Oral sucker subterminal 400 × 500; ventral sucker 1,250 × 1,375, surrounded by tegumental fold; sucker ratio 1: 2.9. Prepharynx absent; pharynx 220 × 280; oesophagus absent; caeca extending to posterior end of body. Testes two, entire, slightly diagonal, about midway between oral sucker and ventral sucker, separated by uterine coils; right testis 250 × 300, left testis 250 × 255; seminal vesicle long tubular, coils extending intertesticularly and anteriorly; pars prostatica tubular, extent not determined. Genital cone somewhat cylindrical, 410 × 160. Genital pore median at base of pharynx. Ovary 250 × 350, dextral, overlapping anterior edge of ventral sucker; uterine coils chiefly preovarian, overlapping tubular seminal vesicle and pars prostatica; metraterm joining seminal vesicle at base of genital cone, to form hermaphroditic duct. Seminal receptacle absent. Vitellaria tubular, slender, 3–4 on each side, extending from middle of body just anterior to ventral sucker to close to body margins. Eggs 25–28 × 10–13. Accessory excretory tube (?) dorsal to excretory vesicle; pore terminal.

Remarks. Sixteen species have been reported in the genus Prosogonotrema , seven of which were considered synonyms of P. bilabiatum by NASIR (1973) (see synonyms above). Criteria used to distinguish among the species included differences in body size, position of the ventral sucker, location of the ovary in relation to the ventral sucker, and differences in egg size and host affiliation. At least 9 additional species have been described since1973 including P. plataxum GU e t SHEN, 1979 from Platax orbicularis (FORSSKÅL) ( Ephippidae ) and P. caesionis GU e t SHEN, 1979 from Caesio erythrogaster ( Caesionidae ) from China; P. karachiensis BILQEES e t DUR- RANI,1980 From Lutjanus johnii ( Lutjanidae ) and P. diacanthi Bilqees et Durrani, 1980 from Pseudosciaena diacanthi ( Sciaenidae ) from the Karachi coast, Arabian Sea; P. arabica YADAV, 1980 and P. posterouterina YADAV, 1980 both from Stromateus niger ( Stromateidae ) from Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India; P. pavasi LOKHANDE, 1990 from thesamehost species and location, and P. nickoli BILQEES e t KHAN, 1992 from Labeo rohita ( Cyprinidae ) a fresh water fish in India. Some of these ( P. plataxum , P. caesionis , P. karachiensis , and P. diacanthi ), based on NASIR’ s analysis, may also be synonyms of P. bilabiatum . Our limited material, however, does not allow us to make a definitive judgement.

MACHIDA and UCHIDA (1990) found P. bilabiatum in thestomach of Naso hexacanthus (BLEEKER) , agreed with NASIR (1973), but madeno comments on those species described between 1979 and 1990.

MACHIDA, M & UCHIDA, A. (1990) Trematodes from unicorn fishes of Japanese and adjacent waters. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus. 23: 69 - 81

NASIR, P. (1973) Monotypic status of Prosogonotrema Perez Vigueras, 1940 (Trematoda: Digenea). Rivista di Parassitologia 34: 271 - 276.

Gallery Image

Fig 6. Prosogonotrema bilabiatum PÉREZ VIGUERAS, 1940 from Epinephelus areolatus. Ventral view. Scale 1 mm