Chytonix perssoni Berio, 1973

Kovács, Sándor Tibor & Ronkay, László, 2018, A Revision Of The Chytonix Perssoni Berio, 1973 Species Complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Condicinae) With An Annotated List Of Eurasiatic Taxa, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64 (2), pp. 143-160 : 148-150

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Chytonix perssoni Berio, 1973


Chytonix perssoni Berio, 1973 View in CoL

( Figs 1–3, 14, 16–18)

Chytonix perssoni Berio, 1973 View in CoL , Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria 79: 144, fig. 49. Type-locality: Burma, Kambaiti. Holotype: male, in coll. NRM Stockholm.

Type material examined – Holotype male, Burma ( Myanmar), Kambaiti, 7000 ft, leg. Malaise, slide No.: RL 11891m, NHRS-TOBI 364 (coll. NRM Stockholm). The two examined paratypes of C. perssoni belong to C. nemperssoni sp. n. The fourth specimen dissected by Berio and the genitalia of which are illustrated in the original description, belongs also to C. nemperssoni .

Additional material examined – Vietnam. 1 male, Prov. Lao Cai, Fansipan Mts, Frontier Satellite Camp , 1690 m, 24–25.VIII.1998, leg. A. Kun, slide No.: RL 7675m; 2 males, Prov. Lao Cai, Fansipan Mts, Frontier Satellite Camp , 2240 m, 18–22.VIII.1998, leg. A. Kun, slide Nos: KST 454m, KST 460m (coll. HNHM) . Thailand. 7 males, 3 females, Prov. Chiang Mai, Mt. Doi Phahompok , 16 km NW of Fang, 2000 m, 6–7.VIII.1999, leg. T. Csővári & L. Mi - kus, slide Nos: KST 428m, KST 454m, KST 455m, KST 456m, KST 460m, KST 461m, KST 471m, KST 472m, KST 473m (males); 1 female, Prov. Chiang Mai, Mt. Doi Phahompok , 16 km NW of Fang, 2100 m, 15.VIII.1999, leg. T. Csővári & L. Mikus, slide No.: RL11940 f; 2 females, Prov. Chiang Mai Mt. Doi Phahompok , 16 km NW of Fang, 2000 m, 14.VIII.1999, leg. T. Csővári & L. Mikus, slide Nos: KST469 f, KST470 f (coll. T. Csővári, G. Ronkay and HNHM). China. Sichuan. 1 male, Gongga Shan , 2200 m, 29°41’N, 101°58’E, 25.V.–8.VI.2001, slide No.: GB GoogleMaps 5773m (coll. Stumpf / Becher). Shaanxi . 1 male, Tsinling Mts, Fopin Mt. , 33°45’ N, 107°38’ E, 1900 m, 1-30.VI.2004, leg. V. Siniaev, slide No.: GYP GoogleMaps 4576m (coll. P. Gyulai).

Remarks – The type series of the species consists of 5 specimens (four males, one female). The series is, however, mixed, and the four paratypes are not conspecific with the holotype. Unfortunately, the holotype remained un- dissected until our revision and the genitalia figure published by Berio illus- trates another species, C. nemperssoni sp. n., which is described below.

Diagnosis – Chytonix perssoni is confusingly similar to its sister species, C. nemperssoni sp. n., the satisfactory identification requires the study of the gen- italia. There are, however, certain features which may help in the preliminary separation of the two species by their external appearance. The forewings of C. perssoni are darker in colouration, with more extensive dark grey-brown or blackish-brown suffusion in the cell and the basal field, the entire wing is somewhat less shining and the subapical costal dark patch is large, more diffuse than in C. nemperssoni . Wingspan 28–30 mm.

The genitalia of the two species are strikingly different in both sexes (see Figs 1–6). The male genitalia differ in practically all details while in the female genitalia the antrum and the ductus bursae have very different configuration and sclerotization.

The male clasping apparatus of C. perssoni ( Figs 1–3) has, in compari- son with C. nemperssoni ( Figs 4–6), longer and thinner, medially less dilated uncus, considerably smaller and more rounded penicular lobes of tegumen, shorter and basally stronger, medially less curved valvae with much shorter apical section, reduced (often fully missing) coronal setae, broadly pyrami- dal harpe and very characteristic, strongly sclerotised and dorsally variably strongly serrate-crenellate (often cockscomb-like) digitus plate. The aedeagus of C. perssoni is distally much thicker than that of C. nemperssoni , with heavily sclerotised carinal processes: a very long, cuneate ventro-medial and two short, rather tooth- or thorn-like lateral extensions. The basal part of vesica is broad, inflated, more or less globular, distal part strongly tapering; the entire vesica is membranous, without cornuti.

In the female genitalia, C. perssoni ( Fig. 10) can be distinguished from all other members of the species-group by the fine elliptical-rounded sclerotised ostial ring, the heavily sclerotised, obliquely funnel-like and on the internal surface densely scobinate-dentate antrum. The ductus bursae is remarkably shorter and less sclerotised than in C. nemperssoni ( Fig. 11).

Distribution – The typical populations occur in northern Indochina (Bur- ma, Thailand, and Vietnam). An externally somewhat different population is known in China (Shaanxi, Sichuan), however, the available material is insufficient for a detailed study.


Swedish Museum of Natural History - Zoological Collections


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Chytonix perssoni Berio, 1973

Kovács, Sándor Tibor & Ronkay, László 2018

Chytonix perssoni Berio, 1973

BERIO 1973
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