Reticycla drosopoulosi, VISMARA, 2020

VISMARA, GIULIA, 2020, Corrispondenze e interazioni tra suono spazio e corpo, strategie per un design sonoro dello spazio, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (2), pp. 127-138 : 128-129

publication ID 10.25432/vismara-giulia_phd2020-06-24

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scientific name

Reticycla drosopoulosi


Reticycla drosopoulosi View in CoL Shcherbakov, sp.n.

Figs 1–12 View Figs 1–4 View Figs 5–8 View Figs 9–12 .

MATERIAL. Holotype tegmen PIN 5026 View Materials /2134±; paratypes: tegmina PIN 5026 View Materials /2133±, 5340/516±, 1356±; hind wing PIN 5340 View Materials / 1349; females PIN 5340 View Materials /521, 1355; Khasurty , 10 km S of Tsakir, Zakamensk district, SW Buryatia, Russia; Lower Cretaceous.

DESCRIPTION. Tegmina 10.8–12.5 mm long, more or less elongate (2.4–2.9:1). Costal margin arched evenly or more so near base. Basal cell strongly tapered distally and deflected posteriad from longitudinal axis of tegmen (CuA base arched). Prenodal R branches faint. Branches of RA with 9–10, RP with 4–5, M with 4–8, CuA with 3–4 terminations, all these together with 22–26 terminations and about twenty or more crossveins. Tegmina with distinct colour pattern: pale, dark-margined markings at anterior and posterior nodus, and either small pale spots on dark background or darkened main vein stems on pale background; base of tegmen darkened. Hind wing about 10 mm long, r-m developed, M with 3 terminations, CuA2 characteristically bent. Female body 11.3–13.0 mm long. Postclypeus large, much inflated, with transverse muscle impressions. Antenna length subequal to head height; flagellum of about ten elongate segments, proximal 4 times, distal 3 times as long as wide. Pronotum with anterolateral depressions, in posterior zone with rough transverse striae. Fore legs apparently not modified. Hind tibiae slender, with minute widely spaced lateral teeth and apical pecten. Ovipositor almost not extending beyond tip of abdomen, no longer than tegmen width; inner valvulae with serrate section near apex.

VARIATION. Of the four isolated tegmina, two are slightly shorter, less elongate, darker and pale-speckled (holotype and PIN 5340/1356), and two others are a bit longer, more elongate and paler with reduced specked pattern (PIN 5026/2133, 5340/516). The degree of the costal margin convexity, number of postnodal R branches on dSc, position of M fork, relative length of the postnodal part and development of pale areas are also somewhat variable. By analogy with Vietocycla peregrina Shcherbakov, 1988, showing sexual dimorphism in size and colour pattern of tegmina, I tentatively consider all the specimens as representing the two sexes of R. drosopoulosi . Another possibility is colour polymorphism, as in some spittlebugs and leafhoppers [ Drosopoulos et al., 2010; Tishechkin, 2012].

ETYMOLOGY. To the memory of a Greek expert in

Auchenorrhyncha, Sakis Drosopoulos (1944–2014).













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