Phaenoglyphis Förster, 1869

Ferrer-Suay, Mar, Selfa, Jesús, Villemant, Claire & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2015, Charipinae Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910 (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae) from the Mercantour National Park (Alpes-Maritimes, France), with descriptions of three new species, Zoosystema 37 (1), pp. 115-138 : 131-134

publication ID 10.5252/z2015n1a5

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scientific name

Phaenoglyphis Förster, 1869


Genus Phaenoglyphis Förster, 1869

Phaenoglyphis abbreviata

( Thomson, 1877) (10C)

Allotria (Auloxysta) abbreviata Thomson, 1877: 812 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-SES1400- T 3-M1: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Palaearctic region (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — See Charipinae Worldwide Catalogue (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a).

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis abbreviata is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.5 × longer than wide; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli present and rounded; scutellar foveae separated by a small and well defined carina; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 subequal to pedicel, F1 longer than F2, F2 shorter than F3, F3 subequal to F4 ( Fig. 10C View FIG ). It is similar to Phaenoglyphis moldavica Ionescu, 1969 , but the two species can be differentiated by the proportions between flagellomeres: F1 longer than F2, F2 shorter than F 3 in P.abbreviata , versus F1-F3 subequal in length in P.moldavica ; shape of scutellar foveae: small, rounded and separated by a wide carina in P. abbreviata , but large and separated by a fine carina in P.moldavica .

Phaenoglyphis americana Baker, 1896 ( Fig. 9D View FIG ; 10D View FIG )

Phaenoglyphis americana Baker, 1896: 131 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (2♀). M09-SES2000- T4 -M1: 1♀ ; M09- SES2000- T6 -M2: 1♀. 1 ♀ deposited at MNHN and 1♀ at UB .

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Nearctic and Neotropical regions (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — See Charipinae Worldwide Catalogue (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a).

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis americana is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.8 × longer than wide ( Fig. 9D View FIG ); pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli present, scutellum with two rounded foveae separated by a carina and open basally; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F1, flagellum thickened from F2, F1 longer than pedicel, F1-F4 subequal in length, width and shape ( Fig. 10D View FIG ); male antenna with rhinaria and flagellum thickening beginning from F2, F1 curved, longer than pedicel and F2, F2 shorter than F3. Similar to Phaenoglyphis fuscicornis ( Thomson, 1877) , but the two species can be differentiated by: the thickening of flagellum from F 2 in P. americana female ( Fig. 10D View FIG ), as opposed to from F 3 in P.fuscicornis ( Fig. 10L View FIG ); the shape of notauli: clearly marked along their entire length in P.americana , versus deeply marked anteriorly and weakly posteriorly in P.fuscicornis ; presence of rhinaria and thickening of flagellum in male: both beginning from F 2 in P.americana , whereas the thickening begins from F3 and the rhinaria from F 5 in P. fuscicornis .

Phaenoglyphis calverti Andrews, 1978 ( Fig. 10E View FIG )

Phaenoglyphis calverti Andrews, 1978: 37 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-SES1400- T 6-M2: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Nearctic region (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — See Charipinae Worldwide Catalogue (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a).

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis calverti is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.7 × longer than wide; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli absent; scutellar foveae rounded, separated by a carina and open basally; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 shorter than F3, F3 subequal to F4 ( Fig. 10E View FIG ); male antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 curved; F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 slightly shorter than F3. Similar to Phaenoglyphis insularis (Belizin, 1973) , but the two species can be differentiated by the ratio between F2/F3: F2 shorter than F 3 in P.calverti , versus F2 longer than F 3 in P.insularis ; shape of propodeal carinae: slightly curved in P.calverti , but straight in P.insulari s; shape of mesoscutum: flat in P.calverti , versus very gibbous in P.insularis .

Phaenoglyphis evenhuisi

Pujade-Villar & Paretas-Martínez, 2006 ( Fig. 10F View FIG )

Phaenoglyphis evenhuisi Pujade-Villar & Paretas-Martínez, 2006: 479 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-BOR1400- T 2-M1: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Palaearctic region (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — Unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis evenhuisi is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 3.0 × longer than wide; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli barely distinct; scutellar foveae oval, well-defined and separated by a carina, each fovea has an internal carina at its posterior margin; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F4, F1 slightly longer or subequal to pedicel, F1 longer than F2, F2 subequal to F3 and F3 shorter than F4 ( Fig. 10F View FIG ). Phaenoglyphis evenhuisi is easily distinguished from the other Phaenoglyphis species present in the Mediterranean Alps because it is the only species whose pronotum and mesoscutum are not smooth but entirely covered by a fine reticulate sculpture.

