Aegidium asperatum Preudhomme de Borre, 1886, 1912

Frolov, Andrey V., Akhmetova, Lilia A. & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2017, Revision of the mainland species of the Neotropical genus Aegidium Westwood (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae), Journal of Natural History 51 (19 - 20), pp. 1035-1090 : 1081-1082

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Carolina (2021-05-10 17:59:59, last updated 2024-11-26 07:26:44)

scientific name

Aegidium asperatum Preudhomme de Borre, 1886


Aegidium asperatum Preudhomme de Borre, 1886

( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (a–f))

Aegidium asperatum Preudhomme de Borre 1886: 25

Aegidium asperatum Preudhomme de Borre : Arrow 1904: 738, 1912: 31; Schmidt 1913: 70; Cartwright and Chalumeau 1978: 19; Blackwelder 1944: 217; Paulian 1984: 79

Type locality

Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito.

Type material examined

Holotype, male ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (a,c,d)) at IRSNB labeled ‘Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. Ecuador E. Devilie/ Aegidium asperatum Bone R. Paulian det./ Aegidium sp. nov.!/HOLOTYPE’.

Additional material examined

COLOMBIA. Two females at MNHN. Antioquia: one male at CMN, La Estrella, September 1960, Forster leg. ECUADOR. Guayas: two males at MHNG, Naranjal , December 1984, Voirin leg . Pichincha: one female at CEMT, Quito, 2800 m, 22 February 1982, S. Lasso leg .


Aegidium asperatum is most similar to Ae. cribratum and differs from it largely by the denser punctation of elytra ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (a,b)).


Male ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (a–e)). Body length 14.5–20.0 mm. Colour uniformly blackish brown to brown.

Anterior margin of frontoclypeus slightly convex in middle, slightly sinuate each side of medial convexity, angulate and protruding laterally, without distinct border or slightly upturned. Frontoclypeus punctate with rounded punctures separated by about 1–2 puncture diameters.

Eyes relatively large: width about 1/7 distance between eyes in dorsal view.

Pronotum with widely rounded lateral margins, slightly wider than elytra, 1.6 times wider than length, 0.55 times length of elytra. Posterior angles widely rounded, indistinct. Anterior margin bordered, border interrupted medially and not reaching anterior angles. Base of pronotum without furrow, punctate with a row of large, rounded, punctures separated by about 1–2 puncture diameters. Pronotal disc deeply excavated, with flattened to slightly convex area mediobasally. Lateral pronotal processes long, horn-shaped in lateral view, not protruding past lateral margin outline of pronotum in dorsal view. Medial excavation of pronotum punctate with elongate punctures, lateral processes almost smooth, covered with a few rounded punctutes.

Scutellum narrow subtriangular, about 1/11 length of elytra.

Elytra 1.2 times longer than wide, with humeral and apical umbones, widest in basal 1/3, and tapering apically in dorsal view. Elytral carinae feebly distinct. Elytra covered with relatively dense elongated punctures on disc and along suture and becoming rounded at apices and along lateral sides.


Mesotibiae without tuft of setae ventroapically. Inner apical spur of mesotibia shorter than basal mesotarsomere and not curved downwards.

Aedeagus with relatively long (0.55 times length of phallobase), tapering parameres ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (c)). Parameres almost as wide as apical part of phallobase in dorsal view ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (d)). Ventrobasal transverse plate of parameres distinct. Lateral teeth of parameres feebly protruding past paramere outline in dorsal view ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (d)). Endophallus without strongly sclerotised sclerites. Cranial part of spiculum gastrale narrow, tapering and rounded apically ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (e)).

Female differs from male in having protibial spur, relatively smaller pronotum without armature and in absence of inner protibial tooth. Body length 13.0–15.0 mm.


The holotype differs from the other two male specimens in having smaller pronotum with poorly developed, tubercle-shaped lateral processes ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (a)).


Aegidium asperatum is known from three localities in Ecuadorian and Colombian Andes ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 (f)).

Arrow GJ. 1904. XXVII. Sound-production in the Lamellicorn Beetles. Trans Royal Ent Soc London. 52: 709 - 750.

Arrow GJ. 1912. Pachypodinae, pleocominae, aclopinae, glaphyrinae, ochodaeinae, orphninae, idiostominae, hybosorinae, dynamopinae, acanthocerinae, troginae. In: Coleopterorum catalogus. Berlin: Junk, W.; p. 1 - 66.

Blackwelder RE. 1944. Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Bull US Nat Mus. 185: 189 - 265.

Cartwright OL, Chalumeau FE. 1978. The superfamily scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera). Bredin-Archbold- Smithsonian biological survey of Dominica. Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 1 - 32.

Paulian R. 1984. Les Orphnidae Americains (Coleopteres, Scarabaeoidea). Ann Soc Ent Fr (N S). 20: 65 - 92.

Preudhomme de Borre A. 1886. Descriptions de deux especes nouvelles du genre Aegidium Westwood suivies de la liste des Orphnides du Musee royal d' histoire naturelle de Belgique. Ann Soc Ent Belg. 30: 24 - 26.

Schmidt A. 1913. Coleoptera. Lamellicornia. Fam. Scarabaeidae. Subfam. Aegialinae, Chironinae, Dynamopinae, Hybosorinae, Idiostominae, Ochodaeinae, Orphninae. Bruxelles: V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet.

Gallery Image

Figure 16. Aegidium asperatum, holotype male (a, c, d), male (b, e). Habitus in dorsal view (a, b), aedeagus in lateral view (c), parameres in dorsal view (d), spiculum gastrale (e), locality map (f).


Belgium, Brussels, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Canadian Museum of Nature


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle













