Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins (1955: 32)
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Felipe (2021-07-24 14:43:53, last updated 2021-07-24 14:44:00) |
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Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins (1955: 32) |
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23. Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins (1955: 32) . Hexaptera scapigera Philippi (1862a: 389) . Type:— ARGENTINA. [Provincia de Mendoza]. Portezuelo del Portillo (de los Piuquenes), lado de Mendoza, 1861−1862, W. Díaz s.n. (holotype SGO 63958 View Materials !).
Perennials, scapose or not, with simple or branched woody caudex. Stems (3.1−)6−40(−52) cm, erect, 1 to several from base, simple or branched, sparsely to densely hirsute with antrorse to spreading, terete, simple trichomes 0.4− 0.9 mm long. Basal leaves rosulate; petioles (1–)2−10(−12) cm long; blade oblanceolate in outline, pinnatifid to pinnately lobed, (0.7−)2−10(−15) × (0.3−)0.6−3.5(−5) cm, hirsute; lobes oblong to ovate, obtuse to rounded; cauline leaves when present petiolate to sessile, smaller that basal ones. Racemes terminal and less frequently axillary, ebracteate, densely flowered, corymbose, elongated in fruit, 3−15 cm long; rachis hirsute, straight; fruiting pedicels divaricate to ascending, 5−15 mm long, straight, hirsute, slender, strongly expanded at apex. Sepals ovate to oblong, (1.7−)2−5 × (1−) 1.5−3 mm, hirsute, erect, not saccate, caducous, margin membranous; petals white to creamy white, linear or narrowly to broadly spatulate or obovate, (2.4−)3.4−9(−10.5) × 1.4−2.5 mm, slightly to strongly clawed, densely papillate at base; stamens tetradynamous; filaments erect, dilated and densely papillate at base, white, (1.4−) 2.2−7.4 mm long, median pairs united to 1/3−4/5 of their length; anthers oblong, 0.8−1.4 mm long; nectar glands confluent, subtending bases of all filaments. Fruits subglobose, glabrous; valves 3(or 5)- winged, obscurely veined, (3.5−)4−10 × 3.2−8(−9) mm; lateral and dorsal wings well developed, entire, flat or slightly undulate, 0.5−2 mm wide; gynophore 0.5−3 mm long; style 1−3 mm long; stigma capitate. Seeds oblong, 2.5−3.5 × 1.52 mm, wingless, plump to somewhat compressed; cotyledons obliquely incumbent.
Phenology:— Flowers mainly from November to March.
Key to the subspecies of Menonvillea scapigera
1. Stems (3.1–)4.2–17.7(–21.4) cm, generally unbranched above; blade of basal leaves (0.7–)1–3.8(–5.7) × (0.3–)0.6–2.3(– 4.2) cm; cauline leaves when present few, sessile to subsessile, to 2(–2.7) cm long; sepals (3–)3.3–4.5(–5) mm long; petals (5.4–)6.2–9.1(–10.5) mm long; filaments (3.3–)4.8–6.9(–7.4) mm long....................................................... subsp. scapigera
- Stems (7.1–)13–40(–52) cm, generally branched above; blade of basal leaves (0.8–)2.2–10(–15) × (0.7)–1.2–3.5(–5) cm; cauline leaves 1.3–3.8(–4.8) cm long; sepals (1.7–)2.2–3.4(–3.9) mm long, petals (2.4–)3.4–5.2(–5.8) mm long; filaments (1.4–)2.2–3.8(–4.4) mm long .......................................................................................................................... subsp. longipes
23.1 Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins subsp. scapigera
Stems (3.1–)4.2–17.7(–21.4) cm, simple and scapose or rarely branched, with cauline leaves. Blade of basal leaves (0.7–)1–3.8(–5.7) × (0.3–)0.6–2.3(–4.2) cm; cauline leaves when present few, sessile to subsessile, to 2(–2.7) cm long. Racemes terminal. Sepals (3–)3.3–4.5(–5) × 2.5−3 mm; petals, linear to narrowly spatulate, (5.4–)6.2–9.1(– 10.5) mm long, strongly clawed; filaments (3.3)–4.8–6.9(–7.4) mm long.
Distribution and habitat:— This subspecies is endemic to the Argentinean provinces of Mendoza, Neuquén, and San Juan. It grows on loose rocks and basaltic soils at elevations between 2200 and 4300 m ( Fig. 14B).
