Eunicea fusca, DUCHASSAING & MICHELOTTI, 1860

Sánchez, Juan Armando, 2009, Systematics of the candelabrum gorgonian corals (Eunicea Lamouroux; Plexauridae; Octocorallia; Cnidaria), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (2), pp. 237-263 : 247

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Felipe (2021-09-01 00:29:53, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 13:30:52)

scientific name

Eunicea fusca



( FIGS 1I View Figure 1 , 2O View Figure 2 )

Eunicea fusca Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860: 25 View in CoL (holotype: Turín , Italy).

Eunicea fusca: Bayer, 1961: 138 View in CoL .

Description: Colonies usually small (<0.3 m) but up to 0.5 m in height. Asexual (vegetative) propagation from fragments commonly observed ( Fig. 1I View Figure 1 ). Colony with disorganized branching but with a dichotomous trend. Slim branches between 2.5 and 3.5 mm in diameter. Polyp apertures with low calyx as an enlargement of the lower lip. Middle layer with spindle sclerites up to 2 mm in length. Axial layer sclerites spindles up to 0.2 mm in length colourless or slightly violet, sometimes with large ornamentations. Polyp armature composed of slightly curved rods between 0.05 and 0.22 mm in length.

Diagnostic features: The surface layer contains clubs with smooth folds, sometimes fused, up to 0.18 mm in length ( Fig. 2O View Figure 2 , see also Fig. 8 View Figure 8 ).

Distribution and habitat: Widespread in the Tropical Western Atlantic. Most reef environments with intermediate wave exposition and depth. Along the Caribbean coast of Colombia E. fusca was found to be very common exhibiting extensive vegetative propagation.

Examined material: ICN-MHN-CO-079 (Q1), El Morrito, Santa Marta Bay (Punta Betín), Caribbean coast of Colombia, 4.iii.1996 , hard ground and rubble 6 m, col. J.A. Sánchez. USNM 97688 About USNM (20) Tesoro island, Rosario islands, Caribbean coast of Colombia, col. J.A. Sánchez & A. Ramirez, 17.x.1992 ; fore-reef terrace on rubble sand areas 8 m. INV-CNID-372, (E-98), Albuquerque Cays (12° 10′ 29″N, 81° 51′ 11″W), Colombian Caribbean , 30.v.1994 GoogleMaps , lagoonal patch reef, col. J.A. Sánchez. USNM 51783 About USNM , Bermuda, Somerset Island , 5–6 m, col. Tucker T., 31.viii.1960 , donor: Peterson L.W. USNM 52414 About USNM , (70% ETOH), Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, Yucatan, Peninsula, Campeche Bank , Alacranes Reef , col. Bonet F., vii.1961 , donor: Bonet F. USNM 83600 About USNM , Gulf of Mexico, United States, Florida, Florida Keys , (F87- 23), 12 m. col. W. Fenical, vii.1987 .

Bayer FM. 1961. The shallow water Octocorallia of the West Indian region. Studies of the Fauna of Curacao 12: 1 - 373.

Duchassaing P, Michelotti J. 1860. Memoire sur les coralliaires des Antilles. Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Turin 2: 279 - 365.

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Figure 1. Photographs of Caribbean candelabrum corals in situ. A, Eunicea pinta Bayer & Deichmann Roncador Bank Colombia, 25 m; B, Eunicea palmeri Bayer, Roncador Bank, Colombia, 12 m; C, Eunicea succinea (Pallas) Bocas del Toro, Panama, 12 m; D, Eunicea laxispica (Lamarck), fore-reef terrace, 20 m, Abaco, Bahamas (2000); E, Eunicea mammosa Lamouroux, Roncador Bank, Colombia, 12 m; F, Eunicea tourneforti Milne Edwards & Haime, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, 8 m; G, Eunicea asperula Milne-Edwards & Haime, outer slope edge, Cat island, Bahamas (2001); H, Eunicea laciniata Duchassaing & Michelotti, shallow fore-reef, 10 m, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize (2001); I, Eunicea fusca Duchassaing & Michelotti, White Horse Reef, fore-reef, 20 m, Exuma Cays, Bahamas (2000).

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Figure 2. Scanning electron micrograph images of sclerites of Eunicea spp. and Plexaura spp. A–D, sclerites (ornamented spindles) from the middle layer: A, Eunicea flexuosa (Lamouroux, 1821) (scale bar = 0.2 mm); B, Eunicea laciniata Duchassaing & Michelotti (scale bar = 100 Mm); C, Plexaura kuna Lasker et al. (scale bar = 0.1 mm); D, Eunicea clavigera (scale bar = 0.2 mm). E–P, club sclerites from the coenenchyme surface: E, P. kuna (scale bar = 0.1 mm); F, stereopair, Eunicea laxispica (Lamarck) (scale bar = 0.02 mm); G–H, E. laxispica (scale bar = 0.05 mm); I, Eunicea mammosa Lamouroux (scale bar = 0.02 mm); J, E. flexuosa (scale bar = 0.04 mm); K, E. clavigera Bayer (scale bar = 0.01 mm); L, Eunicea pallida Garcia-Parrado & Alcolado (scale bar = 0.02 mm); M, Eunicea calyculata (Ellis & Solander) (scale bar = 0.02 mm); N, Eunicea tourneforti Milne Edwards & Haime (scale bar = 0.02 mm); O, Eunicea fusca Duchassaing & Michelotti (scale bar = 0.01 mm); P, Eunicea tayrona sp. nov. (scale bar = 0.01 mm). Q–U, axial cortex layer sclerites: Q, stereopair, E. laxispica (scale bar = 0.02 mm); R, E. tourneforti (scale bars = 0.06 mm, respectively); S, E. calyculata (scale bar = 0.05 mm); T, Eunicea pallida (scale bars = 0.02 mm); U, E. clavigera. V–Z, polyp sclerites: V, anthocodial rods, E. tourneforti (scale bar = 0.06 mm); W, E. calyculata (scale bar = 0.06 mm); X, E. clavigera (scale bars = 0.01, 0.05, and 0.02 mm); Y, E. mammosa (scale bar = 0.06 mm); Z, octoradiates from the tentacles (stereopair), E. asperula (scale bar = 0.01 mm).

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Figure 8. Photographs of Caribbean candelabrum corals in situ. A, Eunicea calyculata (Ellis & Solander), Serrana Bank, Colombia, 18 m; B, Eunicea knighti Bayer, Bocas del Toro Panama, 15 m; C, Eunicea pallida García-Parrado & Alcolado, Bocas del Toro, Panamá, 15 m; D, Eunicea flexuosa (Lamouroux), Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, 12 m. Polyp details (Bocas del Toro, Panamá): E, Eunicea tourneforti; F, Eunicea laciniata; G, E. calyculata; H, Eunicea clavigera; and I, Eunicea tayrona sp. nov.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











