Passiflora quinonesiae M. Bonilla, C. Aguirre & C. Caetano, 2016

Morales, Miguel Macgayver Bonilla, Aguirre-Morales, Adriana Carolina & Caetano, Creucí María, 2016, Passiflora splendida and P. quinonesiae, two new species of Passiflora supersection Tacsonia (Passifloraceae) from the Colombian Andes, Phytotaxa 268 (3), pp. 181-192 : 187-191

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.268.3.2

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scientific name

Passiflora quinonesiae M. Bonilla, C. Aguirre & C. Caetano

sp. nov.

Passiflora quinonesiae M. Bonilla, C. Aguirre & C. Caetano View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 and 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Type:— COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: Páramo de Choachi, down Peñazul, 2700–3100 m, 22 July 1963, D. Soejarto 262 (holotype COL!).

P. quinonesiae is related to P. cuatrecasasii and P. lanata . It differs from P. lanata in its ovate leaves (versus oblong-ovate or oblong-lanceolate leaves in P. lanata ), bracts halfway down the floral tube (versus less than half the length of the floral tube in P. lanata ), elliptical sepals and petals (versus closely elliptical in P. lanata ), elliptic ovary (versus fusiform in P. lanata ). It differs from P. cuatrecasasii by its terete stems (versus sub-angular in P. cuatrecasasii ), size of leaves 4.4–15 × 10.3 cm [versus 2.5 × 5.2–5.5 (–8) cm in P. cuatrecasasii ], elliptic bracts (vs. ovate in P. cuatrecasasii ) and floral tube 5.2 to 6 cm long (versus 6.9 cm long in P. cuatrecasasii ).

Liana with internodes 4.2–7.3 cm. Stems terete, indumentum with brown trichomes ca. 3 mm, wavy, interlace. Stipules linear, 8 × 0.5 mm, glabrous. Petiole 0.9–1.5 cm long, pubescent adaxially, with 6 adaxial glands, pubescent. Leaves entire, 4.4–15 × 3–10 cm, ovate, cordate at base, acuminate at apex, margin glandular-serrate, glabrous adaxially, pubescent abaxially. Flowers axillary, solitary, pendent, 10–11 cm long, ca. 3.2 cm diam. Peduncle 8.2–12 cm long, pubescent, thin. Pedicel 5 mm long. Bracts 5–5.7 × 2 cm, elliptic, free, cuneate at base, acute at apex, margin entire, up to half the length of the floral tube. Floral tube 5.2–6 × 1 cm. Five 5 sepals of 3–4.2 × 1.2–1.3 cm, pink, awn sub-apical 3–4 mm. Petals sub-equal to sepals. Corona reduced to a sinuate ring, purple. Ovary 7 × 2 mm, elliptic. Fruit unknown.

Distribution and ecology: Three individuals have been identified as Passiflora quinonesiae . All (D. Soejarto 262, G. Lozano 688 and G. Huertas & L. Camargo 5781) were found only in the Department of Cundinamarca. The first two individuals were found in the Choachí Municipality, Páramo Choachí or surrounding area ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 ). The third one was found in the Fómeque Municipality, Páramo Chingaza. The floral structure of P. quinonesiae , according to Abrahamczyk et al. (2014), allows pollination by sword-billed hummingbirds.

Phenology: —Known to flower in March, July and December.

Etymology: —This species is named in honor of Luz Mila Quiñones Méndez, professor and researcher at the Universidad de los Llanos, who study the flora of Colombian in Orinoquía and through her teaching shaped the botanical interests of the first author.

Conservation status: —The three individuals were found in the same Department and conform to the IUCN (2016) criteria B1a (i, ii), B2a (i, ii), C1, and D1 as Critically Endangered (CR).

Additional specimens examined (paratypes):— COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca, Choachí Municipality, road Bogota-Choachí, Vertiente to Choachí. In front Divorcium Acuarum , 03 March 1967, G. Lozano 688 (COL) ; Fomeque Municipality, Eastern Cordillera, Páramo de Chingaza , La Laja , 3250 m, 11–23 December 1963, G. Huertas & L. Camargo 5781 (COL) .

