Leiotrocha patellae (Cuenot, 1891)

Van As, Liesl L., Basson, Linda & Van As, Jo G., 2017, Mobiline Peritrichs (Ciliophora) Limpets Collected from the Gills of African, Acta Protozoologica 56 (4), pp. 245-254 : 246-247

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.17.022.7824

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scientific name

Leiotrocha patellae


Description of Leiotrocha patellae View in CoL from South African limpets ( Figs 1A–D View Fig , 2A, C, E View Fig )

Host: Cellana radiata capensis (Gmelin, 1791)

Locality: Bazley (30°22′S, 30°40′E), east coast of South Africa GoogleMaps

Other host and locality: Scutellastra exusta (Reeve, 1854) ; Mission Rock at St Lucia Reference material: S96/10/10-30; S96/10/ 10-35 in the collection of the Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Aquatic Ecology division Position on host: Gills of limpets

Short cylindrical body with elevated convex peristome ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Adoral spiral turns 405° before plunging into infundibulum ( Figs 1B View Fig , 2E View Fig ). Haplokinety begins before polykinety, latter enters infundibulum first, followed by haplokinety ( Fig. 2E View Fig ).

Pellicle of most individuals smooth ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Aboral ciliary girdle consists of single row of marginal cilia, separated by prominent but thin membrane from compound ciliary wreath with eight kinetosomes and single basal cilia ring, latter again separated by a prominent membrane from ciliary girdle ( Fig. 1A View Fig ).

Adhesive disc with scopular cilia ring proximal to denticle ring. Scopular cilia 2 µm in length, grouped in pairs ( Fig. 1D View Fig ). Denticles smooth, overlapping like roof tiles ( Figs 1C View Fig , 2A View Fig ). Anterior apophysis bluntly rounded, fitting closely against preceding denticle. Distal margin parallel to border membrane ( Figs 1D View Fig , 2A View Fig ). Proximal margin not parallel to distal margin, sloping in posterior distal direction. Central part tapers to sharp point. Conical part ( Fig. 1C View Fig ) extends past next denticle adorally for about one quarter length of denticle. Distal central part forming indentation at point of articulation with following denticle. Striated membrane consisting of radial pins 0.8 µm wide, extending past denticle to almost centre of adhesive disc ( Fig. 1C View Fig ).

Complex macronucleus ( Fig. 2C View Fig ) in shape of rounded A, consisting of granular lateral lobes with thin connections, meeting in round to oval robust central part. Latter lies closer to aboral side of body, with lateral lobes situated more adorally. In some individuals, lobes appear almost fused at one end, with opposite ends wide apart. Small, round to oval micronucleus lying either in closed or open sector of A-shaped macronucleus ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). Central part of macronucleus lying more or less in middle of denticle ring, with lateral lobes closer to periphery of body. Diameter of outer margins of macronucleus larger than adhesive disc diameter. Body measurements and denticle information summarised in Table 1.

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