Triseptata sexualis Boonmee & Phookamsak, 2020

Boonmee, Saranyaphat, Calabon, Mark S., Phookamsak, Rungtiwa, Elgorban, Abdallah M. & Hyde, Kevin D., 2020, Triseptata sexualis gen. et sp. nov. in Latoruaceae (Pleosporales), Phytotaxa 447 (4), pp. 252-264 : 257-258

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.447.4.3

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scientific name

Triseptata sexualis Boonmee & Phookamsak

sp. nov.

Triseptata sexualis Boonmee & Phookamsak , sp. nov. ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Index Fungorum number: IF557184, Facesoffungi number: FoF 07230

Etymology:—The specific epithet “ sexualis ” referring to sexual morph.

Holotype:— MFLU 11–0002 View Materials

Saprobic on dried branches of an unidentified plant. Sexual morph: Ascostromata (108–)148–157 µm high × (120–)157–198 µm diam. (x = 145 × 172 µm, n = 5), immersed to slightly erumpent, visible as black spots, single or clustered, scattered or gregarious, uni- to multi-locular, globose to subglobose, with or without basal stroma, dark brown, obscure ostiole. Peridium 16–26 µm wide, composing several layers of textura angularis, with compressed of dark brown cells. Hamathecium comprising 1.5–2 µm wide, cylindrical, branched, septate, anastomosed, hyaline pseudoparaphyses. Asci 43–60 × 7–9 µm (x = 52 × 8 µm, n = 20), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical-clavate, sessile, apically rounded. Ascospores 11.5–15 × 4–5 µm (x = 13 × 4.5 µm, n = 20), 1–2-seriate, partially overlapping, ellipsoid-fusiform, straight or slightly curved, regularly 3–septate, darkened and constricted at the septa, the second cell from the top slightly wider than the others, asymmetrical ends, light brown to brown, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: hyphomycetous conidia-like structures in culture. Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells absent. Conidia (12–)16–23 µm diam. (n = 30), superficial, globose to subglobose, multiseptate, brown to dark brown, smooth-walled.

Culture characteristics:—Conidia germinating on WA within 12 hrs. Colonies growing on malt extract agar (MEA), reaching 18 mm in 2 weeks at 28°C, effuse, dentate and lobate edges, darkly brown. Mycelium superficial and partly immersed, branched, septate, pale brown to brown, smooth-walled, chlamydospores produced in culture and induced with plant tissues within 90 days.

Material examined:— THAILAND, Chiang Mai, Jom Thong , elev. 800–1000 msl., N18 o 31’ E 98 o 29’, on dead branches of an unidentified plant, 16 November 2010, R. Phookamsak, ITN04: MFLU 11–0002 View Materials , holotype GoogleMaps ; ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 11–0002 View Materials = BBC 52152 .

Notes:—Phylogenetic analysis of a combined LSU, ITS and SSU sequence dataset ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) indicates that our new taxon Triseptata sexualis (MFLUCC 11–0002) forms a well-resolved single lineage basal to the sister clade of Latoruaceae with 99% MLBS and 1.00 BYPP support.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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