Pickfordiella eudrilina, Csuzdi, 2010

Csuzdi, C. S., 2010, Review Of The Paleotropical Neogastrini Earthworms (Oligochaeta, Acanthodrilidae: Benhamiinae) With Description Of Two New Genera, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (2), pp. 103-118 : 112-113

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584512



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scientific name

Pickfordiella eudrilina

sp. nov.

Pickfordiella eudrilina sp. n.

( Fig. 2A–C View Fig .)

Holotype: BMHN 1997.1270 , Ghana, Kumasi, UST Campus. Leg. J.J. NILES, 10. IV. 1968 . Paratype: HNHM AF/ 5128, 1 ex. Locality and date same as that of the Holotype. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to shape of the new species which resembles an eudrilid worm.

Diagnosis. L. 32–40 mm, D. 1.5–1.8 mm. No. segments 88–92. Colour pale. Head epilobous, first dorsal pore 6/7. Spermathecal pores 7/8 ab. Clitellum circular on 14–½18. f 14, single ventralmedian. m 19. Genital field lacking, prostatic pores 19 open together with the male pores through copulatory chambers.

Septa 6/7–10/11 somewhat thickened. Muscular gizzard 6 well developed. Calciferous glands 14–15 open in the oesophagus through a common duct. Last pair of hearts 13. Typhlosole vestigial. Excretory system holoic.

Testes 10, 11 in perioesophageal testis sacs. Vesicles 9, 12. Prostates 19 large, open in hemispherical copulatory chambers. Penial setae lacking. Spermathecae sac-shaped with an elongated ampoule and a shorter duct which bears entally a hose-shaped diverticulum.

Description. Holotype. Length 32 mm, diameter 1.8 mm, number of segments 88. Paratype 40 mm in length, 1.5 mm in diameter, number of segments 92. Colour pale, pigmentation lacking. Prostomium epilobous Y-shaped. First dorsal pore in 6/7. Setae all ventral, setal arrangement after the clitellum aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 4:1:4:1:25. Clitellum circular, extends over segments 14–½18. Male pores and prostatic pores open through a large orifice on 19, genital field lacking. Female pore single ventralmedian on 14 ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Spermathecal pores paired in 7/ 8 in the setal lines ab.

Internal characters. The first visible septum 5/6, septa 6/7–10/11 somewhat thickened. Oesophageal gizzard large, in segment 6. Two pairs of calciferous glands located in segment 14–15, they are of equal size and open in the oesophagus through a common duct at 14/15. Excretory system holoic. Paired hearts are present in segments 10–13. Typhlosole vestigial.

Testes in 10 and 11 enclosed in perioesophageal testis sacs. Seminal vesicles large in 9, 12. Ovary in segment 13. Seminal ducts apparent, discharging in copulatory chambers in segment 19. A pair of prostatic glands present in 19, they open in the copulatory chambers as well ( Fig. 2B View Fig ). Spermatheca one pair in segment 8. Ampoule elongated sac-shaped, the duct somewhat shorter than the ampoule. The ental part of the duct bears a hose-shaped diverticulum which pass through the septum 7/8 and located in segment 7 ( Fig. 2C View Fig ).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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