Helius (Helius) polionotus Alexander, 1938

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Hye-Woo, 2014, New Limoniinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (2), pp. 167-182 : 179-181

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.12651/JSR.2014.3.2.167

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Helius (Helius) polionotus Alexander, 1938


Helius (Helius) polionotus Alexander, 1938 View in CoL

Helius (Helius) polionota Alexander, 1938: 142 .

Helius (Helius) polionotus View in CoL : Savchenko 1989: 55.

General coloration gray. @ody length of female 5.2- 8.4 mm. Wing length of female 7.0-9.0 mm.

Head prolonged behind. General coloration of head brownish gray, gray along eye margin. A very narrow brown median line extends on center of vertex. It is better



expressed frontally and poorly indicated posteriorly. Anterior vertex narrow, a little more than diameter of scape. Dorsum of head covered with sparse erect brown setae. Female antennae 0.95-1.30 mm long, slightly long- er than rostrum, if bent backward, far not reaching base of the wing. Scape dark brown, covered with sparce gray pruinosity, twice as long as wide. Pedicel short, oval, dark brown. Two-three basal flagellomeres light brown with slightly darkened apices, succeding segments brown, outer segments dark brown. Flagellar segments short, oval, covered with scarce whitish pubescence. Apical flagellomere elongate, distinctly exceeds preceding segment in length. Verticils at least twice as long as respective segments. Rostrum distinctly longer than remainder of head, grayish brown at base, blackend distally, covered with semi-erect brown setae, 0.80-1.05 mm long in female. Palpus black. Mouth parts brownish.

Thorax gray because of dense gray pruinosity. Pronotum uniformly gray, dorsal surface covered with few erect setae. Mesonotal prescutum gray with three brown stripes. Median stripe broader and darker than lateral, blackened frontally, not reaching suture behind, with narrow longitudinal dark median line. Pseudosutural foveae black and shiny. Central parts of posterior sclerites of notum dark brown, covered with dense gray pruinosity, margins light gray. Scutellum gray, posteriorly a trifle more reddish brown. Mediotergite light gray, with brownish lateral and posterior margins and very indistinct darker median line. Pleura, including dorsopleural membrane, gray. Ventral part of katepisternum brownish gray. Wing ( Fig. 6A) whitish subhyaline, strongly iridescent, tip broadly but inconspicuously darkened, prearcular field and costal border very pale yellow. Stigma oval and dark brown. Veins dark brown, paler in yellow areas. Venation: Sc 1 reaching wing margin about opposite fork of Rs, Sc 2 close to Sc 1 tip. Rs comparatively short and slightly arched. Separate vein R 2 missing. @oth branches of Rs diverging distally. Discal cell long, twice as long as wide, a little wider at basal end. @asal deflection of CuA 1 beyond branching point of M, at one-fourth to one-fifth of discal cell’s length. @oth anal veins long and straight. Anal angle medium-sized. Length of female haltere 1.00- 1.25 mm. Haltere uniformly pale yellow. Frontal coxa brownish gray with yellow distal part, middle coxa yellow with brownish base, posterior coxa yellow. Trochanters yellow, with distinctly blackened distal margins. Femur yellow, tip abruptly and conspicuously blackened. Tibiae obscure yellow tips very narrowly blackened. @asal tarsal segments yellow basally, passing into dark brown, distal tarsal segments dark brown. Male femur I: 4.3-6.0 mm, II: 4.6-6.7 mm, III: 4.9-5.7 mm, tibiae I: 5.3- 7.5 mm, II: 4.8-6.5 mm, III: 5.0- 6.2 mm, tarsus I: 4.7-6.4 mm, II: 4.60-5.05 mm, III: 4.0- 4.9 mm long.

Abdomen brown, covered with gray pruinosity and sparce yellow semi-erect setae. Cercus and hypovalvae of ovipositor ( Fig. 6 @) elongate, reddish brown.

Elevation range in Korea. Specimens are known to occur at altitudes from about 900 m to nearly 1100 m in Korea.

Period of activity. Species is active in the second half of July in Korea.

General distribution. Species was known from Far East of Russia and North Korea ( Oosterbroek, 2014), two specimens examined during this study were from North- Eastern China .

Examined materials ( Fig. 7F View Fig ): Paratypes: 1, Chonsani , Paiktusan, N. Corea, 3000’, VII-18, 1937, Yankovsky; 3 (on same pin), Chonsani, Paiktusan, N. Corea, 3500’, VII-20, 1937, Yankovsky. Also compared with determined specimens from adjacent region: 2 (metatypes), Manchuria, Kaolingtyn, Kirin prov., VI-24, 1940, Weymarn, det. C. P. Alexander.














Helius (Helius) polionotus Alexander, 1938

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Hye-Woo 2014

Helius (Helius) polionotus

Savchenko, E. N. 1989: 55

Helius (Helius) polionota

Alexander, C. P. 1938: 142
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF