Porricondyla insolita, Jaschhof, 2024

Jaschhof, Mathias, 2024, New taxa and new records of Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Germany, European Journal of Taxonomy 953, pp. 1-134 : 91-93

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.953.2649

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scientific name

Porricondyla insolita

sp. nov.

Porricondyla insolita sp. nov.


Fig. 23 View Fig


This small-size Porricondyla is distinguished by male terminalia characters, as follows. The unusually small gonocoxal ventral emargination forms an elongate, narrow U (↓ 1, Fig. 23A View Fig ). The gonostylus, which in ventral view looks narrow and elongate, is strongly flattened dorsoventrally and bears apically a large, plate-like tooth (↓ 2, Fig. 23A View Fig ). The tusk-shaped parameres, which are generally similar to those found in other Porricondyla , fall out of the ordinary in that they are linked with each other on the dorsal side through a conical membranous structure (↓ 3, Fig. 23C View Fig ). Larvae and females of P. insolita sp. nov. are unknown.

Differential diagnosis

The basic construction of the male terminalia in P. insolita sp. nov. is similar to that in P. pallidigenae Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2020 , which makes it likely that both species are closely related. In distinction from P. insolita , the gonostylar body of P. pallidigenae is thicker, the gonostylar tooth is serrate, the gonocoxal emargination is shallow and much broader, and the gonocoxal processes are largely membranous ( Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2020a: fig. 42).


The Latin adjective ‘ insolita ’ means ‘unusual’, an allusion to the fact that this is a rather untypical Porricondyla .

Type material


GERMANY • ♂; Baden-Württemberg, Malsch, Luderbusch ; 48°91′31″ N, 8°33′25″ E; elev. 117 m; 31 May‒7 Jun. 2020; D. Doczkal and K. Grabow leg.; Malaise trap; south-facing hill slope; ZSM-DIP-42303-H01 .



GERMANY – Bavaria • 1 ♂; Lower Franconia, Esselbach ; 49°86′79″ N, 9°51′60″ E; elev. 377 m; 13 Jul. 2019; LandKlif and J. Müller leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42304-H03 1 ♂; Lower Franconia, Rothenbuch ; 49°96′34″ N, 9°38′91″ E; elev. 346 m; 15 Jul. 2019; LandKlif and J. Müller leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42305-B09 GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Lower Franconia, Rimpar ; 49°87′41″ N, 9°96′32″ E; elev. 317 m; 12 Jul. 2019; LandKlif and J. Müller leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42305-C11 GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Lower Franconia, Kolitzheim ; 49°92′17″ N, 10°23′42″ E; elev. 229 m; 16 Jul. 2019; LandKlif and J. Müller leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42306-B08 GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; ZSM-DIP-42306-B10 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; ZSM-DIP-42306-B11 1 ♂; Dammbach, Dammbachtal ; 49°86′64″ N, 9°32′63″ E; elev. 349 m; nutrient-poor pasture with fruit trees; 3‒17 Jun. 2021; GBOL and R. Albrecht leg.; Malaise trap; ZSM-DIP-42471-C11 GoogleMaps .


Other characters


BODY LENGTH. 1.2‒1.4 mm.

HEAD. Eye bridge dorsally 2‒3 ommatidia long. Antenna about as long as body; scape and pedicel concolorous with flagellum; circumfila present on flagellomeres 1‒7; neck of fourth flagellomere as long as node ( Fig. 23B View Fig ). Palpus 4-segmented, about as long as head height, apical segment longest of all.

THORAX. No scutal windows. Pronotal setae 2‒3, anepisternal setae 0‒1, anepimeral setae 0‒2.

WING. Slightly longer than body. Length/ width ratio 3.0‒3.1.

LEGS. Foreleg with femur 0.9× length of tibia, tibia 1.4× length of T 2 (see the remark below). Claws toothless. Empodia broad, as long as claws.

TERMINALIA. Gonocoxal synsclerite ( Fig. 23A View Fig ): ventral emargination with broad, darkly pigmented margin; processes small, rounded apically, moderately sclerotized; a large, narrowed portion anteriorly with only a few, mostly lateral setae; anterior margin broadly rounded. Gonostylus ( Fig. 23A View Fig ): outside slightly convex, with large setae; inside slightly concave, with finer setae. Parameres ( Fig. 23C View Fig ) crossing each other apically, with narrow transverse bridge subbasally. Aedeagal apodeme ( Fig. 23A View Fig ) shorter than gonocoxae, moderately sclerotized; apex covered by large, inflated membranous cap (presumably the apical portion of aedeagus); ducts of accessory glands evident (not illustrated).


In P. pallidigenae , the fore tibia is 1.5 × the length of T 2, not 0.6 as erroneously quoted by Jaschhof & Jaschhof (2020a), thus similarly long as in P. insolita sp. nov.













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