Masamia, Lee & Emery, 2013

Lee, Young June & Emery, David, 2013, New genera and species of Leptopsaltriini (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae) from India and Tibet, with the descriptions of five new subtribes, Zoosystema 35 (4), pp. 525-535 : 530-531

publication ID 10.5252/z2013n4a6

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name


gen. nov.

Masamia View in CoL n. gen.

TYPE SPECIES. — Masamia huweii n. sp., by present designation.

ETYMOLOGY. — The new genus is dedicated to Dr Masami Hayashi in acknowledgment of his considerable contributions to cicada taxonomy.

DIAGNOSIS. — Fore wing ulnar cells and apical cells not partitioned. Length between bifurcation point into M vein and M1+2 vein and bifurcation point into M vein and M3+4 vein of fore wing less than twice the length between bifurcation point into M vein and M3+4 vein and base of M vein. Nodal line viewable on fore wing ulnar cell 3 and medial cell. Hind wing without infuscation along bases of apical cells 1, 2, and 3. Posterior margin of male abdominal tergite 3 much wider than mesonotum.


Head including eyes slightly narrower than mesonotum. Inner area of pronotum lighter than pronotal collar. Lateral pronotal collar not dentate. Posterior pronotal collar very narrow.Wings hyaline, with many infuscations on fore wing. Fore wing venation normal, with ulnar cells and apical cells not partitioned. Length between bifurcation point into M vein and M1+2 vein and bifurcation point into M vein and M3+4 vein of fore wing less than twice the length between bifurcation point into M vein and M3+4 vein and base of M vein. Nodal line viewable on fore wing ulnar cell 3 and medial cell. Hind wing without infuscation along bases of


apical cells 1, 2, and 3. Male operculum very small, slightly longer than wide, not extending beyond posterior margin of sternite II. Male abdomen cylindrical, much longer than head and thorax together. Posterior margin of male abdominal tergite 3 much wider than mesonotum. Timbal cover short, much wider than long. Male abdominal sternite III with tubercle-like projection on each centrolateral surface. Male pygofer elliptical in ventral view. Distal shoulder not pointed. Uncus not bifurcate, short. Basal lobes of pygofer absent. Aedeagus thick.











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