Taxonomic notes:— Menonvillea scapigera subsp. scapigera differs from the related M. famatinensis by having pinnately lobed basal leaves shorter than the racemes and filaments of median pairs of stamens united to 1/ 3−4/5 of their length. By contrast, M. famatinensis has dentate basal leaves longer than the racemes and filaments united to 1/5−1/4 of their length.
Representative Specimens:— ARGENTINA. Mendoza: Depto. Luján de Cuyo, Los Vallecitos , 8 January 1950, Semper s.n. ( MERL 13063 About MERL ) ; Depto. Malargüe, Ruta Provincial 322, entre Las Leñas y Valle Hermoso, 22 November 2010, Zuloaga et al. 12353 ( SI) ; Depto. San Carlos, Ruta 98, ca. 13 km al W de Casa de Piedra, 25 January 1985, Hunziker et al. 11317 ( SI) ; Depto. San Rafael, Hotel Termas del Sosneado , sobre ladera rocosa, 22 November 2010, Zuloaga et al. 12380 ( SI) ; Depto. Tunuyán, Ruta provincial 94, entre Los Manantiales y Real de Piedras Coloradas, 12 January 2003, Cocucci 2252 ( SI) . Neuquén: Depto. Minas, Cordillera del Viento, cruzada de Tricao Malal al Cajón de Butaló , no date, Boelcke et al. 11604 ( BAA) . San Juan: Depto. Calingasta, Cordillera de Ansilta, paso del Espinacito , 11 January 1953, Castellanos s.n. ( LIL 15514 View Materials ) .
23.2 Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins subsp. longipes (Rollins) Prina (2001: 94) . Menonvillea longipes Rollins (1955: 29) . Type:— ARGENTINA [Provincia de la Rioja]. En las cercanías de la quebrada, 2 a 4 leguas mas Arriba del Vallecito, Sierra Famatina, 21 January 1879, G. Hieronymus & G. Niederlein 609 (holotype GH!; isotype G!).
Menonvillea hookeri Rollins (1955: 30) . Hexaptera pinnatifida Gillies & Hook. in Hooker (1830: 350), non Menonvillea pinnatifida Barnéoud in Gay (1846: 181). Type:— CHILE. Quebrada de Rios, in valle Andinum Chilensium, J. Gillies s.n. (holotype K!; isotype E!).
Menonvillea perstylosa Rollins (1955: 34) . Type:— CHILE. [Región de Los Ríos]. Province of Valdivia , E. Reid s.n. (holotype K!; isotype GH!, fragm. ex K) .
Stems (7.1–)13–40(–52) cm, branched above or rarely simple. Blade of basal leaves (0.8–)2.2–10(–15) x (0.7)– 1.2–3.5(–5) cm; cauline leaves generally present, smaller than basal ones, less divided, petiolate to subsessile, 1.3– 3.8(–4.8) cm long. Racemes terminal and axillary. Sepals (1.7–)2.2–3.4(–3.9) × (1−) 1.5−2 mm; petals obovate to broadly spatulate, (2.4–)3.4–5.2(–5.8) × 1.5−2.5 mm, slightly clawed; filaments (1.4–)2.2–3.8(–4.4) mm long.
Distribution and habitat: —This subspecies is distributed in Argentina (La Rioja, Mendoza, and Neuquén provinces) and Chile (regions Metropolitana de Santiago, VI Libertador O´Higgins, VII Maule, VIII Bio Bío and XIV Los Ríos). It grows on rocky soils and slopes at 1100−2500(− 3300 m) ( Fig. 14C).
Taxonomic notes: — Rollins (1955) separated Menonvillea hookeri , M. longipes , and M. pertylosa from M. scapigera mainly by characters such as plant height, stem branching, presence vs. absence of cauline leaves, and length of flowers and silicles. As pointed out by Prina (2001), however, the entire complex seems to represent a continuous range of morphological variation, possibly associated with altitudinal ranges. Plants of higher elevations have larger flowers and reduced stems (to scapose habit), while those of lower altitudes have smaller flowers and longer stems with well-developed cauline leaves. Based on analyses using morphological and molecular characters, Salariato et al. (2012) concluded that M. scapigera subsp. longipes (including M. hookeri and M. perstylosa ) cannot be differentiated from M. scapigera subsp. scapigera by an unambiguous character combination and that the two entities are extremes of a continuous, altitudinal morphological variation that does not necessarily represent a genealogical ancestry. Therefore, the subspecific rank seems to be more appropriate than the recognition of independent species.