Additional specimens examined (related species):— Passiflora cuatrecasasii . COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: Gama Municipality, road to páramo de Guasca, 2872 m, 21 December 1977, L. Escobar 546 (HUA); Guasca Municipality, 11–13 km path Sueva, 3100 m, 12 October 2006, G. Morales 2880 (JBB); eastern slope páramo de Guasca, 2680 m, 13 May 1956, A. Fernandez et. al. 5130 (COL); páramo de Guasca, 2886 m, 14 February 1951, R. Schultes 11529 (COL); Paramo de Guasca, 3210 m, 02 July 1940, J. Cuatrecasas 9479 (COL); paramo de Guasca, 2862 m, 30 November 1955, J. Idrobo et. al. 1955 (COL); eastern slope páramo de Guasca, 2935 m, May 1942, J. Cuatrecasas 13538 (COL); between Guasca and Junin, paramo de Guasca, Vertiente oriental, 3050 m, 21 December 1977, L. Escobar 547 (COL); Fomeque Municipality, road to paramo de Chingaza, 3300 m, without date, Renteria 5343 (HUA); Park Nacional Natural Chingaza, 3000–3300 m, 20 March 1993, J. Betancur 3985 (COL); Reserva Natural Carpanta, 3000 m, 27 February 2001, P. Pedraza. 888 (COL); Guachetá Municipality, paramo de Guasca, km 17 path to Guachetá, 3216 m, 18 November 1999, G. Morales 3417 (JBB); Sumapaz Municipality, vereda Santa Rosa, school Las Auroras USME, 2741 m, 26 May 2004, G. Morales et al. 2370 (JBB); Santa Fe de Bogota Municipality, SumapázVereda Las Ánimas, 3100 m, 09 June 2009, J. Garzón-Venegas 35 (JBB); Sumapaz-Vereda Santa Rosa, school Las Auras, 2 km path Usme, 2700 m, 26 May 2004, G. Morales 2377 (JBB); Usme and Sumapaz, Km 43 path Nazaret, 3250 m, 02 September 2006, G. Morales 2868 (JBB); Sumapaz-township Nazareth-1 Km to San Juan way Nazareth, 3200 m, 24 May 2007, G. Morales 2950 (JBB); Parque Sumapaz, Usme 43 Km path San Juan and 2 k of desviation to Nazareth, 3350 m, 28 May 2008, G. Morales 3035 (JBB); Sumapaz, 3100 m, 29 May 2013, G. Morales 3604 (JBB); Guayabetal Municipality, Monterredondo to Calvario, 2800–3100 m, 03 November 2010, Morales L. 3166 (JBB);

Santander: Encino Municipality, paramo de Rusia, road to Virolin n.w. of Duitama, 3808 m, 1945, L. Uribe 2593 (COL); Meta: Mesetas Municipality, Sierra de La Macarena, Zanza river shore of, between the camp trail, 17 March 1956, A. Fernandez & J. Mejía. 5030 (COL); Calvario Municipality, roadside, 2717 m, 27 April 2014, M. Ramírez 032 (LLANOS);— Passiflora lanata . COLOMBIA. Boyacá: Villa de Leyva Municipality, Santuario de Fauna y Flora, 2498 m, 29 September 1984, C. Rodríguez 9929 (FMB); Santuario de Fauna y Flora, 2498 m, 01 November 1979, M. Melampy 9258 (FMB); Duitama Municipality, between Duitama and Charalá, Paramo de la Rusia, 2545 m, s.n. (COL); Road between Duitama-Virolin, Paramo de la Rusia, 3024 m, E. Sanchez & Florez 3048 (HUA); Km 29.9 way Duitama-Virolin Alto de las Pavas, 3337 m, 01 January 1974, 163602 (COL); vereda La Quinta, 3544 m, 01 January 1981, 230481 (COL); Duitama-Virolin farm La Rusia, 3590 m, 01 January 1960, 85376 (COL); Paramo Pan de Azucar, 3746 m, 1958, 82485 (COL); 01 June1958, R. Castañeda 6805 (COL); Paramo Pan de Azucar, 28 May 1958, R. Castañeda 6752 (COL); Paramo la Rusia, 2950 m, 08 May 1972, A. Cleef 3559 (COL); Forward Paramo la Rusia, 3400 m, 11 February 1967, L. Uribe 5754 (COL); Road Duitama to Virolin Alto de las Pavas, 3260 m, 16 November 1974, C. Acosta 848 (COL); Vereda La Quinta, 3200 m, 12 November 1981, C. Camacho 73 (COL); Cundinamarca: Anolaima Municipality, between Anolaima and Facatativa, 2600–2700 m, 05 October 1949, H. García-Barriga 8988 (COL); Fusagasugá Municipality, Boquerón de Fusagasuga, 1760–2470 m, 01 January 1954, 46529 (COL); Choachi Municipality, Paramo de Choachi, 1985–2664 m, 01 January 1963, 122787 (COL); Vereda El Raizal, 2900 m, 07 June 2010, G. Morales 3158 (JBB); Silvania Municipality, road Fusagasuga-Bogota Alto de San Miguel 6 Km N, 2336– 2047 m, 1964, R. Echeverry 1062 (TOL); between San Miguel and Agua Bonita, 2728 m, 07 November 1956, J.. Idrobo 2293 (COL); San Miguel, 2728–2800 m, 04-1951, Schneider 1049 (S); Zipaquirá Municipality, between Zipaquirá-Pacho, 2586– 2565 m, L. Escobar & E. Uribe 531 (HUA); Road between Zipaquirá-Pacho, 2951–3169 m, L. Escobar & Sanchez 3236 (HUA); Paramo de Zipaquirá 3100 m, 22 November1944, Roberto Jaramillo M. 164 (COL, MA); paramo de Zipaquirá, s.n., 22-10-1941, Roberto Jaramillo 164 (COL); Farm Santibar, 01 October 1951, R. Romero-Castañeda 3029 (COL); Facatativa Municipality, Alto de Peñas Negras, 2590–2595 m, 1942, 16027 (COL); Cogua Municipality, between Zipaquirá and Cogua La Juratena, 2649–2653 m, 1943, 106234 (COL); Paramo de Guasca, 3200 m, 25 May 1932, J. Cuatrecasas 3248 (MA); Carmen de Carupa Municipality, Poblation de Carupa road to Ubaté, 2961– 2909 m, 1974, 1 35054 (COL); Subachoque Municipality, 2 Km del Tablazo al lado de la carretera, 2665–3340 msnm, 19-12-1977, L. Escobar et al. 544a (HUA); Fomeque Municipality, Paramo de Chingaza border road, 3300–3348 m, 1981, 256688 (COL); Bogotá Municipality, locality Sumapaz, Nazareth Vereda las Animas, 2800 m, 08 May 1999, L. Hector 229 (JBB); Vereda Cato Nazareth locality Sumapaz, 3100 m, 15 June 2002, A. Villota 960 (JBB); Tausa Municipality, Gacheta-Ubala, Laguna Verde, 1800–2000 m, July 1962, H. García-Barriga 17511 (COL); Sibate Municipality, Cerros de San Miguel, 2840– 2809 m, 15 March 1939, J. Cuatrecasas 6656 (COL, F); Alto de San Miguel 500 m vía la Aguadita, 2760 m, 18 May 2008, G. Morales 3023 (JBB); Tibirita Municipality, Manzanos, 2500–3000 m, A. Lindig 628 (BM); Pacho Municipality, between Zipaquirá and Pacho, 3000 m, March 1971, L. Uribe 6522 (NY); indeterminate Municipality, between Zipaquirá and Cogua La Juatena, 28 May 1943, C. Huertas 680 (COL); Boqueron de Fusagasuga, 2500 m, 12 June 1954, L. Uribe 2567 (COL); Santander: Municipio Municipality, Gambita, 1860 m, 01 January 19985, 314244 (COL); vereda El Carmen, Paramo de la Rusia, 2837 m, 1982, 301802 (COL); Charalá Municipality, Virolin, 1700 m, February 1992, T. Ohba & C. Barbosa 4 (MO); Tolima: Planadas Municipality, near to colonia E of Andalucia, 1700 m, January 1944, E. Little 7137 (COL, US).

