Paramycodrosophila vicenziae, Frech-Telles & Gottschalk & Valente-Gaiesky, 2024

Frech-Telles, Marcos Henrique, Gottschalk, Marco Silva & Valente-Gaiesky, Vera Lúcia da Silva, 2024, Shifting the known richness of Paramycodrosophila Duda, 1924 (Diptera: Drosophilidae): the description of nineteen new species in the Neotropical region, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20230105) 68, pp. 1-113 : 37-38

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2023-0105

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scientific name

Paramycodrosophila vicenziae

sp. nov.

Paramycodrosophila vicenziae n. sp.

( Figs. 39 View Figure 39 , 40 View Figure 40 , 83A View Figure 83 , 90D View Figure 90 )

Material examined: Holotype male, labelled as follows:“BRA [= Brazil] – MG [= State of Minas Gerais] – Bocaina de Minas (22°19’46.69”S, 44°32’31.3”W) Data: 21.xi.2020 - 05.xii.2020 Col.: Telles MHF; Vicenzi N OBS.: Armadilha [=Trap] Malaise”; “ Paramycodrosophila vicenziae n. sp. Frech-Telles, Valente-Gaiesky, Gottschalk, ♂ Holotype ” [ MZUSP] GoogleMaps . Holotype condition: Right wing was detached instead of the left wing.

Diagnosis. Flies dark with several lighter areas forming a mottled pattern; head with pale slightly reddish face, frons mostly in dark colors, antennae mostly same color as face; long dark brown curved upwards palps, scutum mostly dark brown with yellow and greyish areas fused resembling a uppercase “M” anteriorly; legs with femora and tibiae yellow with two dark brown rings each, femora with one basal and one sub-apical and tibiae with one sub-basal and one sub-apical; wings infuscated with large black apically pointy costal lappet; abdomen with tergites yellow and brown. Posterior hypandrial process present. Phallus tubular and thick, projected ventrally, with a narrow more sclerotinized dorsal band, the band has two sub-apical projections as the lateral margins of phallotrema, phallus with two jaggy latero-ventral transversal brands projected ventrally; the phallus has micro-ornamentations on its anterior half which is more sclerotinized.

Description. Holotype. Head ( Figs. 39A, C View Figure 39 ): pale with black and brown marks; eyes red, pubescent; Face with a narrow prominent carina; scape same color as face; pedicel same color as face, apically lighter; flagellomere 1 light yellow with some slightly darker areas, compressed; arista with six dorsal and one ventral branches, and terminal fork; frons same color as face and brown; fronto-orbital plate same color as face, dark brown to black at the base of and p rc frorb s and posteriorly, at the base of pc frorb s and a rc frorb s slightly darker; fronto-orbital setae black; pc frorb s lateral and slightly anterior of a rc frorb s; distance between pc frorb s and a rc frorb s = 0.03 mm, between pc frorb s and p rc frorb s = 0.09 mm, and between a rc frorb s and p rc frorb s = 0.08 mm; frontal vitta same color as the face, brown posterior of the height of the pc frorb s; frontal triangle same color as face, brown posterior to the height of the middle of the ocellar triangle, large; ocellar triangle black, prominent; postocellar setae black, almost meeting at the tip; genae light yellow, dark at the ventral half; clypeus dark brown; labrum brown with lighter marks; labellum brown. Thorax ( Figs. 39B, C View Figure 39 ): dark brown almost black and yellow with greyish marks; scutum dark brown almost black with several marks; v1 greyish, fine, larger at the anterior first fifth; v2 and v3 dark brown almost black; v4 greyish; v5 dark brown almost black; v6 yellow with a large dark brown mark in the supra alar region; v5 converges with v3 near the dorsocentral setae; transverse suture dark brown almost black; six regular rows of acrostichal setulae, acrostichal setulae become scarce posterior of the height of the anterior dorsocentral setae; postpronotum light yellow; anterior dorsocentral setae smaller than posterior; scutellum dark brown almost black, lighter medially between the apical and basal scutellar setae, lighter at the vertex of the anterior and lateral scutellar margins, base of the setae darker; basal scutellar setae curved inwards; apical scutellar setae convergent, curved inwards, crossing; pleura yellow with dark brown marks, one transversal continuous light yellow band above the margin of katepisternum; proepisternum dark brown, ventral half lighter, light medial transversal band; anepisternum yellow with dark brown band at dorsal margins, two dark brown spots near the dark brown band partially fused; anepimeron yellow with brown transversal brown band; katepisternum dark brown progressively lighter towards ventral margin; meron brown; legs yellow with dark brown marks; coxae yellow with brown marks; femora yellow with two dark brown rings, one basal and one sub-apical; tibiae yellow with two dark brown rings, one sub-basal and one sub-apical band. Wings ( Fig. 39F View Figure 39 ): faint darker patch present bellow costal lappet; R 4+5 and M 1 very slightly convergent; R 2+3 slightly curved to costal at its tip; halter brown, knob apically light yellow progressively darker basally; index: C = 1.99, ac = 2.96, hb = 0.63, 4c = 1.19, 4v = 2.05, 5x = 1.86, M = 0.66, prox. x = 0.50. Length = 2.63 mm, width = 1.13 mm. Abdomen ( Figs. 39D, E View Figure 39 ): T1 dark brown almost black; T2 dark brown almost black sub-laterally interrupted in yellow, medially lighter; T3 dark brown almost black sub-laterally interrupted in yellow, yellow spot at the anterior margin sub-laterally of the central brown area; T4 yellow with large dark brown almost black caudal band that reaches the anterior margin medially and laterally with broad slope, sub-laterally yellow, laterally dark brown almost yellow; T5 yellow with brown caudal band that reaches the anterior margin medially and laterally with sharp slope; T6 yellow, faint brown caudal band medially reaching the anterior margin, sub-laterally yellow laterally brown; sternites from first to last increasingly darker; intersegmental membranes light. Terminalia ( Figs. 40 View Figure 40 , 90D View Figure 90 ): epandrium is approximately equal width and length, with microtrichia, with 12 upper setae and two lateral setae; ventral lobe large, broad, glabrous, with around seven long setae. Cerci highly projected posteroventrally, not fused to the epandrium, glabrous, with very long setae. Subepandrial sclerite squarish, membranous.Surstylus broad with many prensisetae, inner and outer setae.Hypandrium, longer than wide; shorter than epandrium, with a broad and short posterior hypandrial process. Pregonites fused to the hypandrium laterally, not fused medially. Postgonites long and slim. Phallapodeme slim, smaller than phallus, almost straight. Body length: 2.33mm.

Etymology. Named after Natália Vicenzi, biologist and one of the collectors of the holotype.


Museum of Zoology


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

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