Representative Specimens:— ARGENTINA. Mendoza: Depto. Las Heras , entre Villavicencio y Cruz del Paramillo, 26 December 1947, Ruíz Leal 11078 ( MERL) ; Depto. Luján de Cuyo, Cerro del Medio, Estancia El Salto, 4 December 1938, Ruíz Leal 5482 ( LIL, MERL) ; Depto. Malargüe, Cerros del Portezuelo de Borbarán , 20 km NW de Agua Escondida, ruta provincial 180, 2 February 2008, Al-Shehbaz 824 ( MO, SI) ; Depto. San Carlos, Refugio Militar Gral. Alvarado, entrada a la Reserva Laguna del Diamante , 30 January 2008, Al-Shehbaz 812 ( MO, SI) ; Depto. San Rafael, valle del Río Atuel, planta Mina de Azufre , 80 km W de El Sosneado, 24 January 1963, Boelcke et al. 10222 ( BAA) ; Depto. Tunuyán, en cerros aridísimos cerca de puesto El Manzano, 15 December 1933, Ruíz Leal 1739 ( MERL) ; Depto. Tupungato , camino de San José a Potrerillos, 14 November 1975, Roig 8832 ( MERL) . Neuquén: Depto. Añelo , Sierra Auca Mahuida, November 1953, Fabris 906 ( LP) ; Depto. Chos Malal, Chos Malal , Cerro de la Virgen, 16 November 1969, Ancibor et al. s.n. ( BAB 90166 View Materials ) . CHILE. Región Metropolitana de Santiago: Prov. Chacabuco, Com. Colina, Cordillera de Santiago, mina las Arañas , January 1853, without collector ( SGO 49214 View Materials ) ; Prov. Cordillera, Com. San José de Maipo, Parq. Nac. El Morado, Cajón del Morales , 13 January 1991, Teillier et al. 2518 ( CONC) ; Prov . Santiago, Com. Lo Barnechea, Santuario de la Naturaleza Yerba Loca, ladera NO del estero de la Yerba Loca, Sector Quebrada Agua Blanca, 29 February 2000, Arroyo et al. 202088 ( CONC, SGO). VI Libertador O´Higgins: Cachapoal, Machalí, Cordillera del Teniente Sewell , Río Coya , 22 February 1942, Jiles 19 ( CONC, SI) ; Prov. Colchagua, Com. San Fernando, Termas de Flaco , 3 January 1959, Montero 6055 ( CONC) . VII Maule: Prov. Curicó, Com. Romeral , orillas de la Laguna de Teno, 9 March 1967, Marticorena & Matthei 842 ( CONC) . VIII Bíobio: Prov. Ñuble, Com. Coihueco, Cordillera de Chillán , no date, without collector ( SGO 49212 View Materials ) .
Gay, C. (1846) Flora Chilena, tomo I. Fain & Thunot, Paris, 493 pp.
Hooker, W. J. (1830) On a New Genus of Plants of the Nat. Ord. Cruciferae, from the Andes of Chili and Mendoza. Botanical Miscellany 1: 349 - 352.
Philippi, R. A. (1862 a) Botanica. Sertum mendocinum. Catalogo de las plantas recojidas en Mendoza i en el camino entre esta provincia i Chile por el portezuelo del Portillo, por don Wenceslao Diaz en los anos 1860 i 1861. Anales de la Universidad de Chile 21: 389 - 407. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5354 / 0365 - 7779.1862.2575
Prina, A. O. (2001) Nuevas combinaciones en Menonvillea (Brassicaceae). Hickenia 3 (26): 93 - 94.
Rollins, R. C. (1955) A revisionary study of the genus Menonvillea (Cruciferae). Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 177: 3 - 57.
SI |
Museo Botánico (SI) |
W |
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Fundación Miguel Lillo |
K |
Royal Botanic Gardens |
GH |
Harvard University - Gray Herbarium |
Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas (IADIZA, CRICYTME) |
MO |
Missouri Botanical Garden |
LP |
Laboratory of Palaeontology |
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria |
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural |
Universidad de Concepción |
NO |
Tulane University Herbarium |
VI |
Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins (1955: 32)
Salariato, Diego L., Zuloaga, Fernando O. & Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A. 2014 |
Menonvillea scapigera (Phil.) Rollins subsp. longipes (Rollins)
Prina, A. O. 2001: ) |
Rollins, R. C. 1955: ) |
Menonvillea hookeri
Rollins, R. C. 1955: ) |
Gay, C. 1846: 181 |
Hooker, W. J. 1830: 350 |
Menonvillea perstylosa
Rollins, R. C. 1955: ) |