Emys orbicularis

Pupins, Mihails & Pupina, Aija, 2014, P R O J E C T S O N E M Y S O R B I C U L A R I S (R E P T I L I A: Testudines: Emydidae) In Latvia For Thirty Years (1984 - 2014): Biological Aspects, Results And Effect On Population And Ecosystems, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 14 (2), pp. 159-175 : 165-166

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12646396

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Emys orbicularis


E. orbicularis View in CoL research and conservation problems in Latvia, actual for the project:

In the course of realization of the background and the following projects for development of adequate and effective measures for protection of Emys orbicularis in Latvia arose the need in local knowledge about urgent for protection of the species peculiarities of ecology of Emys orbicularis on the extreme northern boundary of the area in nature of Latvia, especially interesting were the following: 1) biotopes where Emys orbicularis were met in Latvia; 2) peculiarities of growth and development of Emys orbicularis in wild in Latvia and in zooculture; 3) sexual, age and quantitative structure of findings of Emys orbicularis ; 4) study on possibility of laying of fecundated eggs of Emys orbicularis female in Latvia; 5) possibility of hatching of young Emys orbicularis in Latvia and conditions for that in zooculture; 6) estimation of predators’ influence on Emys orbicularis in Latvia; 7) estimation of anthropogenic influence on Emys orbicularis ; 8) peculiarities of thermoregulation and sun-basking of Emys orbicularis in natural climatic conditions of Latvia etc.

Project activities and main results: In the course of the project the research on distribution


( Pupins, Pupina 2008a), peculiarities of ecology of Emys orbicularis in nature and in zooculture in natural climatic conditions of Latvia was carried out. As a result of the carried out research it was determined that: 1) Emys orbicularis is the most frequently met in Latvia in eutrophic lakes (41% of findings) and fishy ponds (20% of findings); 2) in general there are mostly adult single individuals that are met in Latvia (>90% of findings), out of which 73 % are females; 3) females of Emys orbicularis can lay fecundated eggs in nature of Latvia; 4) juvenile Emys orbicularis are very rarely met in nature of Latvia; 5) 53 % Emys orbicularis found in Latvia get shell injuries by predators; 6) 25 % Emys orbicularis get carapax injuries from transport; 7) in 44% of cases while finding Emys orbicularis in nature residents catch animals, but in 33% of these cases remove them from nature for ever; 8) sun-basking activity of Emys orbicularis in Latvia positively correlates with the maximum level of UV and solar radiation ( Pupins & Pupina 2009); 9) in 2006 the competitive invasive species Trachemys scripta elegans was registered in nature of Latvia for the first time (Pupins 2007a).













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