Phaenoglyphis fuscicornis ( Thomson, 1877) ( Fig. 10L View FIG )

Allotria (Auloxysta) fuscicornis Thomson, 1877: 813 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-SES1400- T 3-M1: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Palaearctic region (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — Unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis fuscicornis is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.8 × longer than wide in both male and female; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli present, scutellum with two oval scutellar foveae separated by a carina and not delimited basally; female antenna thickened from F3 and with rhinaria beginning from F1, F1 longer than pedicel, F1 slightly longer than F2, F2 slightly shorter than F3, F3 subequal to F4 ( Fig. 10L View FIG ), male antenna thickened from F3 and rhinaria beginning from F5, F1 curved, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 subequal to F3, F3 slightly shorter than F4. Similar to P.americana , but the two species can be differentiated by: the thickening of female flagellum beginning from F 3 in P.fuscicornis ( Fig. 10L View FIG ) and from F 2 in P. americana ( Fig. 10D View FIG ); shape of notauli: deeply excavated anteriorly and weakly posteriorly in P.fuscicornis , as opposed to clearly marked along their entire length in P.americana ; presence of rhinaria and flagellum thickening in male: thickening begins from F3 and rhinaria from F 5 in P.fuscicornis , whereas both begin from F 2 in P.americana .

Phaenoglyphis gutierrezi Andrews, 1978 ( Fig. 10G View FIG )

Phaenoglyphis gutierrezi Andrews, 1978: 39 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-BOR2000- T 5-M2: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from Nearctic region (Ferrer- Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France and from the Palaearctic. Faunistic studies have led to significant increases in the known distribution range of some species of Charipinae , including many cases of Palaearctic species being found in the Nearctic region (Ferrer-Suay et al., 2014). Thus all the above studies largely increase the distribution range of some species (with the remaining problem of cryptic species which could be solved with molecular studies).

HOSTS. — Unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis gutierrezi is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.8 × longer than wide; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli present; scutellar foveae oval, separated by a carina and not delimited basally; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2-F4 subequal in length ( Fig. 10G View FIG ). Similar to Phaenoglyphis salicis ( Cameron, 1883) , but the two species can be differentiated by the ratios between flagellomeres: F2-F4 subequal in length in P.gutierrezi ( Fig. 10G View FIG ), versus F2 shorter than F3, F3-F4 subequal in length in P.salicis ( Fig. 10K View FIG ); shape of scutellar foveae: slightly open basally in P.gutierrezi but completely defined and with two apical lines in P.salicis .

Phaenoglyphis longicornis ( Hartig, 1840) ( Fig. 10H View FIG )

Xystus longicornis Hartig, 1840: 199 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (3♀). M09-SES1400- T2 -M2: 1♀ ; SES2000- T5 -M1: 1♀ ; M09-BOR1400- T3 -M1: 1♀. 2 ♀ deposited at MNHN and 1♀ at UB .

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Palaearctic region (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — Unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyhis longicornis is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.7 × longer than wide; pronotal, propodeal carinae and notauli present; oval scutellar foveae with straight lateral margins, separated by a carina and not delimited basally; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F1, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 subequal to F3 and F3 shorter than F4 ( Fig. 10H View FIG ). Similar to Phaenoglyphis stricta ( Thomson, 1877) , but the two species can be differentiated by the beginning of rhinaria: from the base of F 1 in P.longicornis and from the second quarter of F 1 in P.stricta ; shape of scutellar foveae: not delimited basally in P.longicornis , whereas in P.stricta they are not delimited apically and basally; proportions of radial cell 2.7 × longer than wide in P.longicornis , versus 2.4 × in P.stricta .

Phaenoglyphis salicis ( Cameron, 1883) ( Fig. 10K View FIG )

Allotria salicis Cameron, 1883: 367 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-SES2000- T 6-M2: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from Palaearctic region (Ferrer- Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — See Charipinae Worldwide Catalogue (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a).

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis salicis is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.5 × longer than wide; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli barely distinct; scutellar foveae oval, completely defined and


abdera * Fergusson, 1986

alpina Ferrer-Suay & Pujade-Villar , n. sp.

arcuata * (Kieffer, 1902)

brachycera * Hellén, 1963

brevis * (Thomson, 1962)

castanea ( Hartig, 1841)

circumscripta ( Hartig, 1841)

citripes ( Thomson, 1862)

consobrina ( Zetterstedt, 1838)

fracticornis * ( Thomson, 1862)

franca Ferrer-Suay & Pujade-Villar , n. sp.

longipennis * ( Hartig, 1841)

macrophadna ( Hartig, 1841)

melanogaster ( Hartig, 1840)

mullensis * ( Cameron, 1883)

nigrita ( Thomson, 1862)

obscurata ( Hartig, 1840)

pilae Ferrer-Suay , n. sp.

