Planipapillus Reid, 1996

Douch, James K. & Reid, Amanda L., 2023, A new species of Planipapillus (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae) that defies the original concept of its genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria (Mem. Mus. Vic.) 82, pp. 257-262 : 258

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2023.82.10

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scientific name

Planipapillus Reid, 1996


Planipapillus Reid, 1996 View in CoL

Diagnosis (emended from Reid, 2000b). Colour pattern: longitudinal light-coloured band along dorsal midline and short, dark, transverse bars or blotches along midline dorsal to legs; light dorsolateral transverse patches in line with legs and light patches laterally between legs (components are variably present within and among species). Males with or without an ovoid patch of reduced papillae posterior to eyes. Females with or without crural papillae. Oviparous.

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