Anharpyrhynchus elizae, Klompen, Hans, 2014

Klompen, Hans, 2014, New Harpirhynchinae Dubinin (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) — intracutaneous and feather-base parasites of birds, Zootaxa 3860 (4), pp. 301-324 : 317-319

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3860.4.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Anharpyrhynchus elizae

sp. nov.

Anharpyrhynchus elizae sp. nov.

( Figs. 15 View FIGURE 15 and 16 View FIGURE 16 A–D)

Harpyrhynchus monstrosus, Moss 1979: 381 (misidentification)

Description. FEMALE (holotype, Figs. 15 View FIGURE 15 and 16 View FIGURE 16 A–D). Body, including gnathosoma, 520 long (530–550 in 2 paratypes) and 600 wide (600–630). Gnathosoma about 110 long and 130 wide. Palp about 70 long and 45 wide. Palpalae pectinate, palpalae dF and l”G subequal, 9–10 long; palpalae dG 14–15 long, about 1.5 times longer than other palpalae. Setae vF about 30 long. Dorsal shield about 140 long and 500 wide. Dorsal striated idiosomal cuticle distinctly granulated. Setae vi, ve, and si 50–60 long; setae se and c 2 20–25 long. Vulvar fold situated 3 times closer to anterior margin of idiosoma than to posterior margin. Leg I and II setation (solenidia in parentheses): tarsi 8(1)–7(1), tibiae 5–5, genua-femora-trochanters 0-0. Leg III with 3 setae 80–90 long, 2 of them situated apically and 1 basally. Additional setae 8 pairs. Legs IV with 25–30 setae, 90–100 long.

MALE. Unknown.

Type material examined. Holotype female ( OSAL 0083656) and 2 female paratypes ( OSAL 0 0 82600, 0082601) from Cyanocitta cristata (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Corvidae ) [in skin], USA: Florida, Columbia Co., O'Leno State Park, 29.92°N 82.58°W (USGS-GNIS), 10 April 1966, coll. W.J. Wrenn.

Additional material examined. One female ( OSAL 0083660) from Cyanocitta stelleri (Gmelin) ( Passeriformes : Corvidae ) [in skin], USA: Colorado, Park Co., 6km S of Lake George, 13 July 1947, coll. R.L. Schultz; 5 females ( OSAL 0 0 83657, 0 0 83662, 0083665-0083667) from Colaptes auratus (Linnaeus) ( Piciformes : Picidae ) [in skin], USA: California, Yolo Co., Davis, 38.54°N 121.74°W (USGS-GNIS), 7 May 1954, coll. J.R. Douglas.

Holotype deposition. OSAL.

Etymology. The species name is dedicated to an expert in prostigmatan mites parasitizing birds, Dr. Eliza Glowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland).

Differential diagnosis. This new species is close to Anharpyrhynchus monstrosus ( Fritsch, 1954) . In females of both species, an articulated segment of legs III is distinctly developed, and bears two apically and one basally situated setae, there are eight pairs of additional setae. These species differ from each other by the following features. In A. elizae sp. nov., palpalae dG are 1.5 times longer than dF and l”G, setae vi, ve, and si are 50–60 long and setae se and c2 are 20–25 long, and the setae of legs IV are not strongly thickened, basal width about 3. In A. monstrosus , palpalae dG and dF are subequal and 1.8–2 times longer than l”G, setae vi, ve, and si are 25–37 long and setae se and c2 are 14–16 long, and the setae of legs IV are strongly thickened, basal width about 7.


Ohio State University Acarology Laboratory
















Anharpyrhynchus elizae

Klompen, Hans 2014

Harpyrhynchus monstrosus

Moss 1979: 381
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