Emys orbicularis

Pupins, Mihails & Pupina, Aija, 2014, P R O J E C T S O N E M Y S O R B I C U L A R I S (R E P T I L I A: Testudines: Emydidae) In Latvia For Thirty Years (1984 - 2014): Biological Aspects, Results And Effect On Population And Ecosystems, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 14 (2), pp. 159-175 : 162-163

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12646396

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Emys orbicularis


E.orbicularis View in CoL research and conservation problems in Latvia, actual for the project: Distribution and ecology of Emys orbicularis in Latvia, factors that threaten population of the species in Latvia before 1984 were insufficiently studied that made conservation of the species insufficiently effective and formal.

Meanwhile, projects on studying the status and protection of Emys orbicularis in Latvia, carried out up to the present time, are discrete by their nature, in general they are directed towards the solution of concrete problems, and they are immobile in objectives and resources and are restricted in time. Whereas study on distribution and ecology of the species in Latvia, development and implementation of measures for protection of the extremely rare and becoming extinct species on the northern boundary of its area, especially forming and maintenance of breeding population ex-situ, as well as growth of the young to puberty requires long-term guaranty, mobility and, the most important, systemic succession of separate actions, needs for long time in tens of years and continuity of the actions.

In connection with that, as well as due to the lack of guaranty of long-term legislative, financial and other support of projects on protection of Emys orbicularis in Latvia (since 1984 up to 2014 Latvia three times changed its status or position (Soviet Union republic, Independent Republic of Latvia, the country of European Union), system of legislation, nature-conservation laws, system of government institutions on nature protection, suffered financial and political crises, reduced means and changed orientation in supported nature-conservation projects, etc.), therefore only independent background private project Emys-Latvia can serve as a basis for continuity and succession for other projects since 1984 that it was founded and realized by the authors. At the same time, such a background project Emys-Latvia cannot permanently substitute other projects, financed from more solid sources, as soon as financial means of the authors are more than limited.

Project activities and main results: The main task of the background project Emys-Latvia is permanent implementation of small activities necessary for study and conservation of Emys orbicularis in Latvia that are not financially supported at the moment by other projects, as well as ensuring succession of such projects. Therefore, this private project includes basic activities on study and conservation of Emys orbicularis in Latvia that are not carried out by other projects at the moment, but that could not be interrupted between the projects and in years decades: 1) looking for information about Emys orbicularis found in nature; 2) removal from nature exotic species of turtles ( Pupins & Pupina 2011); 3) forming and keeping of a breeding group of Emys orbicularis ; 4) rearing of young Emys orbicularis in zooculture; 5) target educative and educational activity ( Pupiņš et al. 2010); 6) study on ecology and development of technologies of Emys orbicularis zooculture.

At the same time, the results of this project Emys-Latvia are included in the results of other projects as far as they appear, and therefore it is difficult to assess them separately. The basic results of the background project before 2014 are the following: 1) information about 92 cases of encountering Emys orbicularis in Latvia is noted, including information about laying of eggs and findings of juvenile individuals, verification of communications is carried out, the 64 biotopes of places of findings are inspected; 2) the data base and map of distribution of Emys orbicularis in Latvia is prepared; 3) since 1984 a breeding group of single individuals of Emys orbicularis obtained in Latvia has been collected and is contained in zooculture, in 2014 it comprised 21 mature individuals, one of which is mature female - second age of breeding group; 4) technology of effective herpetoculture of Emys orbicularis under the climatic conditions of Latvia is developed and has been approving and improving; 5) posterity from the breeding group is regularly obtained, it is brought up to puberty: in 2014 total quantity of young Emys orbicularis of different age that were born and reared in the zooculture composed 98 turtles.













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