pilipennis * ( Hartig, 1840)

postica * ( Hartig, 1841)

proxima * Belizin, 1962

pusilla (Kieffer, 1902)

victrix ( Westwood, 1833)


trapezoidea* ( Hartig, 1841)


subclavata Förster, 1869


abbreviata* ( Thomson, 1877)

americana * Baker, 1896

calverti * Andrews, 1978

evenhuisi * Pujade-Villar & Paretas-Martínez, 2006

fuscicornis * ( Thomson, 1877)

gutierrezi * Andrews, 1978

longicornis * ( Hartig, 1840)

salicis * ( Cameron, 1883)

stenos * Andrews, 1978

villosa ( Hartig, 1841)

with two apical lines; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 shorter than F3, F3 subequal to F4 ( Fig. 10K View FIG ). Similar to P.gutierrrezi , from which it can be separated by the characters noted in the diagnosis of the latter.

Phaenoglyphis stenos Andrews, 1978 ( Fig. 10I View FIG )

Phaenoglyphis stenos Andrews, 1978: 43 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♀). M09-SES1400- T 6-M2: 1♀. Deposited at MNHN.

DISTRIBUTION. — Previously known from the Nearctic and Neotropical regions (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). First record from France.

HOSTS. — See Charipinae Worldwide Catalogue (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a).

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis stenos is characterized by: a closed radial cell, 2.9 × longer than wide; pronotal and propodeal carinae present; notauli present, scutellum with two rounded foveae slightly fused medially and open basally; female antenna with rhinaria begin- ning from F2, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 subequal to F3, F3 shorter than F4 ( Fig. 10I View FIG ). Similar to Phaenoglyphis heterocera ( Hartig, 1841) , but the two species can be differentiated by the antennae with rhinaria beginning from F 2 in P.stenos , as opposed to from F 3 in P.heterocera ; ratio of pedicel/F 1 in female: F1 longer than pedicel in P.stenos , but shorter than pedicel in P.heterocera ; shape of propodeal carinae: slightly curved in P.stenos , versus straight in P.heterocera ; proportions of radial cell 2.9 × longer than wide in P.stenos , versus 2.7 × in P.heterocera .

Phaenoglyphis villosa ( Hartig, 1841) ( Figs 6C View FIG ; 9C View FIG ; 10J View FIG )

Xystus villosus Hartig, 1841: 353 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — (1♂ & 4♀). M09-SES1400- T6 -M2: 1♀ ; M09-SES2000- T4 -M1: 1♂ & 1♀ ; M09-BOR2000- T4 -M1: 1♀ ; M10-CAI2000- T3 -M1: 1♀. Material deposited at MNHN, except for 2♀ deposited at UB .

DISTRIBUTION. — Cosmopolitan (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a). Previously cited from France by Kieffer (1902a: 11, 12, 13; 1904a: 595, 597) and De Gaulle (1908: 26).

HOSTS. — See Charipinae Worldwide Catalogue (Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a).

DIAGNOSIS. — Phaenoglyphis villosa is characterized by: a partially open radial cell, 2.1-2.7 × longer than wide ( Fig. 9C View FIG ); pronotal ( Fig. 6C View FIG ) and propodeal carinae present ( Fig. 6C View FIG ); notauli absent, scutellum with two deep oval foveae more or less separated by a carina or completely fused; female antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 as long as pedicel or slightly longer, F1 subequal to F2, F2 shorter than F3, F3 shorter than F4 ( Fig. 10J View FIG ); male antenna with rhinaria beginning from F3, F1 subequal to F2, F2 shorter than F3. At the moment P.villosa is easily differentiated from the other Phaenoglyphis species because it is the only one having a partially open radial cell.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie
























Phaenoglyphis Förster, 1869

Ferrer-Suay, Mar, Selfa, Jesús, Villemant, Claire & Pujade-Villar, Juli 2015

Phaenoglyphis calverti

ANDREWS F. G. 1978: 37

Phaenoglyphis gutierrezi

ANDREWS F. G. 1978: 39

Phaenoglyphis stenos

ANDREWS F. G. 1978: 43

Phaenoglyphis americana

BAKER C. F. 1896: 131

Allotria salicis

CAMERON P. 1883: 367

Allotria (Auloxysta) abbreviata

THOMSON C. G. 1877: 812

Allotria (Auloxysta) fuscicornis

THOMSON C. G. 1877: 813

Xystus villosus

HARTIG T. 1841: 353

Xystus longicornis

HARTIG T. 1840: 199
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