Emys orbicularis

Pupins, Mihails & Pupina, Aija, 2014, P R O J E C T S O N E M Y S O R B I C U L A R I S (R E P T I L I A: Testudines: Emydidae) In Latvia For Thirty Years (1984 - 2014): Biological Aspects, Results And Effect On Population And Ecosystems, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 14 (2), pp. 159-175 : 164

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12646396

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Emys orbicularis


E. orbicularis View in CoL research and conservation problems in Latvia, actual for the project: In the course of realization of the background project hundreds of residents were questioned, basically, those were residents of south-eastern part of Latvia; by that it turned out that the majority of the residents do not have any idea about the fact that Emys orbicularis could be met in Latvia, they also cannot observe and distinguish between the species of turtles, they do not know how to act, noticing Emys orbicularis in nature, as well as do not know about the danger for existence of autochthonous Emys orbicularis by releasing of exotic turtles in nature. This made the broadening of geography of population’s interrogation and its education actual, exactly which have been done in the present project.

Project activities and main results: The main activities of the project were the following: 1) development and publishing of informative brochure-questionnaire “Looking for pond turtle in Latvia ” ( Līdaka et al. 2005); 2) interrogation and education of target groups with the help of the questionnaire – readers of journals about nature (hunters, fishermen, friends of nature) on the whole territory of Latvia.

In the result of the project: 1) some new communications about findings of Emys orbicularis in Latvia were received from the target groups of residents; 2) the level of awareness of population of Latvia, especially target groups, about Emys orbicularis and about actions that one should take encountering it in nature was increased; 3) in general, attitude of residents towards Emys orbicularis became more positive; 4) population was taught how to act in cases of finding of exotic turtles in nature of Latvia. The effect will be resulted in next projects.













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