Discussion: —According to the classifications of Passiflora by Feuillet & MacDougal (2004) and Escobar (1988a), Passiflora quinonesiae belongs to supersect. Tacsonia , section Colombiana , series Colombianae with eleven species including the new species ( Bonilla et al., 2016). Species that belong to the series Colombianae are of Andean distribution in Colombia (Eastern Cordillera) and neighboring Venezuela ( Bonilla, 2014).

Passiflora quinonesiae is related to P. lanata (Jussieu) Poiret (1811:843) and P. cuatrecasasii Killip (1960: 7) , which can also be found in the same collection area of the Department of Cundinamarca. It differs from P. lanata by having terete stems, linear stipules, ovate leaves, elliptic bracts up to half the length of the floral tube (sub-angular stems, linear-lanceolate stipules, oblong-ovate or oblong-lanceolate leaves, lanceolate bracts longer than half the length of the floral tube in P. lanata ). P. cuatrecasasii differs from P. quinonesiae as indicated in Table 2.

Passiflora quinonesiae could be considered a natural hybrid between P. lanata and P. cuatrecasasii , because they both have sympatric distribution and could potentially experience genetic interchange. Other species of supersection Tacsonia recorded of the Department of Cundinamarca are P. adulterina Linnaeus (1782: 408) , P. crispolanata Uribe (1954: 5) , and a doubtfully reported P. rugosa (Mast.) Triana & Planchon (1873: 136) . P. adulterina differs from the new species in having sub-angular stems, linear-lanceolate stipules, up to seven petiolar glands, lanceolate bracts and less than half the length of the floral tube (versus terete stems, linear stipules, up to six petiolar glands, elliptic bracts and longer than half the length of the floral tube in P. quinonesiae ). P. cripolanata differs from the new species by its usually trilobed leaves, up to 10 petiole glands, shorter peduncles, lanceolate bracts, longer floral tube and shorter sepals (versus entire leaves, up to six petiole glands, longer peduncles, elliptic bracts, shorter floral tube and longer sepals in P. quinonesiae ).

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