Leiotrocha patella (Cúenot, 1891)

Van As, Liesl L., Basson, Linda & Van As, Jo G., 2017, Mobiline Peritrichs (Ciliophora) Limpets Collected from the Gills of African, Acta Protozoologica 56 (4), pp. 245-254 : 250

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.17.022.7824

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scientific name

Leiotrocha patella


Description of Leiotrocha patella from West African limpets ( Figs 1E and F View Fig , 2B, D, F View Fig )

Host: Patella depressa Pennant, 1977

Other host: Cymbula safiana (Lamarck, 1819)

Locality: Gorée Island (10°30′S, 20°30′E), Bay of Dakar GoogleMaps , Senegal, West Africa

Reference material: 93/11/13-16; 93/11/15- 9 in the collection of the Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Aquatic Parasitology division

Position on host: Gills of limpets

Short cylindrical body ( Fig. 1E View Fig ) with high elevated convex peristome. Some individuals appear more compressed than others. Adoral spiral makes about 405° turn ( Fig. 2F View Fig ). Outside peristomial lip, haplo- and polykineties show separate rows of kinetosomes before entering buccal cavity. Inside infundibulum polykinety slopes downwards before dividing into three infundibular polykineties. Germinal row supports polykinety just after entering infundibulum. Haplokinety makes another 180º turn, before entering infundibulum and making a three-quarter turn. At the end of haplokinety an impregnable band is visible. Ends of both kineties come close together before reaching cytostome ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).

Aboral ciliary wreath ( Fig. 1E View Fig ) consists of single row of closely spaced marginal cilia, compound ciliary girdle and single basal ring, three groups of cilia separated by two prominent membranes ( Fig. 1E View Fig ). Adhesive disc with ring of scopular cilia ( Fig. 1F View Fig ), cilia 2 µm in length, grouped in pairs. Kinetosomes of “lost” scopular cilia form a complete ring. Denticles smooth, overlapping like roof tiles ( Fig. 2B View Fig ). Anterior apophysis fitting closely against preceding denticle. Distal margin parallel to bor- der membrane. Proximal margin not parallel to distal margin, sloping in posterior distal direction. Central part tapers to sharp point, extending past next denticle adorally for about one quarter length of denticle. Distal central part forming indentation at point of articulation with following denticle. Striated membrane consists of radial pins, extending past denticle.

Cytoplasm filled with symbiotic algae ( Fig. 2F View Fig ), hindering observations of internal organelles. Nuclear apparatus ( Fig. 2D View Fig ) consists of A-shaped macronucleus and round to oval micronucleus. Macronucleus has two lateral lobes with thin connections, meeting in round to oval robust central part. One side of lobes almost fused, with opposite ends wide apart. Central part lies closer to aboral side of body, whilst lateral lobes are situated more adorally. Micronucleus small, but prominent in closed part of macronucleus lobes, situated near robust central part. Body measurements and denticle information are summarised in Table 1.

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